Left bit shifting to multiply by any power of two
Approximately 300% faster.
x = x * 2;
x = x * 64;
x = x << 1;
x = x << 6;
Right bit shifting to divide by any power of two
Approximately 350% faster.
x = x / 2;
x = x / 64;
x = x >> 1;
x = x >> 6;
Number to integer conversion
Using int(x) is 10% faster in AS3. Still the bitwise version works better in AS2.
x = int(1.232)
x = 1.232 >> 0;
Extracting color components
Not really a trick, but the regular way of extracting values using bit masking and shifting.
var color:uint = 0x336699;
var r:uint = color >> 16;
var g:uint = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
var b:uint = color & 0xFF;
var color:uint = 0xff336699;
var a:uint = color >>> 24;
var r:uint = color >>> 16 & 0xFF;
var g:uint = color >>> 8 & 0xFF;
var b:uint = color & 0xFF;
Combining color components
‘Shift up’ the values into the correct position and combine them.
var r:uint = 0x33;
var g:uint = 0x66;
var b:uint = 0x99;
var color:uint = r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
var a:uint = 0xff;
var r:uint = 0x33;
var g:uint = 0x66;
var b:uint = 0x99;
var color:uint = a << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
Swap integers without a temporary variable using XOR
Pretty neat trick, it is explained in detail in the link at the top of the page. This is 20% faster.
var t:int = a;
a = b;
b = t;
a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;
This is much slower than the pre/post decrement operator, but a nice way to obfuscate your code ;-)
i = -~i; // i++
i = ~-i; // i--
Sign flipping using NOT or XOR
Strangely enough, this is 300%(!) faster.
i = -i;
i = ~i + 1;
i = (i ^ -1) + 1;
Fast modulo operation using bitwise AND
If the divisor is a power of 2, the modulo (%) operation can be done with:
modulus = numerator & (divisor - 1);
This is about 600% faster.
x = 131 % 4;
x = 131 & (4 - 1);
Check if an integer is even/uneven using bitwise AND
This is 600% faster.
isEven = (i % 2) == 0;
isEven = (i & 1) == 0;
Absolute value
Forget Math.abs() for time critical code. Version 1 is 2500% faster than Math.abs(), and the funky bitwise version 2 is again 20% faster than version 1.
//version 1
i = x < 0 ? -x : x;
//version 2
i = (x ^ (x >> 31)) - (x >> 31);
Comparing two integers for equal sign
This is 35% faster.
eqSign = a * b > 0;
eqSign = a ^ b >= 0;
Fast color conversion from R5G5B5 to R8G8B8 pixel format using shifts
R8 = (R5 << 3) | (R5 >> 2)
G8 = (R5 << 3) | (R5 >> 2)
B8 = (R5 << 3) | (R5 >> 2)
For instance, the Karatsuba algorithm is often used for fast multiplication of large numbers. 3. **Modular Arithmetic**: Cryptographic algorithms frequently use modular arithmetic, where operations ...
libfixmath is a platform-independent fixed point maths library aimed at developers wanting to perform fast non-integer maths on platforms lacking a (or with a low performance) FPU. It offers ...
- HashMap的迭代器是fail-fast的,而Hashtable的迭代器是legacy的。 6. **Collection 和 Collections的区别** - Collection是所有集合接口的根接口,代表一组元素。 - Collections是针对集合操作的工具类,提供...
Number类型的最大安全数值是`Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`,即9007199254740991,超过这个值的计算可能会出现不准确的结果。因此,当处理大数时,我们不能依赖于JavaScript的内置数据类型。 一种解决方法是使用字符串...
The math routines are pluggable which means you can use your own math provider if you want. Other standards PKCS #1 (v1.5 and v2.1 padding) PKCS #5 ASN.1 DER for SEQUENCE, INTEGER, BIT STRING, ...
document.getElementById("num").innerHTML = arr[parseInt(max * Math.random())]; } function start() { var timeId = setInterval("count();", 100); } function stop() { clearInterval(timeId); } ``` ...
- **预定义函数**:如`math.abs()`等,提供数学计算、字符串处理等功能。 ##### 2.2.3 Scope of Variables:变量的作用域 FISH支持局部变量和全局变量。局部变量仅在其定义的函数内可见,而全局变量在整个程序范围...
- **整数转换(Convert Integer A to Integer B)**: 将一个整数转换为另一个整数。 - **阶乘末尾0的个数(Factorial Trailing Zeroes)**: 计算一个整数阶乘结果末尾有多少个零。 - **唯一二叉搜索树(Unique Binary ...
PEP 3127: Integer Literal Support and Syntax PEP 3129: Class Decorators PEP 3141: A Type Hierarchy for Numbers The fractions Module Other Language Changes Optimizations Interpreter Changes New ...
- **数学(Math)** - 解决数学问题的算法。 - 实例问题:实现求最大公约数的算法。 - **最大公约数(GreatestCommonDivisor)** - 求两个或多个整数共有约数中最大的一个。 - 实例问题:给出两个正整数,求它们的...