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extjs实现左侧tab -
HTMLParser使用详解(4)- 通过Visitor访问内容 -
JDBC中处理存储过程的结果集的通用流程 -
JDBC中处理存储过程的结果集的通用流程 -
very good!在csdn也看到相同的文章,莫非是同一人? ...
HTMLParser使用详解(3)- 通过Filter访问内容
Apache Struts 2 Plugin Registry
Added by Don Brown, last edited by Frank W. Zammetti on Jun 06, 2007 (view change) show comment show comment hide comment
Comment: Added a phrase in the second paragraph to clarify that plugins may require other dependency JARs be installed in addition to the plugin JAR itself
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Apache Struts 2 provides a simple plugin architecture so that develpers can extend the framework just by adding a JAR to the application's classpath (in addition to whatever JARs may be required to fulfill the dependencies of the plugin itself). Since plugins are contained in a JAR, they are easy to share with others. Here, we list plugins available for Struts 2 and provides help on how to use them.
Contributed plugins may be of varying quality. If not bundled with the official Struts 2 distribution, a plugin cannot be guaranteed to be safe. You install plugins from this space at your own risk. We do not monitor or guarantee any code posted in this space. If you find dangerous or malicious code posted here, please contact the Struts User mailing list immediately. |
To follow plugin development, subscribe to these feeds with any RSS reader:
- New announcements
- New plugin pages
- Updated plugin pages
- New comments
AnnouncementsTitle Author Date Posted DataVision plug-in v1.0 released Frank W. Zammetti Sep 23, 2007 21:22 HDIV Plugin 2.0 Released Gorka Vicente Sep 14, 2007 00:52 LightBoxJS 0.1 Plugin Released Derik Vercueil Sep 01, 2007 05:30 JSCalendar 0.3 Plugin Released Derik Vercueil Aug 28, 2007 03:02 JSCalendar 0.2 Plugin Released Derik Vercueil Aug 17, 2007 08:11 JSCalendar 0.1 Plugin Released Derik Vercueil Aug 08, 2007 06:13 HDIV Plugin Released Gorka Vicente Jun 22, 2007 01:25 Beta1 of the new DataVision plugin now available Frank W. Zammetti Jun 07, 2007 23:23 Struts 2 JSON Plugin 0.9 Released Musachy Barroso Apr 26, 2007 16:25 Struts GWT plugin demo Musachy Barroso Apr 25, 2007 12:06 Guice Bob Lee Mar 14, 2007 23:20 Spring Webflow Plugin 1.0.3 Released Tom Schneider Feb 24, 2007 08:42 Table Tags 1.0.0 Released Tom Schneider Jan 27, 2007 08:54 JSON Plugin Musachy Barroso Jan 11, 2007 09:32 Spring Webflow Plugin Tom Schneider Jan 04, 2007 16:27
To announce a plugin that is hosted elsewhere, register with this wiki, and create a new "News" announcement.
Plugins- Codebehind Plugin — reduces mundane configuration by adding "Page Controller" conventions
- Config Browser Plugin — a simple tool to help view your Struts configuration at runtime
- Connext Graph Plugin — allows web applications to make use of the Open Flash Chart charts.
- Groovy Standalone Plugin — provides support for Actions (and Interceptors) written in the Groovy language
- GWT Plugin — can be used to call methods on Struts actions using Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
- HDIV Plugin — integrates HDIV (HTTP Data Integrity Validator) with Struts 2 adding Security functionalities
- Image Plugin — collection of various plugins for image handling (thumbnails, remote storage, validator)
- JasperReports Plugin — enables Actions to return reports through JasperReports
- JFreeChart Plugin — allows Actions to easily return generated charts and graphs
- JSCalendar Plugin
- JSF Plugin — provides support for JavaServer Faces components with no additional configuration
- JSON Plugin — provides a "json" result type that serializes actions into JSON
- LightBoxJS Plugin
- OSGi Plugin — leverages OSGi to allow Struts 2 applications to be divided into multiple jars (bundles) and managed at runtime
- Pell Multipart Plugin — instructs Struts to use Jason Pell's multipart parser to process file uploads
- Plexus Plugin — enables Struts Actions, Interceptors, and Results to be created and injected by Plexus
- Rome RSS-Atom Plugin — allows easy outputting of Rome SyndFeed objects (RSS, Atom)
- Scope plugin — implements JBoss Seam-style scoped bijection
- SiteGraph Plugin — generates graphical diagrams representing the flow of your web application
- Sitemesh Plugin — allows Sitemesh templates to access Struts information
- SmartURLs plugin — a code by convention and component plugin similar to the Codebehind and Zero-config plugins
- Spring MVC Plugin — allows Spring MVC controllers and interceptors to be executed in Struts 2
- Spring Plugin — allows Actions, Interceptors, and Results to be created and/or autowired by Spring
- Spring Webflow Plugin — integrates Spring Webflow (SWF) with Struts 2
- Struts 1 Plugin — allows you to use existing Struts 1 Actions and ActionForms in Struts 2 applications
- Table Tags — Struts 2 tags for displaying table data
- Tiles Plugin — allows actions to return Tiles pages
- WebWork2 Plugin — aims to be a drop-in replacement for WebWork 2 in a web application
- YUI Plugin — provides tags based on YUI
Have a bug report or feature request? - The registry lists plugins made available by various authors. To file a report regarding a third-party plugin, visit the homepage for the plugin in question. (Most of the external plugins are hosted by Google Code, and you can file an Issue there.) If the report regards a plugin bundled with the Apache Struts distribution, then (and only then) use the Struts issue tracker.
2007-10-25 00:17 2723Stru ... -
2007-10-24 23:55 2198struts.action.extension ... -
Struts 2 间接实现零配置
2007-10-19 11:41 1768所谓间接实现零配置,是指只要做些初始化的配置之后,在以后的开发 ... -
Parameters in configuration results
2007-10-10 17:12 1217Parameters in configura ... -
How do we upload files
2007-10-10 16:47 1485xml 代码 How do we upload ... -
display dynamic or static images
2007-10-10 16:38 1630How can we display dynamic or s ... -
Struts2 验证器
2007-10-08 22:30 4364<validators> ... -
初涉Struts 2.0
2007-10-06 09:43 1197初涉Struts 2.0... -
Struts 2 官方
2007-10-03 17:22 11406Struts 2 官方: http://struts.apac ... -
2007-10-03 17:12 1233在Eclipse下建立一个Dynamic Web Applic ... -
2007-10-03 17:02 1166struts.action.extension ... -
Struts 2与AJAX(第三部分)
2007-10-03 16:53 1506Struts 2与AJAX(第三部分 ... -
Struts 2与AJAX(第二部分)
2007-10-03 16:52 1645在上一篇文章《Struts 2与AJAX(第一部分)》,我已经 ... -
Struts 2与AJAX(第一部分)
2007-10-03 16:51 1667Struts 2与AJAX(第一部分) 在当今——Web 2 ... -
2007-10-03 16:48 1629Form Tags ... -
Struts2 with logon
2007-10-03 16:45 1162关于此工程中的所有设置是承接前一篇文章Struts2介绍之使用 ... -
2007-10-03 16:42 1868Web应用区别于普通的站点之处在于Web应用可以创建一个动态的 ... -
Strus 2的新表单标志的使用
2007-10-03 16:35 1163Struts 2为大家提供了不少常用的很酷的表单标志,简化了我 ... -
在Struts 2中实现文件上传
2007-10-03 16:33 1234实现原理 Struts 2是通过Commons FileUpl ... -
在Struts 2中实现IoC
2007-10-03 16:32 1060IoC(Inversion of Control,以 ...
S2-053漏洞全称为"Struts2 REST Plugin远程代码执行",是Apache Struts2框架中的一个严重安全缺陷。该漏洞主要存在于Struts2的REST插件中,当用户提交特定格式的HTTP请求时,可能导致远程代码执行(RCE)。远程代码...
5. **插件体系**:Struts 2支持丰富的插件,如Struts2-dojo-plugin用于与Dojo库集成,实现富客户端功能。 6. **OGNL(Object-Graph Navigation Language)**:是Struts 2中的表达式语言,用于在视图和模型之间传递...
标签:apache、struts2、plugin、struts、json、jar包、java、API文档、中文版; 使用方法:解压翻译后的API文档,用浏览器打开“index.html”文件,即可纵览文档内容。 人性化翻译,文档中的代码和结构保持不变,...
Struts2 JSON Plugin是针对Apache Struts2框架的一个重要组件,版本为2.3.8。这个插件主要的功能是让Struts2应用程序能够轻松地处理JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)数据格式,使得Web应用可以方便地进行JSON序列...
1.严格过滤 Content-Type 、filename里的内容,严禁ognl表达式相关字段。 2.如果您使用基于Jakarta插件,请升级到Apache ...--来源 http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.struts/struts2-spring-plugin/2.3.32
A list of available plugins is available at the Struts 2 Plugin Registry. Tired of XML-based configurations, or need some extra agility? Try the Convention Plugin or its RESTful cousin, the REST ...
A list of available plugins is available at the Struts 2 Plugin Registry. Tired of XML-based configurations, or need some extra agility? Try the Convention Plugin or its RESTful cousin, the REST ...
Struts2-dojo-plugin-2.2.1.jar 是一个针对Apache Struts2框架的扩展插件,主要用于增强Struts2应用的用户界面交互性,特别是通过集成Dojo JavaScript库来提供丰富的AJAX功能和用户体验。这个插件是Struts2与Dojo ...
struts2-json-plugin,Struts JSON插件
Struts2-Spring-Plugin- 是一个专门为Apache Struts2框架设计的插件,其主要目的是实现Struts2与Spring框架的集成。这个插件使得开发者能够在Struts2应用中无缝地使用Spring进行依赖注入(Dependency ...
struts2-spring-plugin- ; struts2-json-plugin- ; struts2-json-plugin-
首先,我们来看标题"NetBeans7.2_struts2_plugin",这表明我们要讨论的是在NetBeans 7.2版本中用于支持Struts2开发的插件。这个插件是NetBeans IDE为了提供Struts2框架的开发辅助工具而设计的,它包括了对Struts2...
struts2 json plugin jar包
Struts2 JSON Plugin是Apache Struts框架的一个扩展插件,主要功能是支持Struts2应用程序与JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)格式的数据进行交互。JSON是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,广泛用于Web服务和AJAX...