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[转]Resin vs. Tomcat simple performance comparison
I did a simple benchmark comparing Resin 3.1.4 to Tomcat 6.0.14 and the results are a bit astounding. Beyond the fact that Tomcat crashed and burned, Resin Open Source is about 45% faster than Tomcat, Resin Professional is about 80% faster than Tomcat. I made an 8k jsp that just contains static text. Each server was run with it’s default configuration, in console mode. I gave each server a warmup of 20 requests, and then did three runs of 20000 requests:
$ ab -c 4 -n 20 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
$ ab -c 4 -n 20000 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
$ ab -c 4 -n 20000 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
$ ab -c 4 -n 20000 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
Resin OS 3.1.4:
Run 1 requests per second: 1525.99
Run 2 requests per second: 1233.56
Run 3 requests per second: 1620.21
Resin Professional 3.1.4:
Run 1 requests per second: 1903.19
Run 2 requests per second: 1887.76
Run 3 requests per second: 1657.05
Tomcat 6.0.14:
Run 1 requests per second: 1040.53
Run 2 requests per second: N/A (tomcat crash)
Run 3 requests per second: N/A (tomcat crash)
Tomcat died after 16000 requests of the second run with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
This is fairly easy to try on your own machine, install is simple:
download/unpack Resin from http://www.caucho.com/download
copy an 8k txt file to webapps/bench/8k.jsp
$ bin/httpd.sh
in another terminal window, run ab
$ ab -c 4 -n 20 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
$ ab -c 4 -n 20000 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
$ ab -c 4 -n 20000 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
download/unpack Tomcat
copy an 8k txt file to webapps/bench/8k.jsp
$ bin/catalina.sh run
in another terminal window, run ab
$ ab -c 4 -n 20 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
$ ab -c 4 -n 20000 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
$ ab -c 4 -n 20000 http://localhost:8080/bench/8k.jsp
This entry was posted on Friday, May 16th, 2008 at 2:01 pm and is filed under Benchmarks. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Response to “Resin vs. Tomcat simple performance comparison”
teodorbaciu Says:
May 23rd, 2008 at 1:55 pm
I also did a performance comparison between Tomcat and Resin and Tomcat died because of OutOfMemory errors. I tested tomcat with different JDKs and here are the results:
Tomcat 5.5 + Sun JDK 1.6 update 4 — served 25613 requests
Tomcat 5.5 + Bea Jrockit 6 update 3 — served 519635 requests
Resin 3.0 + Bea Jrockit 6 update 3 — more 800000 and was still going strong !!! Memory consumption was stable at 94 MB.
You guys really need to start promoting your product because the Java community needs to know those performance facts.
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