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啊喔,过去了这么久,不过还是评一个。谁说uuid的hashCo ...
高并发生成订单号(二) -
yclovesun 写道使用了uuid,为什么还要machin ...
高并发生成订单号(二) -
使用了uuid,为什么还要machineId?uuid已经可以 ...
高并发生成订单号(二) -
Circular Countdown jQuery Plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO
The circular shaped countdown plugin is used in white background. Faded red is used for days, faded orange is for hour, faded saffron is for minute and faded yellow is for second. The full round of filling color means one unit. If the circle of second becomes full of color then it stands for one second.
Coconut – Jquery Countdown Plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO
Here 4 different circles of different sizes are used. Smallest circle is used for days and the size increases with hours, minute and second respectively. Dark brown color is used in the rounds and the background is faded green.
Dynamic Countdown with Counter – MORE INFO / DEMO
No box or circle is used in this format. Only the digits are used in this format. Countdown is made in the reverse direction with the decrease of the digits. Theme color and the background can be set as per your choice.
JBMarket Circular Countdown - MORE INFO / DEMO
We can see this type of countdown timer in the websites which are under construction. Here circular countdown divisions are used instead of square box. The circle of day, hour, minute and second is in different colors. Mainly red used for day, blue is for hour, green is for minute and yellow is for second.
LuxCountdown - MORE INFO / DEMO
Many boxes are used here with default color theme. The colors are blue, yellow, pink, orange, green and sky blue. Matrix theme is also available here. One other theme is Steel theme.
Easy Countdown – MORE INFO / DEMO
This comes in an array of color themes and is ideal for websites that are going to launch. It does not require a database and you also can integrate social icons. In addition, a contact form can be integrated, so that web visitors can send queries before the launch of the site.
jsCountdown - MORE INFO / DEMO
This jQuery countdown comes in 14 different skins. It also has a png format template file that you can make your own. It is easy to setup and does not require a JavaScript library or CSS file. It can be used to display a message or redirect web visitors to a different webpage when the counter reaches zero.
Broadcast Countdown Widget - MORE INFO / DEMO
If you run a Wordpress site, you will love this widget! You can add countdown header text as well as finish text after the countdown reaches zero. You can set the timer for recurring events and comes with a jQuery date and time picker to make selection easy and convenient.
Premium jQuery Script
It is a modern and useful countdown script. There are the individual boxes for day, hour, minutes and second. The countdown is calculated in the digital system. Here are some of the premium scripts.
JavaScript Animated Counter - MORE INFO / DEMO
This is a JavaScript counter that is simple but eye-catching because of the animation. It can be used to present increasing or decreasing values, such as total income or the total number of visitors. It also can be used as date and time or text display or even as a clock. It can be used for campaign and product launches to show the time remaining before the launch.
Fancy Countdown – jQuery plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO
This is a jQuery plugin that can be customized. It is extremely easy to use and you also can set a target date with a specific time zone. This plugin has a rather extensive API.
jQuery Plugin – KK Countdown - MORE INFO / DEMO
This plugin is free and can be used to countdown to a particular date in the future. It is simple, but effective. It shows days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Littlewebthings CountDown - MORE INFO / DEMO
Although a JavaScript animated countdown, it is compatible with jQuery and easy to integrate. It is easily skinable and comes with start, stop and reset functionalities. It also allows you to omit the week from countdown if you like.
jQuery Countdown Plugin by David Walsh -MORE INFO / DEMO
This plugin is similar to the one in file sharing sites, such as RapidShare and MegaUpload. However, this particular plugin animates the CSS font of the second and offers visitors a little reward at the end.
jQuery Countdown plugin that doesn’t sucks! - MORE INFO
Although in the Beta phase, this jQuery countdown plugin offers great animation. The developer wants to include a callback in the future and other interesting functionalities and features. It is just 7.5K in size.
Countdown Time jQuery Plugin by Web Muse -MORE INFO
This simple jQuery countdown plugin allows you to see the countdown for a specific date. It can be used for product launches or campaigns. It uses JavaScript to update the seconds in the countdown and when the time reaches zero, it stays at zero rather than going into minus.
Countdown / Construction page - MORE INFO / DEMO
It is the classical countdown meter with black background. It looks like a digital calendar and digits are decreased with time.
Coming soon landing page - MORE INFO / DEMO
It is another classical countdown meter and looks like the analog version. It is used in the landing page of the website.
FlipTimer - MORE INFO / DEMO
It comes with 8 beautiful color themes that are ready to use. Even the template is attractive and it comes with a contact form that visitors can fill out for queries.
Free jQuery Countdown Scripts
Here is a list of the free countdown scripts that you can use on your site.
jQuery Countdown - MORE INFO
This particular plugin can show the countdown to a given time. There are many different options to choose from and all options come with examples as well as codes.
Countdown – MORE INFO
This is a rather flexible JavaScript flip clock that can be used with or without images. You can countdown days, hours, minutes and seconds.
ajax 实现文件上传
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html 锚点跳转
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js正则表达式 字符检测
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ajax 加载有顺序依赖时,可以通过这个来设置AJAX的异步为同步
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js 获取验证码倒计时
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小悬浮窜口 div
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jquery 禁止修改表单中的所有域
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jquery 分页
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jquery 自动补全方案
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jquery 时间控件的调用
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jQuery 15个精彩片段
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JEECG 上传头像,图片并切割
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**jQuery倒计时插件详解** 在Web开发中,倒计时功能经常被用于各种应用场景,如活动开始时间提醒、考试倒计时等。jQuery,作为一款轻量级的JavaScript库,提供了丰富的API来简化DOM操作,使得创建倒计时插件变得...
例如,如果抢购活动倒计时30秒,间隔时间为1秒,我们可以这样创建一个倒计时器: ```java CountDownTimer countDownTimer = new CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) { @Override public void onTick(long ...
本文将详细讲解如何使用jQuery实现一个可调节的倒计时功能,并探讨相关的时间格式化技巧。 首先,倒计时是网页应用中常见的功能,通常用于预告活动开始、产品上线等场景。在jQuery中,我们可以利用JavaScript的Date...
本文将详细讲解如何利用jQuery实现一个倒计时功能,并着重阐述如何设置几天、小时、分钟和秒等属性,以及如何在倒计时结束后显示特定提示。 首先,我们需要理解倒计时的基本原理。倒计时是通过计算当前时间与设定...
在这个项目中,我们将深入探讨如何使用jQuery实现一个倒计时器。 首先,我们需要理解jQuery的基本使用。jQuery通过简洁的语法来处理DOM操作、事件处理和动画效果。例如,我们可以使用`$`符号来选择元素,然后对这些...
`time.js`可能是这个倒计时插件的主要实现文件,它包含了具体的计时逻辑和更新界面的代码。在该文件中,开发者可能使用了`new Date()`来创建一个表示当前时间的实例,然后通过比较目标日期和当前日期计算出剩余的...
《jQuery经典Demo详解:探索30个精彩实例》 jQuery,作为一款强大的JavaScript库,以其简洁的API和高效的功能,深受Web开发者的喜爱。这里我们聚焦于30个经典的jQuery Demo,它们涵盖了从基础交互到复杂动画的各种...
HTML5作为现代网页的标准,其离线存储、拖放功能、媒体元素等特性并未直接影响到这个倒计时插件。然而,由于FlipTimer通常会嵌入到HTML页面中,因此良好的HTML结构对于无障碍访问和SEO优化至关重要。 在压缩包中,...
这个“jQuery 抽奖转盘demo”利用jQuery库和旋转效果(rotate)来实现一个动态且吸引用户的抽奖界面。jQuery作为一个轻量级的JavaScript库,因其简洁的API和丰富的插件支持,使得开发此类功能变得相对简单。 ### 1....
`demo.png`可能是这个倒计时效果的一个预览图,让用户在部署前能直观地看到最终展示的样子。这对于设计和测试阶段非常有用,确保倒计时的视觉效果符合预期。 `images`文件夹可能包含与倒计时相关的图片资源,如图标...
您想在您的网页上显示一个倒计时吗?您想学习jQuery插件开发吗?剥求您把我收了吧,而且本人还会提供技术支持哦。 本压缩包内容: api文档,一看就懂 src源码,有注释,您可以自己学习,自己修改。 demo示例,超简单...
6. **配置选项**:jQuery Webcam Plugin支持丰富的配置选项,如设置摄像头分辨率、拍照前的倒计时、是否开启音频等,以适应不同的应用场景。 7. **兼容性**:虽然基于HTML5的getUserMedia,但该插件通常会通过Flash...
在58同城上,倒计时代码是一种常见的技术应用,用于显示特定事件或优惠结束前的时间剩余。这种功能可以激发用户紧迫感,鼓励他们尽快采取行动。以下是对58同城倒计时代码及相关知识点的详细解释: 1. **HTML与...
以及 图片数字背景滚动显示,文件名:demo_dataScroll),倒计时插件(图片倒计时 jquery-jCountdown-datetime),以及多个倒计时效果(countDownMore),其他两个简易滚动效果仅供参考。 以上效果,是基于jq版本
例如,一款限时优惠的商品可能会显示一个倒计时,告知用户还有多少时间可以享受优惠价格。 "下架时间"是电商系统中的一个重要概念,指的是商品从货架上移除的预定时间。商家通常会设定商品的上架和下架时间以管理...