Review Board - Online Code Review Tool
Posted by Gavin Terrill on Feb 12, 2008 10:07 PM
Architecture Topics Collaboration, Artifacts & Tools, Teamwork Code reviews improve quality, and serve as an excellent means for knowledge sharing and mentorship. Unfortunately, the preparation effort and lack of tool support has made it all too easy to let it slip "until later". Review Board aims to change that by providing an application that supports the code review process. Some of the features of the application include:
- Detailed review requests that brings together all the information required for the review, including code changes and screenshots
- A diff viewer that supports writing comments directly on the relevant lines of code
- Contextual discussions
- A dashboard that summarizes incoming and outgoing reviews
Review Board has been gaining endorsements from early adopters in the open source community since the announcement last May by the developers - Christian Hammond and David Trowbridge from VMWare. The functionality of Review Board has so far been progressing rapidly, with users blogging about their installation experiences as well as comments such as this from Joe Heck:
I think one of the most impressive things about ReviewBoard is that it supports a nice mechanism, and some example scripts, for doing a pre-checkin review.
Review Board ideally works for reviewing patches. A "post review" tool is used in conjunction with the SCM system (currently SVN, CVS, Perforce, Git, and Mercurial repositories are supported), that allows you to request a review for changes about to be committed. The UserBasics page describes the process as:
- You make some awesome change to your local checkout.
- You create a review request by posting a diff, writing a description, and selecting some reviewers.
- You click "Publish" on the review request and wait for your reviewers to see it.
- Other people look at your review request, say "that is awesome, except some stuff is broken."
- You update your code to address some of their comments.
- You post an updated diff, and respond to their comments indicating what you changed (or you respond indicating why you're not going to make some change they suggested)
- People look at your updated code, and give you the go ahead.
- You commit your change to the repository.
- You click "Set Submitted" on the review request to remove it from peoples' dashboards.
Review Board is hosted on
Google Code, and released under an MIT/X11 style license.
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ReviewBoard和Subversion(SVN)是两种常见的工具,分别用于代码审查和版本控制。本篇文章将详细介绍如何配置这两者以实现有效的代码审查流程。 首先,我们需要了解`Subversion(SVN)`。SVN是一个开源的版本控制...
本项目“thingsboard-gateway_gateway_thingsboard_thingsboardgateway_thing”专注于 ThingsBoard Gateway 的实现,旨在帮助用户通过自定义的边缘计算逻辑,将来自各种设备的数据安全地传送到ThingsBoard IoT平台。...
代码review工具,IDEA中使用方法:打开Settings>Pluging>install plugin from disk
- ThingsBoard Gateway 的配置文件位于 `/etc/thingsboard-gateway/config` 目录下,主要包括以下几个文件: - `tb_gateway.yaml`: 网关主配置文件。 - `logs.conf`: 日志配置文件。 - `modbus.json`: MODBUS ...
Eclipse 代码review 插件,下载后 Tao-reviewboard-master\Tao-reviewboard-master\doc文件夹中Tao-ReviewBoard_UseGuide.docx 使用文档 \updatesite\plugins中的jar 放入eclipse plugins中即可
本文将详细介绍如何使用ReviewBoard、Tao-ReviewBoard和SVN搭建一个这样的平台,并解决可能出现的问题。 首先,ReviewBoard是一款开源的代码审查工具,它允许开发者提交代码供其他团队成员审核,提供了一个方便的...
此压缩包""包含了与该模块相关的软件开发资源,方便用户进行项目开发。下面我们将深入探讨其中涉及的几个关键知识点。 ### 1. **LD3320芯片** LD3320是一款专为语音识别设计的低功耗数字信号...
找了好久,才全部找到,之前都是针对PYTHON2.5的,这个是2.7的,有需要的可以下,减少一个个下载的...ReviewBoard-1.7.25-py2.7.egg ReviewBoard-1.7.25.tar.gz sed-4.2.1-setup.exe setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.7.exe
""这个压缩包中包含的就是Xilinx ZC706开发板的Allegro设计源文件,这些文件对于理解板级设计、调试硬件问题以及定制化开发具有极高的价值。 Allegro是Cadence公司推出的一...
这个压缩包中的"FT245-USB-FIFO-Board-Code"很显然是一个针对FT245芯片的开发代码库,用于帮助开发者实现FT245驱动的编程和应用。 FT245驱动程序是连接硬件FT245芯片与软件应用程序的关键,它负责管理和控制USB到...
GRANT ALL ON reviewboard.* TO 'reviewboard'@'localhost'; ``` 这将创建名为`reviewboard`的数据库,并为该数据库创建同名的用户,密码也为`reviewboard`。 ##### 3.4 安装Subversion Subversion(SVN)是一个...
2. **获取源码**:你可以通过下载`ReviewBoard-3.0.5.tar.gz`压缩包来获取源代码。解压后,进入项目目录,准备安装。 3. **配置环境**:创建并编辑``文件,配置数据库连接、电子邮件服务器设置...
《Drawingboard-master:一款简易图形编辑工具的探索》 在当今数字时代,图形编辑软件扮演着至关重要的角色,无论是在设计、教育还是日常工作中,它们都提供了强大的视觉表达能力。"Drawingboard-master"是一个专为...
- 创建ReviewBoard实例:使用管理命令`reviewboard-admin create-database`来初始化数据库。 - 配置ReviewBoard:编辑``文件,配置你的数据库连接信息,以及其他如电子邮件服务器、URL等设置。 6. **...
Three years after its founding, the Consortium for On-Board Optics (COBO) used OFC 2018 in San Diego last month as a stage on which to debut its long-awaited Release 1.0 specifications. The ...
《LD3320声控模块与语音识别技术详解》 LD3320是一款高效能的非特定语音...而""这个压缩包文件,很可能是包含了与LD3320相关的电路设计、驱动代码或示例程序,对于开发者来说是宝贵的参考资料。
在Redmine中,Code Review插件是一个重要的扩展,它致力于帮助开发团队进行代码审查,提升代码质量和团队协作效率。本文将详细介绍如何使用Redmine的Code Review插件。 首先,安装Code Review插件是必要的步骤。...