Given a change amount, print all possible combinations using different sets of coins
1. Sort coins from large to small based on amount
2. Determine how many large coins used
3. Calculate how much the amount left using a given number of large coins
4. Recursion to the deducted value using sub-set of the coins
5. Print out of the remaining amount dividable by the smallest coin amount
package org.fool.java.test; public class PrintAllCoinChangeCombinationTest { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] coins = {25, 10, 5, 1}; int[] counts = new int[coins.length]; System.out.println("All possible coin combinations of 10 cents are: "); printCombination(coins, counts, 0, 10); System.out.println("All possible coin combinations of 25 cents are: "); printCombination(coins, counts, 0, 25); } // coins are the sorted coins in descending order, larger positioned more front // counts record the number of coins at certain location // start index is keep cracking of from which coin we start processing after choosing one larger coin amount // total amount keep track of remaining amount left processing private static void printCombination(int[] coins, int[] counts, int startIndex, int totalAmount) { if (startIndex >= coins.length) { // format the print out as "amount=?*25 + ?*10 + ..." for (int i = 0; i < coins.length; i++) { System.out.print("" + counts[i] + " * " + coins[i] + " + "); } System.out.println(); return; } // notice if startIndex is the last one, we need check if it can be dividable by the smallest coin // if so, this is a good combination, otherwise, this is not possible combination thus discarded if (startIndex == coins.length - 1) { if (totalAmount % coins[startIndex] == 0) { // good combination // set the counts of coins at start index counts[startIndex] = totalAmount / coins[startIndex]; // proceed to recursive call printCombination(coins, counts, startIndex + 1, 0); // notice startIndex + 1 and remaining amount = 0 } } else { // we still have option to choose 0-N larger coins for (int i = 0; i <= totalAmount / coins[startIndex]; i++) { // for every cycle in a loop, we choose an arbitrary number of larger coins and proceed next counts[startIndex] = i; // notice we need to update the remaining amount printCombination(coins, counts, startIndex + 1, totalAmount - coins[startIndex] * i); } } } }
Console Output
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