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思绪起*心间 -
今天,突然有了一种失落感 -
THE American PRESIDENT: Good evening, everybody. Tonight, after nearly 100 years of talk and frustration, after decades of trying, and a year of sustained effort and debate, the United States Congress finally declared that America’s workers and America’s families and America’s small businesses deserve the security of knowing that here, in this country, neither illness nor accident should endanger the dreams they’ve worked a lifetime to achieve.
Tonight, at a time when the pundits said it was no longer possible, we rose above the weight of our politics. We pushed back on the undue influence of special interests. We didn’t give in to mistrust or to cynicism or to fear. Instead, we proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things and tackling our biggest challenges. We proved that this government — a government of the people and by the people — still works for the people.
I want to thank every member of Congress who stood up tonight with courage and conviction to make health care reform a reality. And I know this wasn’t an easy vote for a lot of people. But it was the right vote. I want to thank Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her extraordinary leadership, and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn for their commitment to getting the job done. I want to thank my outstanding Vice President, Joe Biden, and my wonderful Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, for their fantastic work on this issue. I want to thank the many staffers in Congress, and my own incredible staff in the White House, who have worked tirelessly over the past year with Americans of all walks of life to forge a reform package finally worthy of the people we were sent here to serve.
Today’s vote answers the dreams of so many who have fought for this reform. To every unsung American who took the time to sit down and write a letter or type out an e-mail hoping your voice would be heard — it has been heard tonight. To the untold numbers who knocked on doors and made phone calls, who organized and mobilized out of a firm conviction that change in this country comes not from the top down, but from the bottom up — let me reaffirm that conviction: This moment is possible because of you.
Most importantly, today’s vote answers the prayers of every American who has hoped deeply for something to be done about a health care system that works for insurance companies, but not for ordinary people. For most Americans, this debate has never been about abstractions, the fight between right and left, Republican and Democrat — it’s always been about something far more personal. It’s about every American who knows the shock of opening an envelope to see that their premiums just shot up again when times are already tough enough. It’s about every parent who knows the desperation of trying to cover a child with a chronic illness only to be told “no” again and again and again. It’s about every small business owner forced to choose between insuring employees and staying open for business. They are why we committed ourselves to this cause.
Tonight’s vote is not a victory for any one party — it’s a victory for them. It’s a victory for the American people. And it’s a victory for common sense.
Now, it probably goes without saying that tonight’s vote will give rise to a frenzy of instant analysis. There will be tallies of Washington winners and losers, predictions about what it means for Democrats and Republicans, for my poll numbers, for my administration. But long after the debate fades away and the prognostication fades away and the dust settles, what will remain standing is not the government-run system some feared, or the status quo that serves the interests of the insurance industry, but a health care system that incorporates ideas from both parties — a system that works better for the American people.
If you have health insurance, this reform just gave you more control by reining in the worst excesses and abuses of the insurance industry with some of the toughest consumer protections this country has ever known — so that you are actually getting what you pay for.
If you don’t have insurance, this reform gives you a chance to be a part of a big purchasing pool that will give you choice and competition and cheaper prices for insurance. And it includes the largest health care tax cut for working families and small businesses in history — so that if you lose your job and you change jobs, start that new business, you’ll finally be able to purchase quality, affordable care and the security and peace of mind that comes with it.
This reform is the right thing to do for our seniors. It makes Medicare stronger and more solvent, extending its life by almost a decade. And it’s the right thing to do for our future. It will reduce our deficit by more than $100 billion over the next decade, and more than $1 trillion in the decade after that.
So this isn’t radical reform. But it is major reform. This legislation will not fix everything that ails our health care system. But it moves us decisively in the right direction. This is what change looks like.更多
Now as momentous as this day is, it’s not the end of this journey. On Tuesday, the Senate will take up revisions to this legislation that the House has embraced, and these are revisions that have strengthened this law and removed provisions that had no place in it. Some have predicted another siege of parliamentary maneuvering in order to delay adoption of these improvements. I hope that’s not the case. It’s time to bring this debate to a close and begin the hard work of implementing this reform properly on behalf of the American people. This year, and in years to come, we have a solemn responsibility to do it right.
Nor does this day represent the end of the work that faces our country. The work of revitalizing our economy goes on. The work of promoting private sector job creation goes on. The work of putting American families’ dreams back within reach goes on. And we march on, with renewed confidence, energized by this victory on their behalf.
In the end, what this day represents is another stone firmly laid in the foundation of the American Dream. Tonight, we answered the call of history as so many generations of Americans have before us. When faced with crisis, we did not shrink from our challenge — we overcame it. We did not avoid our responsibility — we embraced it. We did not fear our future — we shaped it.
Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.
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### VOA农业报告:米歇尔·奥巴马与学童共同为白宫南草坪有机菜园奠基 #### 背景概述 本月早些时候,美国前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马与23名学童共同在白宫南草坪为一个有机蔬菜园进行土地准备工作。...
这里,我们将从《Say It Like Obama》这本书的主要内容出发,探讨奥巴马总统的演讲艺术及其背后的原理,这对于任何领域的专业人士,包括IT行业的从业者来说都是非常有益的。 ### 一、演讲的目的与愿景 #### 1.1 ...
例如,如果"Barack Obama"(实体)和"president of the United States"(关系)的向量表示分别为 _e_ 和 _r_ ,那么"Barack Obama as president of the United States"(事实三元组)的向量表示应该是_e + r_。...
- 职位或称号前若无冠词或使用定冠词,不需要逗号,如"President Obama"或"the President, Barack Obama"。 - 不定冠词"a/an"的类指用法不能表示整个类别的特性,例如"A tiger is becoming almost extinct"是错误...
4. 特指的学校、政府机构、党派、委员会或涉及特定人名的称呼或职位,首字母应大写,如:Peking University, President Obama。 5. 特殊词汇、缩略词、标志语、特殊用语,如:NASA(National Aeronautics and Space ...
以及表示职位、身份、头衔的名词前,如"President Obama"。 掌握冠词的正确使用对于提升英语水平至关重要,特别是在高考这种高水准的语言测试中,能够准确运用冠词将直接影响到句子的表达清晰度和语义准确性。因此...
6. 题目要求选择与"report the event to President Obama"相匹配的动作。"break down"表示失败、分解,"break into"闯入,"break through"突破,"break out"爆发。根据语境,应该是中断对话去汇报,所以选A. break ...
President Barack Obama delivered a speech”,“where”引导的定语从句修饰先行词“the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum”,表示奥巴马发表演讲的地点。 【知识点七】:不定式作定语及too... to结构 第...
- 专有名词、职位、头衔等通常不加冠词,如:John, President Obama, Mr. Smith。 - 固定搭配中可能不使用冠词,如:under construction(在建设中)。 4. **冠词与数量词的关系**: - a number of + 名词复数,...
obama_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(obama_image)[0] unknown_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(unknown_image)[0] results = face_recognition.compare_faces([jobs_encoding, obama_...
关系抽取(RE)则是在命名实体识别的基础上,进一步分析这些实体之间的关系,例如"(Trump, Member of, Republican)"、"(Trump, President of, United States)"和"(Obama, Former President, United States)"。...