
Ruby is Big in China



    Ruby Performance Optimization, Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It

    This is the first book ever that consolidates all the Ruby performance optimization advice in one place. It’s your comprehensive guide to memory optimization, CPU optimization, garbage collector ...


    Ruby China 社区官网的源码。 标签:rubychina

    Ruby Under a Microscope

    ruby interpreter 原理探討 At first glance, learning how to use Ruby can seem fairly simple. Developers around the world find Ruby’s syntax to be graceful and straight...Ruby is a very complex tool.

    Ruby In a Nutshell

    《Ruby in a Nutshell》是一本面向初学者和有经验的程序员的快速参考指南,它深入浅出地介绍了Ruby编程语言的核心概念和语法。Ruby是一种动态、面向对象的脚本语言,以其简洁、优雅的代码风格和强大的元编程能力而...


    ruby-china.org 的第三方客户端 下载地址 GitHub Android 版本要求 Android 4.0 功能 帖子分类查看 浏览某一节点下的帖子 用户基本资料查看 登录 回复 发表 收藏 缓存帖子列表 开发环境 JDK 1.8.0 Android ...


    Exercism_exercises_in_Ruby._ruby.zip Exercism_exercises_in_Ruby._ruby.zip Exercism_exercises_in_Ruby._ruby.zip Exercism_exercises_in_Ruby._ruby.zip Exercism_exercises_in_Ruby._ruby.zip Exercism_...


    在本项目“使用Vuejs框架搭建的rubychina山寨版”中,我们看到的是一个基于Vue.js实现的Ruby China社区的克隆版本,它不仅展示了Vue.js的基本应用,还整合了vue-router和vuex这两个重要的Vue生态系统中的库。...



    Programming Ruby

    Like Smalltalk, it is dynamically typed (as opposed to Java or C++), but unlike Smalltalk, Ruby features the same conveniences found in modern scripting languages such as Perl and Python. The ...


    RubyChina社区是中国 Ruby 开发者的重要聚集地,它提供了丰富的资源、讨论和问题解答,帮助开发者提升技能并互相学习。这个名为"awesome-ruby-china-master"的压缩包很可能是该社区精华内容的集合,包含了关于Ruby...


    Addison.Wesley.Design.Patterns.in.Ruby.Dec.2007 高清PDF英文版

    Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

    Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

    Test Driven Development in Ruby:

    Test Driven Development in Ruby is written by a developer for developers. The concepts are first explained, then a coding demo illustrates how to apply the theory in practice. At the end of each ...

    ruby面向对象设计 Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby

    本书《Ruby面向对象设计:Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby》是一本专注于Ruby编程语言中面向对象设计原则和技术的书籍。作者Sandi Metz在书中讲述了如何应用敏捷方法来设计高质量、易于维护和扩展的面向...


    标题 "Ruby-Rein让ActiveRecord支持数据库约束" 暗示了一个关于Ruby开发中的一个库,名为Rein,它的目标是增强ActiveRecord的功能,使其能够更好地处理数据库约束。ActiveRecord是Ruby on Rails框架中用于对象关系...

    Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE,

    Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to...

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