with a as(
select a.EmplID, a.WorkID,a.EmplName,b.Pws from HrEmployee a
inner join EquFinger b
on b.EmplID=a.EmplID
--select b.ssn,b.name,b.cardno,a.pws,a.workid,a.emplname ,c.WorkID
update c set workid=b.ssn
from a
inner join wlsp_zkt.dbo.USERINFO b
on b.CardNo=a.pws
inner join HrEmployee c
on c.EmplID=a.emplid
- 浏览: 24146 次
- 来自: 杭州
### Nagios 在 Red Hat AS 4 Update 4 上的安装与配置 #### 一、概述 本文档将详细介绍如何在 Red Hat AS 4 Update 4 操作系统上安装和配置 Nagios 监控系统及其相关组件。Nagios 是一个开源的主机和服务监控工具,...
在SQL Server中,`WITH AS` 语句,也称为公用表表达式(Common Table Expression,简称CTE),是一种强大的工具,它允许我们为复杂的查询创建临时的结果集,这个结果集可以在同一个查询中多次引用。这极大地提高了...
在SQL语言中,`WITH AS` 语句,也称为公用表表达式(Common Table Expression,简称CTE),是一种强大的工具,它允许我们为复杂的查询创建临时的结果集,这个结果集可以在同一个查询语句中被多次引用。CTE在提高SQL...
If you have updated any Borland packages in the system32 directory with unofficial patches or updates from CodeCentral, MSI might revert (auto-repair) those packages to their previous version during ...
WITH t AS (SELECT 1 AS a, 'name' AS b FROM dual) SELECT a, b FROM t; ``` 3. **CTE与UPDATE语句结合**: ```sql UPDATE tB SET BID = ( WITH t AS (SELECT 10 AS a, 'name' AS b FROM dual) SELECT a ...
当执行通过带有WITH CHECK OPTION的视图进行的INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE操作时,数据库会检查操作是否满足视图定义中的条件。如果操作试图修改不符合视图条件的数据,数据库将抛出ORA-01402错误,指出“view WITH ...
1. Recent Windows operating systems such as win7, win8, win10, etc, are all OK. Not yet tested on earlier Windows platforms. 2. .NET Framework 4.5 or above is installed. Note: 1. 为保证程序正常运行,...
As well as focusing on client-side JavaScript, you will also learn how to work with the Browser Object Model, the Document Object Model (DOM), how to use XML and JSON as well as communicate with ...
Designed for users of data analysis tools, as well as researchers and developers, the book should be useful for anyone interested in entering the "world" of R and data mining. About the Author Luís...
WITH CTE_Name AS ( SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table WHERE condition ) SELECT * FROM CTE_Name; ``` 递归`WITH`语句是`WITH`语句的一个扩展,用于处理层次关系或树形数据。当需要遍历层次结构,例如...
Save Game Pro is a complete, powerful and feature-rich save game solution for Unity (Game Engine) that lets you save everything such as Components, Data Types, GameObjects including Custom Data Types ...
1. Recent Windows operating systems such as win7, win8, win10, etc, are all OK. Not yet tested on earlier Windows platforms. 2. .NET Framework 4.5 or above is installed. Bugs Fixed: 1.上个版本下载...
Features: 1. 从指定网页以及符合...1. Recent Windows operating systems such as win7, win8, win10, etc, are all OK. Not yet tested on earlier Windows platforms. 2. .NET Framework 4.5 or above is installed.
As well as focusing on client-side JavaScript, you will also learn how to work with the Browser Object Model, the Document Object Model (DOM), how to use XML and JSON as well as communicate with ...
Get started with Apache Flink, the open source framework that enables you to process streaming data—such as user interactions, sensor data, and machine logs—as it arrives. With this practical guide,...
from (select * from apples) as x where variety = 'gala' ) where variety = 'fuji'; ``` 在这个解决方案中,内部查询首先创建了一个临时表 `x`,然后外部查询可以安全地引用 `x` 来更新目标表 `apples` 的...
ARM Compiler v5.05, Build 169, is intended for use as an update for ARM Compiler 5 products, and must be used with a suitable license from one of these products. This update is not suitable for ...
diagnose, and solve problems with your Windows Server environment, reducing the need for external tools, and ensuring you stay up-to-date with PowerShell as it quickly becomes one of the most useful ...
In 2018, nearly 4 billion devices will ship with Bluetooth® technology. Thanks to Bluetooth mesh networking and the momentum of Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth is now poised as an industrial-grade ...