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蛇形走线有什么作用 -
anlx27 写道Jathon_hs 写道不错, lz很有钻研 ...
关于暴风影音的广告问题& .dll文件 -
因为我电脑里装的一直是很早版本的暴风。所以一直没有广告……呵呵 ...
关于暴风影音的广告问题& .dll文件 -
zhoutaomtv 写道LS的钻研精神值得称赞,虽然我已经很 ...
关于暴风影音的广告问题& .dll文件 -
LS的钻研精神值得称赞,虽然我已经很久不用暴风了,一直使用KM ...
关于暴风影音的广告问题& .dll文件
本文介绍了新入手STM32时常遇到的一个错误...\OutProj\test.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SystemInit (referred from startup_stm32f10x_md.o).的解决方法。
4. `.\Obj\STM3210C-EVAL.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol STM_EVAL_LEDToggle (referred from app.o)` 5. `.\Obj\STM3210C-EVAL.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol LCD_Clear (referred from bsp.o)` ...
编译工程时提示如下信息:main.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol __BASEPRICONFIG (referred from stm32f10x_nvic.o)... 解决办法:工程缺少“cortexm3_macro.s”文件,把cortexm3_macro.s和STM3210x.s全部...
首先,S32K144是NXP推出的一款32位汽车级MCU,属于S32K系列,面向实时嵌入式控制应用,如汽车电机控制、传感器接口等。该芯片常用于需要高可靠性及低功耗的场合。在开发时,需要使用适合该系列的开发套件和软件包。 ...
在链接过程中可能会遇到类似下面的错误提示:“..\obj\LowCostDA.axf:Error:L6218E:Undefined symbol assert_failed (referred from stm32f10x_flash.o)”。 **解决方案**: 1. 如果使用的是调试模式库(STM32F10xD...
实测可用。... (2) Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol get_fattime (referred from ff.o). 该错误为默认FATFS是使能RTC功能的,解决方式:这里可以将其关闭 ffconf.h #define FF_FS_NORTC 1 关闭
STM32F102xx, STM32F103xx and STM32F105xx/STM32F107xx will be referred to as STM32F10xxx throughout the document, unless otherwise specified. The STM32F10xxx is a family of microcontrollers with ...
STM32L162xx and STM32L100xx value line will be referred to as STM32L1xxxx throughout the document, unless otherwise specified. The STM32L1xxxx is a family of microcontrollers with different memory ...
The STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx, STM32F103xx and STM32F105xx/STM32F107xx will be referred to as STM32F10xxx throughout the document, unless otherwise specified. The STM32F10xxx is a family of ...
xat聊天嵌入这提供了一种通过使用小标签将聊天组嵌入WordPress的方法。安装: 下载此插件: : 在您的WordPress插件管理...id="216013814" type="flash" height="400" width="550"] 名称是您的聊天名称ID是您的聊天ID。...
例如,错误 `L6218E: Undefined symbol LCD_CtrlWrite_S6B33B1X (referred from MiscFunctions.obj)` 表示链接器在MiscFunctions.obj中引用了`LCD_CtrlWrite_S6B33B1X`这个符号,但在链接时未能找到该符号的定义。...
STM32F102xx, STM32F103xx and STM32F105xx/STM32F107xx will be referred to as STM32F10xxx throughout the document, unless otherwise specified. The STM32F10xxx is a family of microcontrollers with ...
The STM32F101xx and ST32M103xx will be referred to as STM32F10x throughout the document. The STM32F10x is a family of microcontrollers with different memory sizes, packages and peripherals. For ...
undefined external“UART1_ISR”referred in startup。 这是因为串口1中断向量没有定义,解决方法是定义串口1中断向量。 7. 头文件路径错误 Fatal Error[Pe005]: could not open source file "stdio.h" 这是...
Error: Undefined symbol Main (referred from 2440init.o) 以及“scatter-load file declares no heap or stack regions and __user_initial_stackheap is not defined”错误,这表明链接器未能找到`Main`符号或...
STM32F102xx, STM32F103xx and STM32F105xx/STM32F107xx will be referred to as STM32F10xxx throughout the document, unless otherwise specified. The STM32F10xxx is a family of microcontrollers with ...
- 在编译时遇到“undefined external“UART1_ISR”referred in startup”的错误,可能是因为你在代码中引用了一个未定义的中断服务例程。在这种情况下,你应该检查中断向量的定义,确认它们是否与实际使用的名称...