- marketing不是理性的,而programming是。对于programming,相同的方法若成功一次,就会每次都成功。marketing可不是这样,它就像海森堡的不确定性理论一样,即使以前成功过,这次也可能不会成功。
- marketing比修改bug更难于做计划。marketing的开支当然很容易清算,但是结果却很难预料。这是因为等式两边都有人的因素。
- 大多数的市场人员对该做什么没有一点儿线索。因此我们一直在做没有创造性的事情,或者拖延时间,或者许下我们无法实现的承诺。
- 不要因为Sergey即是一个出色的程序员又是一个出色的市场人员就认为所有出色的程序员都擅于做市场工作。
- 人们总是喜欢粗俗的、神秘的、甚至不完整的东西。
- 真正出色的代码是难以量化、要求和估量的。marketing也是如此。
- 没有Number Seven。(不懂...)
- 与普通的程序员不同,普通的市场人员有时候会交好运。一旦他们交上了狗屎运,他们就会获得足够向他人吹嘘的成功。但这并不意味着他们知道如何再成功一次。
- 不要因为有些市场人员是笨蛋就认为你的市场人员也是笨蛋。有些程序员也不是那么牛。要有点儿耐心。
- 没有marketing,再出色的代码也一文不值。把你的市场人员变得勇敢、大胆、惹人注意。每天努力。你的代码就会变得很值钱。
Exercises for Programmers: 57 Challenges to Develop Your Coding Skills By 作者: Brian P. Hogan ISBN-10 书号: 1680501224 ISBN-13 书号: 9781680501223 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2015-09-14 pages 页数: 118...
If I want to know what you think about something, then I have to ask you a question and wait for you to reply. The model of programming that Erlang uses is very similar to how the world works. This ...
Python programmers who want to know more. Programmers who aren’t afraid of gory details. Disclaimer This tutorial is aimed at an advanced audience I assume prior knowledge of topics in Operating ...
although you might not know all the details, and you should be somewhat familiar with the apply family of functions (like apply() and lapply()), although you may currently struggle to use them ...
This book was written for practicing Python programmers who want to become proficient in Python 3. If you know Python 2 but are willing to migrate to Python 3.4 or later, you should be fine. At the ...
It's recommended for experienced programmers who want to learn the programming language of the Web, and for current JavaScript programmers who want to master it. "A must-have reference for expert ...
You'll learn everything you need to know about Windows IoT Core in order to develop Windows and IoT applications that run on the Pi. Microsoft’s release of Windows IoT Core is groundbreaking in how...
This book is written for Python programmers who want to learn about GUI programming. It is also suitable for those who are new to Python but are familiar with object-oriented programming. What You ...
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easy-to-follow approach to the high-level language of this topic and separating itself from 3D API's "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" brings the world of real-time shading to a broad ...
This book (CS:APP) is for programmers who want to improve their skills by learning what is going on “under the hood” of a computer system. Our aim is to explain the enduring concepts underlying all ...
This book is written for Python programmers who want to learn about GUI programming. It is also suitable for those who are new to Python but are familiar with object-oriented programming. What You ...