我们经常使用Httpwatch查看HTTP的传输数据。那java能不能做到呢? 下面我们就讲一下如何通过java在windows上获取网卡的数据包,这里我们使用了开源的WinPcap,还有jNetPcap,jNetPcap是对接了WinPcap来截获网卡数据包。
1. 在自己的机器上安装WinPcap。 http://www.winpcap.org/install/default.htm
2. 下载jNetPcap, http://jnetpcap.com/download. 下载下来之后解压,里面2个重要文件jnetpcap.jar,jnetpcap.dll
3 在eclipse里新建工程,把jnetpcap.jar加入library. 然后参考如下代码实现网卡截包:
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jnetpcap.Pcap; import org.jnetpcap.PcapIf; import org.jnetpcap.packet.JPacket; import org.jnetpcap.packet.JPacketHandler; import org.jnetpcap.protocol.tcpip.Http; import org.jnetpcap.protocol.tcpip.Tcp; /** * Capture the netword card packages * */ public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { List<PcapIf> alldevs = new ArrayList<PcapIf>(); // Will be filled with // NICs StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder(); int r = Pcap.findAllDevs(alldevs, errbuf); if (r == Pcap.NOT_OK || alldevs.isEmpty()) { System.err.printf("Can't read list of devices, error is %s", errbuf.toString()); return; } for (PcapIf pif : alldevs) { System.out.println(pif.getName()); } PcapIf pif = alldevs.get(0);//select the device which you want to monitor /*************************************** * open the device ***************************************/ int snaplen = 64 * 1024; // Capture all packets, no trucation int flags = Pcap.MODE_PROMISCUOUS; // capture all packets int timeout = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds in millis Pcap pcap = Pcap.openLive(pif.getName(), snaplen, flags, timeout, errbuf); if (pcap == null) { System.err.printf("Error while opening device for capture: " + errbuf.toString()); return; } /* * We have an opened the capture file now time to read packets. We use a * Pcap.loop function to retrieve 10 packets from the file. We supply an * annonymous handler which will receive packets as they are read from the * offline file by libpcap. We parameterize it with a StringBuilder class. * This allows us to pass in any type of object we need inside the our * dispatch handler. For this example we are passing in the errorbuf object * so we can pass back a string, if we need to. Of course in our example * this is not strictly needed since our anonymous class can access errbuf * object directly from the enclosing main method as that local variable is * marked final allowing anonymous classes access to it. */ pcap.loop(Pcap.LOOP_INFINITE, new JPacketHandler<StringBuilder>() { /** * We purposely define and allocate our working tcp header (accessor) * outside the dispatch function and thus the libpcap loop, as this type * of object is reusable and it would be a very big waist of time and * resources to allocate it per every dispatch of a packet. We mark it * final since we do not plan on allocating any other instances of Tcp. */ final Tcp tcp = new Tcp(); /* * Same thing for our http header */ final Http http = new Http(); /** * Our custom handler that will receive all the packets libpcap will * dispatch to us. This handler is inside a libpcap loop and will receive * exactly 10 packets as we specified on the Pcap.loop(10, ...) line * above. * * @param packet * a packet from our capture file * @param errbuf * our custom user parameter which we chose to be a StringBuilder * object, but could have chosen anything else we wanted passed * into our handler by libpcap */ public void nextPacket(JPacket packet, StringBuilder errbuf) { /* * Here we receive 1 packet at a time from the capture file. We are * going to check if we have a tcp packet and do something with tcp * header. We are actually going to do this twice to show 2 different * ways how we can check if a particular header exists in the packet and * then get that header (peer header definition instance with memory in * the packet) in 2 separate steps. */ if (packet.hasHeader(Tcp.ID)) { /* * Now get our tcp header definition (accessor) peered with actual * memory that holds the tcp header within the packet. */ packet.getHeader(tcp); System.out.printf("tcp.dst_port=%d%n", tcp.destination()); System.out.printf("tcp.src_port=%d%n", tcp.source()); System.out.printf("tcp.ack=%x%n", tcp.ack()); } /* * An easier way of checking if header exists and peering with memory * can be done using a conveniece method JPacket.hasHeader(? extends * JHeader). This method performs both operations at once returning a * boolean true or false. True means that header exists in the packet * and our tcp header difinition object is peered or false if the header * doesn't exist and no peering was performed. */ if (packet.hasHeader(tcp)) { //System.out.printf("tcp header::%s%n", tcp.toString()); } /* * A typical and common approach to getting headers from a packet is to * chain them as a condition for the if statement. If we need to work * with both tcp and http headers, for example, we place both of them on * the command line. */ if (packet.hasHeader(tcp) && packet.hasHeader(http)) { /* * Now we are guarranteed to have both tcp and http header peered. If * the packet only contained tcp segment even though tcp may have http * port number, it still won't show up here since headers appear right * at the beginning of http session. */ System.out.printf("http header::%s%n", http); /* * jNetPcap keeps track of frame numbers for us. The number is simply * incremented with every packet scanned. */ } //System.out.printf("frame #%d%n", packet.getFrameNumber()); } }, errbuf); /* * Last thing to do is close the pcap handle */ pcap.close(); } }
在运行以上代码之前还需要加上jvm参数,为了让jnetpcap找到jnetpcap.dll,我们在vm parameters加入以下参数:
这里的E:\jnetpcap 就是jnetpcap.dll放置的目录。
1. **数据包捕获基础**:数据包捕获是指在网络层抓取传输的数据单元,通常用于故障排查、安全审计和性能分析。常见的数据包捕获工具有Wireshark和 tcpdump。 2. **IP协议**:IP(Internet Protocol)是互联网协议的...
Java抓取数据包和网络基础是IT领域中的一个重要分支,主要涉及如何利用Java语言来捕获网络通信中的数据包,并理解网络通信的基本原理。在这个主题中,我们可以学习到以下关键知识点: 1. **网络基础**:首先,我们...
burpsuit 抓取非http数据包工具,。
在C语言中抓取和分析IP数据包涉及以下步骤: 1. 打开网络接口:使用socket API创建一个RAW socket,允许直接访问底层网络协议,例如`socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP)`。 2. 绑定接口:使用`bind()`函数将...
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标题提到的"捕获IP数据包的小程序"通常是指一个轻量级的应用程序,用于监测和记录网络通信中传输的IP(Internet Protocol)数据包。这些数据包包含了网络上的所有通信信息,包括源地址、目标地址、协议类型、数据...
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然后,使用`ioctlsocket()`函数配置网卡接收所有数据包,并可以选择是否处理IP头。最后,通过`recv()`函数获取原始数据包。 数据包的结构通常包括以下几个部分:数据包、IP头、TCP头(或UDP头)以及数据本身。当...
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请求的url:https://blog.qihooyun.cn/ 响应内容:https-test 方便自己以后查看,不必每次都重新抓取一个包了。 Server端设置了keep-alive为65秒。