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Linux平台(Fedora 16/15, CentOS/RedHat(RHEL)6/5.7)下在线安装AdobeReader




This is guide shows, howto install and keep up-to-date Adobe Reader (Acrobat PDF Reader) current version 9.4.2 with YUM on Fedora 16/15/14/13/12, CentOS 6/5.7, Red Hat (RHEL) 6.1/6/5.7. This method works both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. This method also installs working Adobe PDF Reader plugin on Mozilla Firefox browsers.

1. Change Root User

sudo -i
## OR ##
su -

2. Install Adobe YUM Repository RPM package

rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

3. 1) or 2) according youself!

  1)Fedora 16/15/14/13/12 and Red Hat (RHEL) 6

   Note: On x86_64 bit system, 32-bit dependencies is also installed.


## English version ##
yum install nspluginwrapper.i686 AdobeReader_enu
## Check other language versions with following command ##
yum list AdobeReader*
Available Packages
AdobeReader_chs.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_cht.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_dan.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_deu.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_enu.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_esp.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_fra.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_ita.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_jpn.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_kor.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_nld.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_nor.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_ptb.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_suo.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_sve.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386

  2)CentOS 5.7, Red Hat (RHEL) 5.7

   Note: On x86_64 bit system, 32-bit dependencies is also installed.


## English version ##
yum install AdobeReader_enu 
## Check other language versions with following command ##
yum list AdobeReader*
Available Packages
AdobeReader_chs.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_cht.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_dan.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_deu.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_enu.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_esp.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_fra.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_ita.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_jpn.i486                     9.4.1-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_kor.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_nld.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_nor.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_ptb.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_suo.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386 
AdobeReader_sve.i486                     8.1.7-1                      adobe-linux-i386

4. Start Adobe Reader (acroread)

Find Adode Reader on “Office Menu”.
Start Adobe Reader with following command.


If Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader won’t start and you get following error:
SELinux is preventing /opt/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread from
making the program stack executable.

Then run following command to fix SELinux rights:

chcon -t execmem_exec_t '/opt/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread'

Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader 9.4.2 Running on Fedora 15 64-bit:

Adobe Reader running on Fedora 15 64-bit

Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader 9.3.1 Running on CentOS 5.5:

5. Adobe Reader (Acrobat PDF Reader) Browser Plugin

Browser plugin is installed automatically.
Check plugin working, simply with writing about:plugins on Mozilla Firefox browser:

32-bit Adobe Reader browser plugin on Fedora 15 64-bit:32-bit Adobe Reader plugin on Fedora 15 64-bit Firefox

32-bit Adobe Reader browser plugin on Fedora 14 32-bit:






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