Spark Introduction
MapReduce is the primary workhorse at the core of most Hadoop clusters. While highly effective for very large batch-analytic jobs, MapReduce has proven to be suboptimal for applications like graph analysis that require iterative processing and data sharing.
Spark is designed to provide a more flexible model that supports many of the multipass applications that falter in MapReduce. It accomplishes this goal by taking advantage of memory whenever possible in order to reduce the amount of data that is written to and read from disk. Unlike Pig and Hive, Spark is not a tool for making MapReduce easier to use. It is a complete replacement for MapReduce that includes its own work execution engine.
Spark operates with three core ideas:
Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
RDDs contain data that you want to transform or analyze. They can either be be read from an external source, such as a file or a database, or they can be created by a transformation.
A transformation modifies an existing RDD to create a new RDD. For example, a filter that pulls ERROR messages out of a log file would be a transformation.
An action analyzes an RDD and returns a single result. For example, an action would count the number of results identified by our ERROR filter.
High-level Spark architecture
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赠送jar包:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.8.3.jar; 赠送原API文档:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.8.3-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.8.3-sources.jar;...
UG871 - Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: High-Level Synthesis (v2019.1),UG871文档最新版本,适用于vivado 2017以及之后的版本
Write Great Code- thinking low-level & writing High-Level, the best practice in programming.
《ug1197-vivado-high-level-productivity.pdf》是一份详尽介绍了Xilinx Vivado HLS(高层次综合)工具使用方法的指南,主要关注如何优化高层次设计的生产率。该文档为用户提供了一套在短时间内创建复杂系统设计的...
本教程“High-Level-Synthesis-Flow-on-Zynq-using-Vivado-HLS-master.zip”正是以此为主题,通过四个实际的HLS入门示例,帮助读者掌握如何在Zynq平台上使用Vivado HLS工具。 Vivado HLS是Xilinx提供的一个强大的...
高级综合(High-Level Synthesis,简称HLS)是一种利用高级语言(如C++、SystemC)来描述硬件设计并自动生成硬件描述语言(如VHDL、Verilog)的过程。这种方法允许设计者从更抽象的层面上设计电子系统,从而提高设计...
Vivado HLS是Xilinx推出的一款高级综合工具,它是Vivado设计套件的一部分。UG902是Vivado HLS的用户指南,这份文档会详细介绍Vivado HLS的设计流程、库函数使用、编程样式和参考指南等,让用户可以更加高效地使用...
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Vivado Design Suite 高级综合用户指南(UG902) 本资源为 Vivado Design Suite 的高级综合用户指南,版本号为 2018.3,发布日期为 2018 年 12 月 20 日。该指南主要介绍高级综合(HLS)技术在 FPGA 设计中的应用,...
### CANopen 高级协议详解 #### 一、引言 CANopen作为一种广泛应用于工业自动化领域的高级协议,基于CAN(Controller Area Network)总线技术,为CAN总线提供了必要的高层应用层规范。它由CAN in Automation (CiA)...
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高可用 REST 客户端的坐标在描述中未给出,通常会以类似于 `org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client:<version>` 的形式存在,`<version>` 应替换为实际的 Elasticsearch 客户端版本号。...
Xilinx的Vivado HLS(High-Level Synthesis)工具为开发者提供了一种高效、便捷的设计方法,允许用高级语言(如C、C++或SystemC)编写硬件逻辑,然后自动转换为FPGA的逻辑门级描述。本篇文章将围绕ug902文档中关于...