How can we display dynamic or static images that can be provided as an array of bytes
Added by
tm_jee, last edited by
Ted Husted on Jul 22, 2006 (
view change)
To display an image represented as an array of bytes
- Reference an Action for the image src attribute
- Provide a helper method on the Action to return an array of bytes
- Provide a Result Type that renders the array to the response
Reference an Action
<img src="/myWebAppContext/" />
Provide Helper Methods
public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
public String doDefault() {
return "myImageResult";
public byte[] getMyImageInBytes() { .... }
public String getMyContentType() { ... }
public String getMyContentDisposition() { ... }
public int getMyContentLength() { .... }
public int getMyBufferSize() { ... }
Provide a Custom Result Type
<result-type name="myBytesResult" class="MyBytesResult" />
<action name="myAction" class="MyAction">
<result name="myImageResult" type="myBytesResult">
<param name="contentType">${myContentType}</param>
<param name="contentDisposition">${myContentDisposition}</param>
<param name="contentLength">${myContentLength}</param>
<param name="bufferSize">${myBufferSize}</param>
public class MyBytesResult implements Result {
public void execute(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
MyAction action = (MyAction) invocation.getAction();
HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse();
From :
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