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从source code我们可以知道QuickContactBadge已经处理了它的onClick事件。通过AsyncQueryHandler(用这个来查询的好处待会稍后研究^_^)来异步查询Contact的信息,进而做出了不同的处理,// Found contact, so trigger track
trigger(lookupUri);若查询到了已经有这样的Contact就会发出com.android.contacts.action.QUICK_CONTACT这样的Intent去启动我们看到的Contact tools:call.message,web...而处理这个Intent的Acticity是位于Contact里面的QuickContactActivity.java(大家可以在这里继续研究Contact tools的UI是怎么形成与实现的)。那还有另外一种情况就是这个Contact还没有保存在手机里,那么就会
inal Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT, createUri);
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.widget; import android.content.AsyncQueryHandler; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Intents; import android.provider.ContactsContract.PhoneLookup; import android.provider.ContactsContract.QuickContact; import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import com.android.internal.R; /** * Widget used to show an image with the standard QuickContact badge * and on-click behavior. */ public class QuickContactBadge extends ImageView implements OnClickListener { private Uri mContactUri; private String mContactEmail; private String mContactPhone; private int mMode; private QueryHandler mQueryHandler; private Drawable mBadgeBackground; private Drawable mNoBadgeBackground; private int mSelectedContactsAppTabIndex = -1; protected String[] mExcludeMimes = null; static final private int TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP = 0; static final private int TOKEN_PHONE_LOOKUP = 1; static final private int TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER = 2; static final private int TOKEN_PHONE_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER = 3; static final private int TOKEN_CONTACT_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER = 4; static final String[] EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION = new String[] { RawContacts.CONTACT_ID, Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY, }; static final int EMAIL_ID_COLUMN_INDEX = 0; static final int EMAIL_LOOKUP_STRING_COLUMN_INDEX = 1; static final String[] PHONE_LOOKUP_PROJECTION = new String[] { PhoneLookup._ID, PhoneLookup.LOOKUP_KEY, }; static final int PHONE_ID_COLUMN_INDEX = 0; static final int PHONE_LOOKUP_STRING_COLUMN_INDEX = 1; static final String[] CONTACT_LOOKUP_PROJECTION = new String[] { Contacts._ID, Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY, }; static final int CONTACT_ID_COLUMN_INDEX = 0; static final int CONTACT_LOOKUPKEY_COLUMN_INDEX = 1; public QuickContactBadge(Context context) { this(context, null); } public QuickContactBadge(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public QuickContactBadge(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, com.android.internal.R.styleable.QuickContactBadge, defStyle, 0); mMode = a.getInt(com.android.internal.R.styleable.QuickContactBadge_quickContactWindowSize, QuickContact.MODE_MEDIUM); a.recycle(); init(); mBadgeBackground = getBackground(); } private void init() { mQueryHandler = new QueryHandler(mContext.getContentResolver()); setOnClickListener(this); } /** * Set the QuickContact window mode. Options are {@link QuickContact#MODE_SMALL}, * {@link QuickContact#MODE_MEDIUM}, {@link QuickContact#MODE_LARGE}. * @param size */ public void setMode(int size) { mMode = size; } /** * Assign the contact uri that this QuickContactBadge should be associated * with. Note that this is only used for displaying the QuickContact window and * won't bind the contact's photo for you. * * @param contactUri Either a {@link Contacts#CONTENT_URI} or * {@link Contacts#CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI} style URI. */ public void assignContactUri(Uri contactUri) { mContactUri = contactUri; mContactEmail = null; mContactPhone = null; onContactUriChanged(); } /** * Sets the currently selected tab of the Contacts application. If not set, this is -1 * and therefore does not save a tab selection when a phone call is being made * @hide */ public void setSelectedContactsAppTabIndex(int value) { mSelectedContactsAppTabIndex = value; } private void onContactUriChanged() { if (mContactUri == null && mContactEmail == null && mContactPhone == null) { if (mNoBadgeBackground == null) { mNoBadgeBackground = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.quickcontact_nobadge); } setBackgroundDrawable(mNoBadgeBackground); } else { setBackgroundDrawable(mBadgeBackground); } } /** * Assign a contact based on an email address. This should only be used when * the contact's URI is not available, as an extra query will have to be * performed to lookup the URI based on the email. * * @param emailAddress The email address of the contact. * @param lazyLookup If this is true, the lookup query will not be performed * until this view is clicked. */ public void assignContactFromEmail(String emailAddress, boolean lazyLookup) { mContactEmail = emailAddress; if (!lazyLookup) { mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP, null, Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); } else { mContactUri = null; onContactUriChanged(); } } /** * Assign a contact based on a phone number. This should only be used when * the contact's URI is not available, as an extra query will have to be * performed to lookup the URI based on the phone number. * * @param phoneNumber The phone number of the contact. * @param lazyLookup If this is true, the lookup query will not be performed * until this view is clicked. */ public void assignContactFromPhone(String phoneNumber, boolean lazyLookup) { mContactPhone = phoneNumber; if (!lazyLookup) { mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_PHONE_LOOKUP, null, Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, mContactPhone), PHONE_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); } else { mContactUri = null; onContactUriChanged(); } } public void onClick(View v) { if (mContactUri != null) { mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_CONTACT_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER, null, mContactUri, CONTACT_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); } else if (mContactEmail != null) { mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER, mContactEmail, Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); } else if (mContactPhone != null) { mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_PHONE_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER, mContactPhone, Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, mContactPhone), PHONE_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); } else { // If a contact hasn't been assigned, don't react to click. return; } } /** * Set a list of specific MIME-types to exclude and not display. For * example, this can be used to hide the {@link Contacts#CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE} * profile icon. */ public void setExcludeMimes(String[] excludeMimes) { mExcludeMimes = excludeMimes; } private void trigger(Uri lookupUri) { final Intent intent = QuickContact.getQuickContactIntent(getContext(), this, lookupUri, mMode, mExcludeMimes); if (mSelectedContactsAppTabIndex != -1) { intent.putExtra(QuickContact.EXTRA_SELECTED_CONTACTS_APP_TAB_INDEX, mSelectedContactsAppTabIndex); } getContext().startActivity(intent); } private class QueryHandler extends AsyncQueryHandler { public QueryHandler(ContentResolver cr) { super(cr); } @Override protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) { Uri lookupUri = null; Uri createUri = null; boolean trigger = false; try { switch(token) { case TOKEN_PHONE_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER: trigger = true; createUri = Uri.fromParts("tel", (String)cookie, null); //$FALL-THROUGH$ case TOKEN_PHONE_LOOKUP: { if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { long contactId = cursor.getLong(PHONE_ID_COLUMN_INDEX); String lookupKey = cursor.getString(PHONE_LOOKUP_STRING_COLUMN_INDEX); lookupUri = Contacts.getLookupUri(contactId, lookupKey); } break; } case TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER: trigger = true; createUri = Uri.fromParts("mailto", (String)cookie, null); //$FALL-THROUGH$ case TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP: { if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { long contactId = cursor.getLong(EMAIL_ID_COLUMN_INDEX); String lookupKey = cursor.getString(EMAIL_LOOKUP_STRING_COLUMN_INDEX); lookupUri = Contacts.getLookupUri(contactId, lookupKey); } break; } case TOKEN_CONTACT_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER: { if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { long contactId = cursor.getLong(CONTACT_ID_COLUMN_INDEX); String lookupKey = cursor.getString(CONTACT_LOOKUPKEY_COLUMN_INDEX); lookupUri = Contacts.getLookupUri(contactId, lookupKey); trigger = true; } break; } } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } mContactUri = lookupUri; onContactUriChanged(); if (trigger && lookupUri != null) { // Found contact, so trigger track trigger(lookupUri); } else if (createUri != null) { // Prompt user to add this person to contacts final Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT, createUri); getContext().startActivity(intent); } } } }
从source code我们可以知道QuickContactBadge已经处理了它的onClick事件。通过AsyncQueryHandler(用这个来查询的好处待会稍后研究^_^)来异步查询Contact的信息,进而做出了不同的处理,// Found contact, so trigger track
trigger(lookupUri);若查询到了已经有这样的Contact就会发出com.android.contacts.action.QUICK_CONTACT这样的Intent去启动我们看到的Contact tools:call.message,web...而处理这个Intent的Acticity是位于Contact里面的QuickContactActivity.java(大家可以在这里继续研究Contact tools的UI是怎么形成与实现的)。那还有另外一种情况就是这个Contact还没有保存在手机里,那么就会
inal Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT, createUri);
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#### 二、使用QuickContactBadge实现基本通讯录弹窗 1. **布局文件创建**: 在`res/layout`目录下创建布局文件`main.xml`,包含一个`QuickContactBadge`组件。该组件用于显示联系人的图片,并支持点击后弹出一系列...
- **应用场景**:用于实现用户点击 `QuickContactBadge` 后的具体操作,如打开联系人详情页面等。 5. **`setExcludeMimes(String[] excludeMimes)`** - **功能**:设置要排除的 MIME 类型列表,可以用来隐藏特定...
在这个场景中,`QuickContactBadge` 和 `ListView` 是两个关键组件,它们共同构建了一个高效且用户友好的交互体验。 首先,`QuickContactBadge` 是一个Android SDK提供的视图组件,它主要用于显示联系人头像,并...
本文将深入探讨如何实现Android自定义菜单,并结合QuickContactBadge控件的使用,为用户提供更加丰富的交互体验。 首先,我们来了解自定义菜单的基本概念。在Android中,菜单通常在Action Bar或Overflow Menu中显示...
为了实现类似QuickContactBadge的动画效果,我们可以添加动画资源文件,如`slide_in.xml`和`slide_out.xml`,分别定义菜单弹出和消失的动画。然后在显示和关闭PopupWindow时调用相应的动画: ```java // 弹出动画 ...
本文档涵盖了 Android 2.2 版本的 API,包括 TextView、EditText、AccessibilityService、Manifest、View、ImageView、ImageButton、QuickContactBadge、ZoomButton、CheckBox、RadioButton、Button、ToggleButton、...
在Android中,这一功能通过`SectionIndexer`接口和`QuickContactBadge`组件共同实现。 `SectionIndexer`接口定义了三个方法:`getPositionForSection(int section)`用于获取指定分段(字母)的第一个索引位置;`...
4. **QuickContactBadge**:为了增强用户体验,可以在每个联系人项旁边添加QuickContactBadge,当用户点击时可以快速查看或编辑联系人信息。 5. **onSectionChanged()回调**:当用户选择字母栏上的某个字母时,系统...
5. **QuickContactBadge**:这是一个可以快速查看联系人详细信息的小图标,常用于快速索引栏中,当用户点击特定字母时,显示与该字母相关的联系人。 6. **ListView/RecyclerView**:展示联系人列表的视图组件。...
QuickContactBadge badge = new QuickContactBadge(this, v); badge.assignContactUri(ContactData.getUri()); }); ``` 以上仅为部分示例的简要介绍,更多内容请参考完整的文档或源码。通过这些示例的学习,...
- 实现联系人搜索功能,通过ContentResolver的`query()`方法查询匹配特定条件的联系人。 - 同步应用内的联系人数据到系统联系人数据库,或者从系统中导入联系人。 - 添加、编辑和删除联系人,包括添加新的数据项...
### Android API中文文档知识点概述 本篇文档主要围绕Android中的基本控件展开,对TextView、EditText等常用控件进行了详细...通过对它们的学习和理解,开发者可以更好地设计和实现复杂的应用程序界面,提高用户体验。
- **使用**:开发者可以通过设置`android:uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow"`属性或使用`getSupportActionBar()`方法来实现Action Bar。 2. **Fragment** - **定义**:Fragment是Android 3.0引入的一个可重用...
它有两个已知的直接子类:ImageButton和QuickContactBadge,分别用于显示可点击的图像按钮和快速联系人徽章。除此之外,还有一些间接子类,如ZoomButton,用于处理缩放操作。 ImageView的重要属性包括: 1. `...
Android系统提供了多种预定义的主题(Theme)和颜色,开发者可以通过修改主题来改变应用的整体风格,系统命名的颜色可以在资源文件中引用,以实现一致性和易维护性。 【总结】 Android开发涉及的内容广泛,包括...