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My Friend is Baidu P6 senior interaction designer, dressed in the UE leather PM, focus on mobile Internet, concerned about the mobile phone product design, and her great experience of mobile product design, this time she summed up the 15 “mobile phone product design taboo” very useful also valuable. Do mobile phone product design process, meet a lot of seemingly small and can easily be overlooked, it is these small problems, again deeply moved by the user’s patience, let your heart resentment. The friends of the business for no real combat, few pay attention on details, often encountered similar problems, stressed repeatedly, I feel better to write down and give new encourage each other.
1, did not click on the effect of
The general button there will be four states not clickable effect, you can click on the effect of focusing the state, press the state. If your button is in an unusable state, then it must be greyed out or remove the button, or else give users misleading.
2, the menu hierarchy is too deep
Menu items 5 to 7 is appropriate if there are two menu, it is necessary to note that a reasonable classification of the menu, you can not have too many levels of menu, otherwise difficult to predict, it is difficult to find, to find and return will be a lot of trouble .
3, the text length is not to be limited
Mobile phone interface is very small, high cost of land, one can only display the list of six to 10, a line can only display 10 to 16 words, the number of words in the title bar to 5 or less, the tab bar 2 to 3 an appropriate, then this text is too long, must define the approach, if you choose, usually truncate or RBI abbreviated; if it is content to read, you can wrap. But the most reasonable way to streamline the text, to shorten the length of the text.
4, the text ideographic unknown
Since the phone is the fragments of time, fragmentary reading, so the requirements of the intended nature of the text on the table in the mobile phone interface higher, more demanding, we must cast a glance in the user to instantly and accurately convey information. In addition to the the ideographic clear, requiring language to streamline, to avoid Hello repetitious; use the language of the user rather than the language of the program; product copy reflect product personality.
5,Interactive process branch too
Do interact, there must be a task flow concept through to the end user to complete a task using the software, interaction designers, in addition to concern the interface elements, to jump logical and interactive feedback, but also focus on user tasks, distinguish the main task and the secondary characters, a clear process to the main task of a barrier-free, do not give too many possible branch to interfere with the main flow.
6, the related options are far apart
Related options must have continuity in the operation, the phone screen looks to be much smaller than the computer screen, but the cost of mobile phone on the screen, but better than moving the mouse on the computer cost of a large, if the phone on the relevant election election from very far away, the user first, easy to get lost and can not find the next step, the second is the need to move the finger to the screen the other end to trigger action.
7, a load too much data
Traffic, power, speed and stability of the four fixed target of mobile phone products to enhance browsing speed and browsing experience, to ensure the stable performance of the application, if your application can not reasonably help the user to save traffic, electricity, do not talk about user experience. You can preload the cache, bulk load, dynamic refresh, server-side data compression to ensure the province, fast, stable basis of experience.
8,Button click range is smaller than it looks
We all know that the mobile side there is a magic number “44″, according to the distance of the index finger, the smallest touch distance 7mm thumb minimum tap 9mm, the design can be deduced from the smallest touch distance is 44 * 32 px. You can design a nice small icon, but to define the size of its touch, but can be done to enlarge deal with, but you do not design a silly icon, tap the range than the icons smaller, which would give users obvious misuse frustration.
9, the tab has no affiliation with the content
Tab with the content need to have a good linkage between general an interface has two labels is complicated enough, do not have three labels, four labels. Each tab has its own unique content, when the switch labels, followed by switching. The tab is to click the switch, the content part of the overall refresh tab if it is a sliding switch, content pages have to follow the sliding switch, do not be a point, a slip.
10, all operations are exposed
Interaction design of mobile phone products to experience reduced, hidden, additional process of the organization, do not attempt to what function, what operations are exposed to highlight the strong. You need all the features of the application all operations to be a priority setting, and those commonly used in 20% of the functionality on the interface position, the other 80% of operating on a secondary position, or reasonably classified organization hidden.
11, no empty data interface design.
The design is often idealized scenario, users have come, how we play. However, often when the application has just launched, there is no users, even when the application of a certain user base, the new incoming users to open applications, the application may still be a data state, and then clear or when a user The full data for these three cases, the user may encounter the empty data interface. Novice designers often without design, this time users will see a blank interface, lost their sense. Experience in practice is to provide an emotional interface, tell the user currently has no content; more to guide the sexual practice is to guide the user to perform operations.
12, the user guide of abuse
Last year predicted that the user guide will be flooding, obviously design department like nice boot interface tells the user the new features or hide the application, but not all applications, all of the features fancy boot. If the function is generic, non-focus module, do not need to boot; if it is a lightweight boot function to inform only; version of the update instructions, manual style guide can be used, but be concise.
13, no load in the state.
Mobile phone products need networking, you need to exchange data, will need to provide a load in the state, whether it is the the chrysanthemum turn Toast or dialog box, you need to develop a global definition, and to inform the loading mode (front loading) or non-modal (background loading). And to take into account the load time is too long, the network switch is not turned on, the network is disconnected, respectively, how to deal with.
14, logic of undefined Back
Do the design for the Android, it comes to hardware interaction, including the use of Back button, is a science, the Android official there are some guiding principles can learn, but the specific development when there was still a lot of special circumstances, such as a single instance of replacement, keyboard, and some intermediate state, this case, the Back may need to be defined, the return to a previous instance (it would need to become a multi-instance) or the return to the initial state (empty input content or restore the initial state).
15, no landscape mode design
Due to horizontal screen mode, the vertical space becomes particularly valuable, navigation bar, tab bar, the keyboard needs to be squashed sideways patterns must consider the adaptation of the simple tension or re-design, if your application is not suitable in the transverse screen mode, the shield sideways if your application includes the application widget needs to support the sideways mode (or even cross-screen machines with a sliding keyboard), you need to design programs. If it is the S60V5 this vertical high machines, or even need to be redesigned.
As interaction designer of mobile phone products, designed to circumvent the problem, improve product user experience, the experience into value, is the realm of what we are after. Contraindications of mobile phone design, I encountered a number of design issues, and welcome brightest master synergistic complement to the problems encountered by common and to avoid reinventing the wheel.
A部分的单词和短语翻译考察了多种领域,包括文化(martial arts, cultural taboos)、军事(military forces)、法律(property law)、经济(World Economic Forum)、广告(public-service advertisements)和教育...
4. **禁忌**(Taboos) 除了上述提到的,还有一些禁忌需要注意。例如,饮酒在伊朗是非法的,公开展示过于亲密的行为也被视为不适当。此外,谈论敏感的政治或宗教话题应谨慎,避免引发不必要的争议。 了解并遵守...
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仓库管理系统(一个毕设) 毕业设计项目《仓库管理系统(manager_sys)》的概述和指南: 项目标题 《基于Spring MVC和Vue.js的仓库管理系统设计与实现 —— 毕业设计项目》 项目概述 本项目是一个基于Spring MVC、Spring Security、Spring、MyBatis、PageHelper和Vue.js框架的仓库管理系统。系统旨在提供高效、安全的库存管理解决方案,包括权限管理、商品管理、订单处理和库存预警等功能。 系统特点 权限管理:利用Spring Security实现基于角色的访问控制(RBAC),动态分配权限。 业务流程:涵盖商品、订单、库存的完整操作流程,确保库存管理的准确性。 日志记录:通过Spring AOP实现操作日志的记录,便于追踪和审计。 数据统计:首页展示商品销量统计图和每日销售统计图,直观展示业务状况。 系统预览 登录和首页:用户登录后进入系统首页,查看统计信息。 产品管理:管理商品信息,包括添加、修改、删除等操作。 订单管理:处理订单,包括创建订单、更新库存等。 权限管理:管理用户角色和权限。 日志管理:查看系统操作日志。 运
A星算法 A*算法 自己研究编写的Matlab路径规划算法 Astar算法走迷宫 可自行设置起始点,目标点,自由更地图。 ——————————————————— 可以和人工势场法融合 动态障碍物
《MATLAB神经网络原理与实例精解》是一本深度学习初学者的理想教程,它全面涵盖了神经网络的基础理论以及MATLAB实现方法。这本书旨在帮助读者理解神经网络的工作原理,并通过具体的MATLAB实例,让读者能够动手实践,从而深入掌握神经网络在实际问题中的应用。 神经网络是一种模仿人脑神经元结构的计算模型,它由大量的处理单元——神经元组成,通过权重连接形成复杂的网络结构。在深度学习领域,神经网络被广泛用于图像识别、语音识别、自然语言处理等任务,因其强大的非线性建模能力而备受青睐。 MATLAB作为一个强大的数值计算和数据可视化环境,为构建和训练神经网络提供了便利的工具箱。MATLAB神经网络工具箱(Neural Network Toolbox)包含了各种类型的神经网络模型,如前馈网络、卷积网络、递归网络等,以及训练算法,如反向传播、遗传算法等。通过这些工具,用户可以快速构建网络结构,调整参数,进行训练和验证,并将模型应用于实际数据。 本书首先会介绍神经网络的基本概念,包括感知机、多层前馈网络和反向传播算法。然后,将详细讲解如何在MATLAB中搭建这些网络,包括网络结构的设计、权重初始
Matlab领域上传的视频是由对应的完整代码运行得来的,完整代码皆可运行,亲测可用,适合小白; 1、从视频里可见完整代码的内容 主函数:main.m; 调用函数:其他m文件;无需运行 运行结果效果图; 2、代码运行版本 Matlab 2019b;若运行有误,根据提示修改;若不会,私信博主; 3、运行操作步骤 步骤一:将所有文件放到Matlab的当前文件夹中; 步骤二:双击打开main.m文件; 步骤三:点击运行,等程序运行完得到结果; 4、仿真咨询 如需其他服务,可私信博主; 4.1 博客或资源的完整代码提供 4.2 期刊或参考文献复现 4.3 Matlab程序定制 4.4 科研合作
ABAQUS动,静力学模型;车辆-轨道耦合动力学;钢轨不平顺程序;批量非线性弹簧;单向弹簧(收拉不受压或受压不受拉),温度耦合等。 轨道检算(超高,超限,出报告);土木建筑有限元建模分析。