transient是Java中序列化相关的关键字,transient的中文意思短暂的, 瞬时的,意思表达非常到位。transient用于修饰成员变量(包括静态和非静态的),由transient修饰的变量在序列化时不保存状态,也即就是说transient变量的值不会被写入到对象流中。关于transient的具体用法本文不做详述,Google上一搜就是一堆结果,下面要介绍的是关于transient应用中需要注意的地方。
- public class DataContainer implements Serializable
- {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 2264992695229291695L;
- private String strType;
- private int primeType;
- public DataContainer(String strData, int intData)
- {
- this.strType = strData;
- this.primeType = intData;
- }
- public String getStrData()
- {
- return this.strType;
- }
- public int getIntData()
- {
- return primeType;
- }
- }
DataContainer 表示存放数据容器的类,将作为序列化的对象,下面是具体应用的类:
- public class TestAPP implements Serializable
- {
- private transient DataContainer tdatacontainer;
- public TestAPP()
- {
- this.tdatacontainer = new DataContainer(makeData(), 1);
- }
- private String makeData()
- {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
- for(int i = 0; i< 1000; i++)
- {
- sb.append("This is a Test");
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public DataContainer getContainer()
- {
- return tdatacontainer;
- }
- public static void TestOne() throws IOException
- {
- TestAPP test = new TestAPP();
- FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("TestOne.dat");
- ObjectOutputStream obout = new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
- obout.writeObject(test);
- obout.close();
- fout.close();
- }
- public void TestTwo() throws IOException
- {
- if(tdatacontainer != null)
- {
- FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("TestTwo.dat");
- ObjectOutputStream obout = new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
- obout.writeObject(tdatacontainer);
- obout.close();
- fout.close();
- }
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- {
- TestOne();
- new TestAPP().TestTwo();
- }
- }
在Java项目目录下可以看到,TestOne.dat的大小为1K,而TestTwo.dat的大小为14K,说明TestAPP 别学列化后其成员变量tdatacontainer的状态没有被保存,而序列化TestAPP的transient成员变量tdatacontainer后其状态被保存,尽管tdatacontainer被声明为transient。反序列化后也说明这一点,为较少长度,本文不贴出反序列化代码。
在 Java 编程中,transient 关键字是一个非常重要的概念,它用来说明一个属性是临时的,不会被序列化。在 Java 中,序列化是指将对象的状态信息转换为字节流的过程,以便于对象在网络上传输或存储。在这个过程中,...
### Java中的transient关键字详解 在Java编程语言中,`transient`关键字是一个非常重要的概念,主要用于对象序列化过程中对特定变量的控制。当一个类实现了`Serializable`接口时,其对象可以被序列化为一个持久化的...
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The effects of surface wettability, from superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic, on transient pool boiling of water under atmospheric pressure were experimentally examined by means of the quenching ...
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在Java编程语言中,`transient`关键字与对象的序列化(serialization)机制密切相关,它在处理对象状态的持久化时扮演着关键角色。本文将深入探讨`transient`关键字的功能、用途以及它如何影响Java对象的序列化过程。 ...
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The test results demonstrate the superiority of the both DL algorithms over other methods in the application of power system transient disturbance classification. Keywords—Convolutional Neural ...
This is coding for case transient stabilit. this is simple m file for solve the transient stability case
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