
BigBlueButton 0.8 发布

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Open Source Web Conferencing for Distance Education
New Release
BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system for distance education. Our goal is to provide remote students a high-quality learning experience.

The BigBlueButton project is proud to announce the release of BigBlueButton 0.80:
  • Record - BigBlueButton now records audio, slides and chat from your on-line classes
  • Playback - Playback recorded session in HTML5 browser (FireFox and Chrome)
  • Improved Audio - Built-in VoIP audio has lower latency compared to previous releases of BigBlueButton
  • Integration with Matterhorn - Use BigBlueButton to capture lectures for playback using Opencast Matterhorn
For more information see our Release Notes and Project Home Page . For instructions on how to set up your own BigBlueButton server, click the link below:
Moodle Integration
The BigBlueButtonBN activity module allows you to easily create, manage, and join BigBlueButton sessions from within Moodle 2.X. The plug-in also supports record and playback in BigBlueButton 0.80.

"We prefer that our users choose software that specialises in those features and use it alongside Moodle. Fortunately, with BigBlueButton, the world finally has a powerful and clean open source solution that works great and integrates seamlessly with Moodle, from a team that is concentrated on doing one thing well, like us. We use BigBlueButton ourselves for our Moodle developer meetings! Congrats on the 0.80 release, guys - keep it up!"
-- Martin Dougiamas, creator of Moodle.
Sakai Integration
The Sakai Meeting Tool integration gives Sakai users the ability to easily create, manage and join BigBlueButton sessions from within a Sakai worksite. The meeting tool allows users to access the recordings from within Sakai.

"The release of the latest version of BigBlueButton 0.80, bringing closer integration with Sakai in support of real-time lecture broadcast and recording, and it significantly strengthens the choice of open source solutions for distance learning available to our community ."
-- Ian Dolphin, Executive Director, Sakai Foundation

Notes from the core development team
BigBlueButton is created by a dedicated team of core developers who believe in the entrepreneurial opportunities and social benefits of building an open source web conferencing system for distance education. To see the History of BigBlueButton Project which covers our efforts from the past four years.

Finally, this is our first mailing to users who have given us their e-mail for project updates. If you don't want to receive future e-mails, please click unscubscribe below.
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