Gradient Progress control
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Development Environment: VC5, 95
This is a simple class to display a gradient fill progress control. It works just like the normal progress control. The main enhancements are that you can customize the colors and toggle the percentage caption's visibility.
The control can be incorporated into a project like any other CProgressCtrl derived control. Either create the control manually, subclass an existing CProgressCtrl, or use ClassWizard to DDX_control it. The actual code for the progress control is located in GradientProgressCtrl.h and GradientProgressCtrl.cpp. I haven't fully tested it's robustness, although I don't suspect that it will fail miserably. Most of the work happens in the DrawGradient(...) function, which also uses Keith Rule's MemDC class. The sample project also uses Chris Maunder's ColourPicker. Both of these classes are included in the sample project and can be downloaded elsewhere at this site.
It is derived from CProgressCtrl so all standard CProgressCtrl functions are available. Additional functions are listed below.
I hope someone gives it a good home :). Please let me know of any problems or improvements. Thanks and good luck.
Member Set Functions
void SetTextColor(COLORREF color) // Set the percentage text color
void SetBkColor(COLORREF color) // Set background color
void SetStartColor(COLORREF color) // Set starting color
void SetEndColor(COLORREF color) // Set ending color
void ShowPercent(BOOL bShowPercent = TRUE) // Show the percent caption?
Member Get Functions
COLORREF GetTextColor(void)
COLORREF GetBkColor(void)
COLORREF GetStartColor(void)
COLORREF GetEndColor(void)
Last updated: 18 May 1998
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