
[#0x0001] initializer

  • Java

  A block-formed initializer can be appended after the fields declared.
  If the fields are static, the initializer can also be static too, which means it's only executed once. If the initializer is not static, it will be executed as many times as the class constructor will be, even if the fields are static.
  The non-static fields can not be initialized in a static intializer.

//@file Bookshelf.java

class Book   
    Book(int id)   
        System.out.println("This is book No." + id);   
class Bookshelf   
    // case 1:   
    Book b1;  
    Book b2;   
        b1 = new Book(1);  
        b2 = new Book(2);  
    //This is book No.1   
    //This is book No.2   
    //This is book No.1   
    //This is book No.2   
    //case 2:   
    static Book b1;   
    static Book b2;   
        b1 = new Book(1);   
        b2 = new Book(2);   
    //This is book No.1   
    //This is book No.2   
    //case 3:   
    static Book b1;  
    static Book b2;  
        b1 = new Book(1);  
        b2 = new Book(2);  
    //This is book No.1   
    //This is book No.2   
    //This is book No.1   
    //This is book No.2   
    //case 4:   
    Book b1;  
    Book b2;  
        b1 = new Book(1);  
        b2 = new Book(2);  
    //output: error   
class InitBlockTest   
    public static void main(String[] arg)   
        new Bookshelf();   
        new Bookshelf();   




class Test

public class InitializerTest
	public static void main(String[] args)
		new Test();
		new Test();


  另:在声明field的时候,常常会当场初始化field,这个称为variable intializer (更倾向于将声明field的表达式右值称为variable initializer)。根据field是否static及初始化是否调用了static方法,variable initializer有的属于class行为,有的属于object行为。static initializer完全属于class行为。





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