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Inspection/Review Tools, Source/Binary Code Static Analyzers
Tool name |
Platform |
Tool vendor |
Comments |
links to Java open source code analysis tools |
links to tool vendors, check Reviews and Measurement tools |
List static source code analysis tools for C |
Many testing tools provide metrics and can thus facilitate inspections/reviews, too |
Some metrics tools facilitate inspections/reviews, too |
Viva64 |
Windows/add-in for Visual Studio |
A lint-like tool for searching of errors and possible problems in C/C++ code while porting the application to the 64-bit platform |
TICS Solution |
Windows, Linux |
Consists of 1. checking compliance to coding standards by means of code checkers 2. monitoring coding standard compliance through time by means of so called quality databases 3. improving programs with the aid of code beautifier |
Project Analyzer |
Windows |
Static code analysis tool for Visual Basic, VB.NET and VBA. Code review, diagramming, document generation and generates 180 metrics. |
FlexeLint for C/C++ |
Unix, Mac OS X, VMS |
C/C++ source code analyzer |
PC-Lint for C/C++ |
Windows, MS-DOS |
C/C++ sourcpoe code analyzer |
Java source code analyzer |
Aubjex |
Java source analysis, dynamic analyzer, source code formatter, etc. |
assent |
C and Java source code analyzer |
AzoJavaChecker |
Java 2 |
Java source code analyzer |
CodePro Analytix |
Windows, Linux |
Java source code analysis (700+ rules), code metrics, test generation, code coverage, dependency analyzer, etc. |
crucible |
Tool to facilitate code inspection process |
QS-Enterprise |
Windows, Linux, Solaris |
Quality assesment and reporting tool which integrates with 3rd party code analysis tools |
QJ-Pro |
Windows, Linux, SOlaris |
Open source tool for Java source code analysis |
CodeScanner |
Symbian |
Static source code analysis tool |
SourceAudit |
Windows |
Evaluates compliance to coding standards of C/C++ code |
JStyle |
Java code review tool based on coding guidelines, provides also OO metrics |
Code Analyzer |
Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X |
Reviews Java code and enforces coding practices |
CodeReviewer |
”Automates” the peer code review process, supports multiple remote reviewers, automated audit trails, SCM integration, and custom reviewer checklists |
Code Reports |
Correlates code changes with bug fixes, feature implementations |
Code Collaborator |
Faclitates code inspection process |
CodeSurfer |
Windows, Unix, Linux |
C source code analyser, performs pointer analysis, draws caal graphs, dependency analysis, etc. |
Understand |
Windows, Unix |
Parses Ada 83, Ada 95, FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90, FORTRAN 95, K&R C, ANSI C and C++, and Java source code to reverse engineer, automatically document, calculate code metrics, and help understand, navigate and maintain source code |
QStudio |
Windows |
Source code analyzer to collect many metrics, to check comformance to coding standards, etc. |
Coverity Prevent |
Windows, Unix |
Static C/C++ source code analyzer to detect defects like, null pointer dereference, use after free, double free, deadcode caused by logical errors, uninitialized variables, memory leaks, file handle leaks, security vulnerabilities (e.g. buffer overflows, missing/insufficient validation ofmalicious data and string input, etc., etc. |
Cleanscape Lint Plus for C |
C source code analyzer for unreachable code, unconditional branches, into loop, undeclared variables, uninitialised variables, parameter type mismatches, misuse of pointers, etc., etc. |
Cleanscape FortanLint |
Fortan source code analyzer for inappropriate arguments passed to functions, inconsistencies in common block declarations, portability problems, like non-portable code, type usage conflicts across different subprograms/ program units, dead code, etc., etc. |
QA-C, QA, QA-MISRA, QA-High-Integrity-C, QA-C++, QA-J, QA-Fortran |
Windows, Unix |
Source code quality analysis and coding standards compliance checking tools for C/C++, Java and Fortran + provides several metrics |
Java |
JDepend (BSD license) traverses Java class file directories and generates design quality metrics for each Java package. JDepend measure the quality of a design in terms of its extensibility, reusability, and maintainability to manage package dependencies effectively. |
Spin |
Unix, Windows, MAc |
Spin has been used to trace logical design errors in distributed systems design, such as operating systems, data communications protocols, switching systems, concurrent algorithms, railway signaling protocols, etc. The tool checks the logical consistency of a specification. It reports on deadlocks, unspecified receptions, flags incompleteness, race conditions, and unwarranted assumptions about the relative speeds of processes. |
Unix, Windows |
Checks from C programs use of uninitialized variable, nil-pointer references, and out-of-bounds array indexing + a broad range of user-defined properties |
Hammurapi |
Java |
Java review tool (open source) which has numerous embedded inspection rules |
Windows, Unix |
C/C++ and Java source code metrics open-source tool |
K7 |
Unix, Linux, Windows |
Analyses C, C++ and Java source code for many kinds of defects (memory, unsafe, NULL pointer dereference, out-of-bounds array access, etc.), security vulnerabilities, potential areas of code optimatization + produces many metrics |
SmartRisk Analyzer |
Windows, Unix |
Scans C/C++ binaries for security vulnerabilities. |
BugScan |
Windows, Linux |
Scans C/C++ binaries for security vulnerabilities. Runs as a web based service. |
CodeAssure (product family) |
Windows, Linux, Java |
Checks security vulnerabilities from C, C++ and Java programs |
SecurityChecker |
Windows |
Checks and corrects security vulnerabilities from C# and Visual Basic programs |
Flawfinder |
Unix (Perl) |
Checks security vulnerabilties |
ITS4 |
Windows, Unix |
Checks buffer overflow vulnerabilities from C/C++ source code |
Imagix 4D |
Windows, Unix, Linux |
Points out exceptions to generally agreed upon design and coding practices |
Reasoning provides source code inspection services |
GroupReview |
www/Java |
Center of the Management of Information, University of Arizona (> Collaboartion > Collaboratus > GroupReview) |
Web based collaboartion tool for supporting inspections. |
Codestriker |
CGI script (Perl) |
Web based collaboration tool, enables virtual code reviews, manages review comments: among other things puts source code and reviews comments side by side, |
ReviewPro |
web browser, server: Unix/Windows |
Enables virtual reviews/inspections, web based collaboration tool |
Jtest, C++ Test |
Unix, Windows |
checks code’s compliance with C++ and Java coding standards (+ generates test harnesses, test cases and stubs automatically, etc.) |
CodeAdvisor (part of Softbench |
Unix |
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Learning Linux Binary Analysis is packed with knowledge and code that will teach you the inner workings of the ELF format, and the methods used by hackers and security analysts for virus analysis, ...
code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of ...
"binary-tools win编译php工具包"是专为在Windows 32位系统上进行PHP源码编译而设计的一套工具集合。这个工具包简化了在Windows平台上构建PHP的复杂过程,使开发者无需从零开始准备各种依赖工具。 首先,让我们来...
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Binary, /// /// 执行文本比较。此成员等效于 Visual Basic 常数 vbTextCompare。 /// </summary> Text } internal static readonly CompareInfo m_InvariantCompareInfo = null;
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`atools` 还包含了与飞行模拟相关的实用工具,比如BGL(Binary Geometry Language)阅读器。BGL是用于描述Flight Simulator游戏场景中地形、建筑物和其他元素的文件格式。这个阅读器可能用于解析、编辑或转换BGL文件...