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一直想翻译这篇文章,今天借Danny布置作业的机会,花了大半天时间把它翻完。发布之前搜了搜,在我之前还没有人翻译这篇David Reilly的<Top Ten Errors Java Programmers Make>,这里中文名暂定为《Java程序员最易范的十大错误》。
By David Reilly:Top Ten Errors Java Programmers Make
David Reilly:Java程序员最易范的十大错误
Whether you program regularly in Java, and know it like the back of your hand, or whether you're new to the language or a casual programmer, you'll make mistakes.
It's natural, it's human, and guess what? You'll more than likely make the same.mistakes that others do, over and over again. Here's my top ten list of errors that we all seem to make at one time or another, how to spot them, and how to fix them.
10. Accessing non-static member variables from static methods (such as main)Many programmers, particularly when first introduced to Java, have problems with accessing member variables from their main method.
10. 有许多程序员从静态方法中访问非静态成员(例如Main),尤其初次接触Java的人,他们的问题往往是出在从Main方法中访问成员变量。
The method signature for main is marked static - meaning that we don't need to create an instance of the class to invoke the main method. For example, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) could call the class MyApplication like this :
MyApplication.main ( command_line_args );
This means, however, that there isn't an instance of MyApplication - it doesn't have any member variables to access!
Take for example the following application, which will generate a compiler error message.
public class StaticDemo {
public String my_member_variable = "somedata";
public static void main (String args[])
// Access a non-static member from static method
System.out.println ("This generates a compiler error" + my_member_variable ); }
If you want to access its member variables from a non-static method (like main), you must create an instance of the object.
Here's a simple example of how to correctly write code to access non-static member variables, by first creating an instance of the object.
public class NonStaticDemo {
public String my_member_variable = "somedata";
public static void main (String args[]) {
NonStaticDemo demo = new NonStaticDemo();
// Access member variable of demo
System.out.println ("This WON'T generate an error" + demo.my_member_variable ); }
9. Mistyping the name of a method when overriding
9. 当覆盖时键入一个方法名
Overriding allows programmers to replace a method's implementation with new code. Overriding is a handy feature, and most OO programmers make heavy use of it.
If you use the AWT 1.1 event handling model, you'll often override listener implementations to provide custom functionality. One easy trap to fall into with overriding, is to mistype the method name. If you mistype the name, you're no longer overriding a method - you're creating an entirely new method, but with the same parameter and return type.
public class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter {
// This should be WindowClosed
public void WindowClose(WindowEvent e) {
// Exit when user closes window
System.exit(0); } };
Compilers won't pick up on this one, and the problem can be quite frustrating to detect. In the past, I've looked at a method, believed that it was being called, and taken ages to spot the problem. The symptom of this error will be that your code isn't being called, or you think the method has skipped over its code. The only way to ever be certain is to add a println statement, to record a message in a log file, or to use good trace debugger (like Visual J++ or Borland JBuilder) and step through line by line.
它不能通过编译,问题被显而易见的捕捉。在过去,我看见一个方法即相信它被调用和获得一个发现的问题。这个错误的症状将使你的代码不能被调用,或者你可以认为方法跳过了代码。一种曾经被认为唯一的方式是增加一个输入语句,在日志文件中记录一条信息,或者充分的利用跟踪调试程序(例如Visual J++ 或 Borland JBuilder)一行行的调试。
If your method still isn't being called, then it's likely you've mistyped the name.
8. Comparison assignment ( = rather than == )
8. 对照任务(= 胜于 ==)
This is an easy error to make. If you're used other languages before, such as Pascal, you'll realize just how poor a choice this was by the language's designers. In Pascal, for example, we use the := operator for assignment, and leave = for comparison. This looks like a throwback to C/C++, from which Java draws its roots.Fortunately, even if you don't spot this one by looking at code on the screen, your compiler will. Most commonly, it will report an error message like this : "Can't convert xxx to boolean", where xxx is a Java type that you're assigning instead of comparing.
7. Comparing two objects ( == instead of .equals)
7. 两对象的比较(== 替代 .equals)
When we use the == operator, we are actually comparing two object references, to see if they point to the same object. We cannot compare, for example, two strings for equality, using the == operator. We must instead use the .equals method, which is a method inherited by all classes from java.lang.Object.Here's the correct way to compare two strings.
当我们使用 "==" 操作符,看它们如果是指向同样的对象,我们实际上是比较了两个对象的引用。我们并不能真正的比较,例如,两个相等的的字符串使用"=="操作符。我们必须替换掉".equals" 方法,那是因为继承了一个来自java.lang.Object所有类方法。这里我们以正确的方式比较两个字符串。
String abc = "abc"; String def = "def"; // Bad way
if ( (abc + def) == "abcdef" ) { ... };/ Good way
if ( (abc + def).equals("abcdef") ) { ... }
6. Confusion over passing by value, and passing by reference
6. 混淆值的传递和引用传递
This can be a frustrating problem to diagnose, because when you look at the code, you might be sure that its passing by reference, but find that its actually being passed by value. Java uses both, so you need to understand when you're passing by value, and when you're passing by reference.
When you pass a primitive data type, such as a char, int, float, or double, to a function then you are passing by value. That means that a copy of the data type is duplicated, and passed to the function. If the function chooses to modify that value, it will be modifying the copy only. Once the function finishes, and control is returned to the returning function, the "real" variable will be untouched, and no changes will have been saved. If you need to modify a primitive data type, make it a return value for a function, or wrap it inside an object.
When you pass a Java object, such as an array, a vector, or a string, to a function then you are passing by reference. Yes - a String is actually an object, not a primitive data type. So that means that if you pass an object to a function, you are passing a reference to it, not a duplicate. Any changes you make to the object's member variables will be permanent - which can be either good or bad, depending on whether this was what you intended.On a side note, since String contains no methods to modify its contents, you might as well be passing by value.
5. Writing blank exception handlers
5. 编写空的异常处理
I know it's very tempting to write blank exception handlers, and to just ignore errors. But if you run into problems, and haven't written any error messages, it becomes almost impossible to find out the cause of the error. Even the simplest exception handler can be of benefit. For example, put a try { .. } catch Exception around your code, to catch ANY type of exception, and print out the message. You don't need to write a custom handler for every exception (though this is still good programming practice). Don't ever leave it blank, or you won't know what's happening.For example:
我知道空白的异常处理如忽略错误般非常的诱人。但是如果你在程序中运行的话,不会提示任何的错误提示,它会变得几乎不可能找到错误的原因。即使最简单的异常处理也是对程序排错极为有利的。例如,用一个try { .. } catch来包围你的代码,即可以捕获任何类型的异常和输出信息。你不需要为每一个异常写一个习惯性的处理方式(尽管这仍是一个好的编程习惯)不要让它留空白,因为你将不知道会发生什么。例如:
public static void main(String args[]) {
try { // Your code goes here.. }
catch (Exception e){
System.out.println ("Err - " + e ); }
4. Forgetting that Java is zero-indexed
4. 忘记在Java中数组是从0开始索引
If you've come from a C/C++ background, you may not find this quite as much a problem as those who have used other languages. In Java, arrays are zero-indexed, meaning that the first element's index is actually 0. Confused? Let's look at a quick .example:
// Create an array of three strings
String[] strArray = new String[3]; // First element's index is actually 0
strArray[0] = "First string";// Second element's index is actually 1
strArray[1] = "Second string"; // Final element's index is actually 2
strArray[2] = "Third and final string";
In this example, we have an array of three strings, but to access elements of the array we actually subtract one. Now, if we were to try and access strArray[3], we'd be accessing the fourth element. This will case an ArrayOutOfBoundsException to be thrown - the most obvious sign of forgetting the zero-indexing rule.
Other areas where zero-indexing can get you into trouble is with strings. Suppose you wanted to get a character at a particular offset within a string. Using the String.charAt(int) function you can look this information up - but under Java,the String class is also zero-indexed. That means than the first character is at offset 0, and second at offset 1. You can run into some very frustrating problems unless you are aware of this - particularly if you write applications with heavy string processing. You can be working on the wrong character, and also throw exceptions at run-time. Just like the ArrayOutOfBoundsException, there is a string equivalent. Accessing beyond the bounds of a String will cause a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException to be thrown, as demonstrated by this example.
其它地方的从0开始索引规则也会让你陷入困境,例如在字符串中。假设你想在一个字符串的特定偏移量中获得一个字符。使用String.charAt(int)函数你可以看到这个信息,基于Java,0开始索引规则在字符串中也同样适用。这意味着第一个字符的偏移量是0,第二个字符的偏移量是1。你可以很不 嚣于这一些,除非你已经完成了这点:编写了大量的包含字符串处理的应用程序。你可以在编写代码时出现错误的字符,可以通过抛出异常在运行的时候捕获它们。就像抛出一个
public class StrDemo {
public static void main (String args[]) {
String abc = "abc"; System.out.println ("Char at offset 0 :" + abc.charAt(0) );
System.out.println ("Char at offset 1 : " + abc.charAt(1) );
System.out.println ("Char at offset 2 : " + abc.charAt(2) );
// This line should throw a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
System.out.println ("Char at offset 3 : " + abc.charAt(3) ); } }
Note too, that zero-indexing doesn't just apply to arrays, or to Strings. Other parts of Java are also indexed, but not always consistently. The java.util.Date, and java.util.Calendar classes start their months with 0, but days start normally with 1. This problem is demonstrated by the following application.
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class ZeroIndexedDate {
public static void main (String args[]) {
// Get today's date
Date today = new Date();
// Print return value of getMonth
System.out.println ("Date.getMonth() returns : " + today.getMonth());
// Get today's date using a Calendar
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
// Print return value of get ( Calendar.MONTH )
System.out.println ("Calendar.get (month) returns : " + rightNow.get ( Calendar.MONTH ));
Zero-indexing is only a problem if you don't realize that its occurring.
If you think you're running into a problem, always consult your API documentation.
3. Preventing concurrent access to shared variables by threads
3. 防止线程在共享变量中并行存取
When writing multi-threaded applications, many programmers (myself included) often cut corners, and leave their applications and applets vulnerable to thread conflicts. When two or more threads access the same data concurrently, there exists the possibility (and Murphy's law holding, the probability) that two threads will access or modify the same data at the same time. Don't be fooled into thinking that such problems won't occur on single-threaded processors. While accessing some data (performing a read), your thread may be suspended, and another thread scheduled. It writes its data, which is then overwritten when the first thread makes its changes.
Such problems are not just limited to multi-threaded applications or applets. If you write Java APIs, or JavaBeans, then your code may not be thread-safe. Even if you never write a single application that uses threads, people that use your code WILL.
这样的问题不仅仅局限与多线程应用程序或小应用程序之中。如果你写过Java APIs或JavaBeans,那么你的代码可能不具线程安全性。即使你从不使用线程写一个单独的应用程序,人们也有会有使用你的代码的意愿。
For the sanity of others, if not yourself, you should always take precautions to prevent concurrent access to shared data.How can this problem be solved? The simplest method is to make your variables private (but you do that already, right?) and to use synchronized accessor methods. Accessor methods allow access to private member variables, but in a controlled manner.
Take the following accessor methods, which provide a safe way to change the value of a counter.
public class MyCounter {
private int count = 0; // count starts at zero
public synchronized void setCount(int amount) { count = amount; }
public synchronized int getCount() { return count; }
2. Capitalization errors
2. 大写错误
This is one of the most frequent errors that we all make. It's so simple to do, and sometimes one can look at an uncapitalized variable or method and still not spot the problem. I myself have often been puzzled by these errors, because I recognize that the method or variable does exist, but don't spot the lack of capitalization.While there's no silver bullet for detecting this error, you can easily train yourself to make less of them. There's a very simple trick you can learn.
all methods and member variables in the Java API begin with lowercase letters
在Java API中所有的方法和变量成员都以小写字母开头。
all methods and member variables use capitalization where a new word begins e.g - getDoubleValue()
If you use this pattern for all of your member variables and classes, and then make a conscious effort to get it right, you can gradually reduce the number of mistakes you'll make. It may take a while, but it can save some serious head scratching in the future.
(drum roll)
And the number one error that Java programmers make !!!!!
1. Null pointers!
1. 空指针!
Null pointers are one of the most common errors that Java programmers make. Compilers can't check this one for you - it will only surface at runtime, and if you don't discover it, your users certainly will.When an attempt to access an object is made, and the reference to that object is null, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
The cause of null pointers can be varied, but generally it means that either you haven't initialized an object, or you haven't checked the return value of a function.
Many functions return null to indicate an error condition - but unless you check your return values, you'll never know what's happening. Since the cause is an error condition, normal testing may not pick it up - which means that your users will end up discovering the problem for you. If the API function indicates that null may be returned, be sure to check this before using the object reference!
Another cause is where your initialization has been sloppy, or where it is conditional. For example, examine the following code, and see if you can spot the problem.
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Accept up to 3 parameters
String[] list = new String[3];
int index = 0;
while ( (index < args.length) && ( index < 3 ) ) { list[index++] = args[index]; }
// Check all the parameters
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].equals "-help") { // ... }
else if (list[i].equals "-cp")
{ // ... } // else .. } }
This code (while a contrived example), shows a common mistake. Under some circumstances, where the user enters three or more parameters, the code will run fine. If no parameters are entered, you'll get a NullPointerException at runtime. Sometimes your variables (the array of strings) will be initialized, and other times they won't. One easy solution is to check BEFORE you attempt to access a variable in an array that it is not equal to null.
以上代码(一个人为的例子)显示了常见的错误。在一些情况中,用户键入三个或更多参数,代码将运行得很好。如果没有参数被键入,你将在运行时得到一个NullPointerException。有时你的变量(字符串的数组)将被初始化,但其它时候并不会这样。一种简单的解决方案是检查BEFORE 你尝试访问数组中一个不等于Null的变量。
These errors represent but some of the many that we all make. Though it is impossible to completely eliminate errors from the coding process, with care and practice you can avoid repeating the same ones. Rest assured, however, that all Java programmers encounter the same sorts of problems. It's comforting to know, that while you work late into the night tracking down an error, someone, somewhere, sometime, will make the same mistake!
By David Reilly:Top Ten Errors Java Programmers Make
David Reilly:Java程序员最易范的十大错误
Whether you program regularly in Java, and know it like the back of your hand, or whether you're new to the language or a casual programmer, you'll make mistakes.
It's natural, it's human, and guess what? You'll more than likely make the same.mistakes that others do, over and over again. Here's my top ten list of errors that we all seem to make at one time or another, how to spot them, and how to fix them.
10. Accessing non-static member variables from static methods (such as main)Many programmers, particularly when first introduced to Java, have problems with accessing member variables from their main method.
10. 有许多程序员从静态方法中访问非静态成员(例如Main),尤其初次接触Java的人,他们的问题往往是出在从Main方法中访问成员变量。
The method signature for main is marked static - meaning that we don't need to create an instance of the class to invoke the main method. For example, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) could call the class MyApplication like this :
MyApplication.main ( command_line_args );
This means, however, that there isn't an instance of MyApplication - it doesn't have any member variables to access!
Take for example the following application, which will generate a compiler error message.
public class StaticDemo {
public String my_member_variable = "somedata";
public static void main (String args[])
// Access a non-static member from static method
System.out.println ("This generates a compiler error" + my_member_variable ); }
If you want to access its member variables from a non-static method (like main), you must create an instance of the object.
Here's a simple example of how to correctly write code to access non-static member variables, by first creating an instance of the object.
public class NonStaticDemo {
public String my_member_variable = "somedata";
public static void main (String args[]) {
NonStaticDemo demo = new NonStaticDemo();
// Access member variable of demo
System.out.println ("This WON'T generate an error" + demo.my_member_variable ); }
9. Mistyping the name of a method when overriding
9. 当覆盖时键入一个方法名
Overriding allows programmers to replace a method's implementation with new code. Overriding is a handy feature, and most OO programmers make heavy use of it.
If you use the AWT 1.1 event handling model, you'll often override listener implementations to provide custom functionality. One easy trap to fall into with overriding, is to mistype the method name. If you mistype the name, you're no longer overriding a method - you're creating an entirely new method, but with the same parameter and return type.
public class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter {
// This should be WindowClosed
public void WindowClose(WindowEvent e) {
// Exit when user closes window
System.exit(0); } };
Compilers won't pick up on this one, and the problem can be quite frustrating to detect. In the past, I've looked at a method, believed that it was being called, and taken ages to spot the problem. The symptom of this error will be that your code isn't being called, or you think the method has skipped over its code. The only way to ever be certain is to add a println statement, to record a message in a log file, or to use good trace debugger (like Visual J++ or Borland JBuilder) and step through line by line.
它不能通过编译,问题被显而易见的捕捉。在过去,我看见一个方法即相信它被调用和获得一个发现的问题。这个错误的症状将使你的代码不能被调用,或者你可以认为方法跳过了代码。一种曾经被认为唯一的方式是增加一个输入语句,在日志文件中记录一条信息,或者充分的利用跟踪调试程序(例如Visual J++ 或 Borland JBuilder)一行行的调试。
If your method still isn't being called, then it's likely you've mistyped the name.
8. Comparison assignment ( = rather than == )
8. 对照任务(= 胜于 ==)
This is an easy error to make. If you're used other languages before, such as Pascal, you'll realize just how poor a choice this was by the language's designers. In Pascal, for example, we use the := operator for assignment, and leave = for comparison. This looks like a throwback to C/C++, from which Java draws its roots.Fortunately, even if you don't spot this one by looking at code on the screen, your compiler will. Most commonly, it will report an error message like this : "Can't convert xxx to boolean", where xxx is a Java type that you're assigning instead of comparing.
7. Comparing two objects ( == instead of .equals)
7. 两对象的比较(== 替代 .equals)
When we use the == operator, we are actually comparing two object references, to see if they point to the same object. We cannot compare, for example, two strings for equality, using the == operator. We must instead use the .equals method, which is a method inherited by all classes from java.lang.Object.Here's the correct way to compare two strings.
当我们使用 "==" 操作符,看它们如果是指向同样的对象,我们实际上是比较了两个对象的引用。我们并不能真正的比较,例如,两个相等的的字符串使用"=="操作符。我们必须替换掉".equals" 方法,那是因为继承了一个来自java.lang.Object所有类方法。这里我们以正确的方式比较两个字符串。
String abc = "abc"; String def = "def"; // Bad way
if ( (abc + def) == "abcdef" ) { ... };/ Good way
if ( (abc + def).equals("abcdef") ) { ... }
6. Confusion over passing by value, and passing by reference
6. 混淆值的传递和引用传递
This can be a frustrating problem to diagnose, because when you look at the code, you might be sure that its passing by reference, but find that its actually being passed by value. Java uses both, so you need to understand when you're passing by value, and when you're passing by reference.
When you pass a primitive data type, such as a char, int, float, or double, to a function then you are passing by value. That means that a copy of the data type is duplicated, and passed to the function. If the function chooses to modify that value, it will be modifying the copy only. Once the function finishes, and control is returned to the returning function, the "real" variable will be untouched, and no changes will have been saved. If you need to modify a primitive data type, make it a return value for a function, or wrap it inside an object.
When you pass a Java object, such as an array, a vector, or a string, to a function then you are passing by reference. Yes - a String is actually an object, not a primitive data type. So that means that if you pass an object to a function, you are passing a reference to it, not a duplicate. Any changes you make to the object's member variables will be permanent - which can be either good or bad, depending on whether this was what you intended.On a side note, since String contains no methods to modify its contents, you might as well be passing by value.
5. Writing blank exception handlers
5. 编写空的异常处理
I know it's very tempting to write blank exception handlers, and to just ignore errors. But if you run into problems, and haven't written any error messages, it becomes almost impossible to find out the cause of the error. Even the simplest exception handler can be of benefit. For example, put a try { .. } catch Exception around your code, to catch ANY type of exception, and print out the message. You don't need to write a custom handler for every exception (though this is still good programming practice). Don't ever leave it blank, or you won't know what's happening.For example:
我知道空白的异常处理如忽略错误般非常的诱人。但是如果你在程序中运行的话,不会提示任何的错误提示,它会变得几乎不可能找到错误的原因。即使最简单的异常处理也是对程序排错极为有利的。例如,用一个try { .. } catch来包围你的代码,即可以捕获任何类型的异常和输出信息。你不需要为每一个异常写一个习惯性的处理方式(尽管这仍是一个好的编程习惯)不要让它留空白,因为你将不知道会发生什么。例如:
public static void main(String args[]) {
try { // Your code goes here.. }
catch (Exception e){
System.out.println ("Err - " + e ); }
4. Forgetting that Java is zero-indexed
4. 忘记在Java中数组是从0开始索引
If you've come from a C/C++ background, you may not find this quite as much a problem as those who have used other languages. In Java, arrays are zero-indexed, meaning that the first element's index is actually 0. Confused? Let's look at a quick .example:
// Create an array of three strings
String[] strArray = new String[3]; // First element's index is actually 0
strArray[0] = "First string";// Second element's index is actually 1
strArray[1] = "Second string"; // Final element's index is actually 2
strArray[2] = "Third and final string";
In this example, we have an array of three strings, but to access elements of the array we actually subtract one. Now, if we were to try and access strArray[3], we'd be accessing the fourth element. This will case an ArrayOutOfBoundsException to be thrown - the most obvious sign of forgetting the zero-indexing rule.
Other areas where zero-indexing can get you into trouble is with strings. Suppose you wanted to get a character at a particular offset within a string. Using the String.charAt(int) function you can look this information up - but under Java,the String class is also zero-indexed. That means than the first character is at offset 0, and second at offset 1. You can run into some very frustrating problems unless you are aware of this - particularly if you write applications with heavy string processing. You can be working on the wrong character, and also throw exceptions at run-time. Just like the ArrayOutOfBoundsException, there is a string equivalent. Accessing beyond the bounds of a String will cause a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException to be thrown, as demonstrated by this example.
其它地方的从0开始索引规则也会让你陷入困境,例如在字符串中。假设你想在一个字符串的特定偏移量中获得一个字符。使用String.charAt(int)函数你可以看到这个信息,基于Java,0开始索引规则在字符串中也同样适用。这意味着第一个字符的偏移量是0,第二个字符的偏移量是1。你可以很不 嚣于这一些,除非你已经完成了这点:编写了大量的包含字符串处理的应用程序。你可以在编写代码时出现错误的字符,可以通过抛出异常在运行的时候捕获它们。就像抛出一个
public class StrDemo {
public static void main (String args[]) {
String abc = "abc"; System.out.println ("Char at offset 0 :" + abc.charAt(0) );
System.out.println ("Char at offset 1 : " + abc.charAt(1) );
System.out.println ("Char at offset 2 : " + abc.charAt(2) );
// This line should throw a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
System.out.println ("Char at offset 3 : " + abc.charAt(3) ); } }
Note too, that zero-indexing doesn't just apply to arrays, or to Strings. Other parts of Java are also indexed, but not always consistently. The java.util.Date, and java.util.Calendar classes start their months with 0, but days start normally with 1. This problem is demonstrated by the following application.
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class ZeroIndexedDate {
public static void main (String args[]) {
// Get today's date
Date today = new Date();
// Print return value of getMonth
System.out.println ("Date.getMonth() returns : " + today.getMonth());
// Get today's date using a Calendar
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
// Print return value of get ( Calendar.MONTH )
System.out.println ("Calendar.get (month) returns : " + rightNow.get ( Calendar.MONTH ));
Zero-indexing is only a problem if you don't realize that its occurring.
If you think you're running into a problem, always consult your API documentation.
3. Preventing concurrent access to shared variables by threads
3. 防止线程在共享变量中并行存取
When writing multi-threaded applications, many programmers (myself included) often cut corners, and leave their applications and applets vulnerable to thread conflicts. When two or more threads access the same data concurrently, there exists the possibility (and Murphy's law holding, the probability) that two threads will access or modify the same data at the same time. Don't be fooled into thinking that such problems won't occur on single-threaded processors. While accessing some data (performing a read), your thread may be suspended, and another thread scheduled. It writes its data, which is then overwritten when the first thread makes its changes.
Such problems are not just limited to multi-threaded applications or applets. If you write Java APIs, or JavaBeans, then your code may not be thread-safe. Even if you never write a single application that uses threads, people that use your code WILL.
这样的问题不仅仅局限与多线程应用程序或小应用程序之中。如果你写过Java APIs或JavaBeans,那么你的代码可能不具线程安全性。即使你从不使用线程写一个单独的应用程序,人们也有会有使用你的代码的意愿。
For the sanity of others, if not yourself, you should always take precautions to prevent concurrent access to shared data.How can this problem be solved? The simplest method is to make your variables private (but you do that already, right?) and to use synchronized accessor methods. Accessor methods allow access to private member variables, but in a controlled manner.
Take the following accessor methods, which provide a safe way to change the value of a counter.
public class MyCounter {
private int count = 0; // count starts at zero
public synchronized void setCount(int amount) { count = amount; }
public synchronized int getCount() { return count; }
2. Capitalization errors
2. 大写错误
This is one of the most frequent errors that we all make. It's so simple to do, and sometimes one can look at an uncapitalized variable or method and still not spot the problem. I myself have often been puzzled by these errors, because I recognize that the method or variable does exist, but don't spot the lack of capitalization.While there's no silver bullet for detecting this error, you can easily train yourself to make less of them. There's a very simple trick you can learn.
all methods and member variables in the Java API begin with lowercase letters
在Java API中所有的方法和变量成员都以小写字母开头。
all methods and member variables use capitalization where a new word begins e.g - getDoubleValue()
If you use this pattern for all of your member variables and classes, and then make a conscious effort to get it right, you can gradually reduce the number of mistakes you'll make. It may take a while, but it can save some serious head scratching in the future.
(drum roll)
And the number one error that Java programmers make !!!!!
1. Null pointers!
1. 空指针!
Null pointers are one of the most common errors that Java programmers make. Compilers can't check this one for you - it will only surface at runtime, and if you don't discover it, your users certainly will.When an attempt to access an object is made, and the reference to that object is null, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
The cause of null pointers can be varied, but generally it means that either you haven't initialized an object, or you haven't checked the return value of a function.
Many functions return null to indicate an error condition - but unless you check your return values, you'll never know what's happening. Since the cause is an error condition, normal testing may not pick it up - which means that your users will end up discovering the problem for you. If the API function indicates that null may be returned, be sure to check this before using the object reference!
Another cause is where your initialization has been sloppy, or where it is conditional. For example, examine the following code, and see if you can spot the problem.
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Accept up to 3 parameters
String[] list = new String[3];
int index = 0;
while ( (index < args.length) && ( index < 3 ) ) { list[index++] = args[index]; }
// Check all the parameters
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].equals "-help") { // ... }
else if (list[i].equals "-cp")
{ // ... } // else .. } }
This code (while a contrived example), shows a common mistake. Under some circumstances, where the user enters three or more parameters, the code will run fine. If no parameters are entered, you'll get a NullPointerException at runtime. Sometimes your variables (the array of strings) will be initialized, and other times they won't. One easy solution is to check BEFORE you attempt to access a variable in an array that it is not equal to null.
以上代码(一个人为的例子)显示了常见的错误。在一些情况中,用户键入三个或更多参数,代码将运行得很好。如果没有参数被键入,你将在运行时得到一个NullPointerException。有时你的变量(字符串的数组)将被初始化,但其它时候并不会这样。一种简单的解决方案是检查BEFORE 你尝试访问数组中一个不等于Null的变量。
These errors represent but some of the many that we all make. Though it is impossible to completely eliminate errors from the coding process, with care and practice you can avoid repeating the same ones. Rest assured, however, that all Java programmers encounter the same sorts of problems. It's comforting to know, that while you work late into the night tracking down an error, someone, somewhere, sometime, will make the same mistake!
异常处理是Java的重要特性,通过 try-catch-finally 语句块来捕获和处理运行时错误,确保程序的健壮性。此外,Java的垃圾回收机制自动化了内存管理,开发者无需手动分配和释放内存,减少了内存泄漏的风险。 接口...
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