Adding External JARs
Note: It is much better to reference jars that exist in your project or in other projects - this allows you to check in all of your dependencies to your version control system. (You are using version control, right?)
Use one of the following methods.
Method 1
This is the preferred method, as it allows different developers of a common project to locate their external jars in different places.
- Right click the project name and navigate to Build Path.
- Select Configure Build Path... and the project properties window will appear showing your build path configurations.
- Click Add Variable...
- Click Configure Variables...
- Click New...
- Type a name for the new variable. For example, if these are jars for Tomcat, perhaps call it TOMCAT_JARS
- Browse to the directory that contains the jar for the path. (You can also select a specific jar file for the variable, if you prefer.)
- Click Ok to define the variable
- Click Ok to close the preferences dialog
- Select the variable from the list
- Click Extend...
- Select the jar(s) that you want to add to the classpath
- Click Ok to close the extend dialog
- Click Ok to close the new classpath variable dialog
- Click Ok to close the build path setup dialog
If you share the project with someone else, they must also define the variable. They can define it under Window->Preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables
Method 2
Note that if you use this method, the external jar will need to be in the same location on the hard drive for anyone who uses this project. This can make sharing a common project more difficult.
- Right click the project name and navigate to Build Path.
Select Add External Archives...
- Locate and select the JARs you want and click Open. The JARs will now appear in Referenced Libraries.
Method 3
Note that if you use this method, the external jar will need to be in the same location on the hard drive for anyone who uses this project. This can make sharing a common project more difficult.
- Right click the project name and navigate to Build Path.
- Select Configure Build Path... and the project properties window will appear showing your build path configurations.
- Select the Libraries tab.
- Click Add External JARs...
Locate and select the JARs you want and click Open. The JARs will now appear in the list of libraries in the build path.
- Click OK to close the properties window. The JARs will now be in Referenced Libraries.
See more:
How To Add JARs to Project Build Paths in Eclipse - Java | Guide « Wonder How To
在Java开发环境中,引入外部JAR包是常见且必要的操作,尤其当项目依赖于特定库或框架时。本文将深入探讨如何通过Java命令行来引入并执行包含外部JAR包的程序,以此来理解其机制与操作流程。 ### 一、理解JAR包 JAR...
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