Ten amzingly simple tricks to turn your brain into a powerful thinking machine
There are two basic principles to keep your brain healthy and sharp as you age: variety and curiosity. When anything you do becomes second nature, you need to make a change. If you can do the crossword puzzle in your sleep, it's time for you move on to a new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain. Curiosity about the world around you, how it works and how you can understand it will keep your brain working fast and efficiently. Use the ideas below to help attain your quest for mental fitness.
1. Read a book
Pick a book on an entirely new subject. Read a novel set in Egypt. Learn about economics. There are many excellent popular non-fiction books that do a great job entertaining you while teaching about a subject. Become an expert in something new each week. Branch out from familiar reading topic. If you usually read history books. Not only will your brain get a workout by imagine different time period, culture and peoples, you will also have interesting stories to tell about your reading, what it makes you think of and the connections you draw between modem life and the words.
2. Play Games
Games are a wonderful way to tease and challenge your brain. Suduko, crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain's speed and memory. These games rely on logic, word skills, math and more. These games are also fun. you will get benefit more by doing these games in a little bit every day-spend 15 minutes or so, but not hours.
3. Use your opposite hand
Spend the way doing things with your non-dominant hand. If you are left-handed, open doors with your right hand. If you are right-handed, try using your keys with your left. This simple task will cause your brain to lay down some new pathways and rethink daily tasks. Wear your watch on the opposite hand to remind you to switch.
4. Learn phone numbers
Our modem phones remember every number that calls them. No one memorizes phone numbers anymore, but it is a great memory skill. Learn a new phone number everyday.
5. Eat for your brain
Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats. Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, seeds such as flax seed and olive oil. Eat more of these foods and less saturated fats. Eliminate transfats completely from your diet.
6. Break the Routine
We love our routines. We have hobbies and pasttimes that we could do for hours on end. But the more something is second nature, the less our brains have to work to do it. To really help your brain stay young, challenge it, Change routes to the grocery store, use your opposite hand open doors and eat dessert first. All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.
7. Go a different way
Drive or walk a different way to wherever you go. This little change in routine helps hte brain practice special memory and directions. Try different side street go through stores in a different order anything to change your route.
8. Learn a new skill
Learning a new skill works multiple areas of the brain. your memory comes into play, you learn new movements and you associate things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to cock and building an airplane out of tooth pick will challenge your brain and give you something to think about.
9. Make lists
Lists are wonderful. Making lists helps us to associate items with one another. Make a list of all the places you have traved. Make a list of the tastiest foods you have eaten. Make a list of the best presents you have been given. Make one list every day to jog your memory and make new connections. But don't become too reliant on them. Make your grocery list, but then try to shop without it.Use the list once you have put every item you can think of in your cart. Do the same with your "to do" lists.
10. Choose a new skill
Find something that captivates you that you can do easily in your home and doesn't cost too much. Photography with a digital camera, learning to draw, learning a musical instrument learning new cooking styles, or writing are all great choices.
dev-c++ 6.3版本
毕业设计&课设_基于 AFLFast 改进能量分配策略的毕业设计项目,含 Mix Schedule策略设计及测试结果分析.zip
VB SQL车辆管理系统是一款基于Visual Basic(VB)编程语言和SQL数据库开发的综合车辆管理工具。该系统集成了车辆信息管理、驾驶员信息管理、车辆调度、维修记录、数据存储与检索、报告生成以及安全权限管理等多个核心功能模块。 源代码部分提供了详细的开发流程和实现方法,涵盖了从数据库设计、界面设计到事件驱动编程、数据访问技术和错误处理等关键技术点。通过该系统,用户可以方便地录入、查询、修改和删除车辆及驾驶员信息,实现车辆信息的实时更新和跟踪。同时,系统还支持生成各类车辆管理相关的报告,帮助用户更好地掌握车辆运营情况。 系统部分则采用了直观易用的用户界面设计,使得用户能够轻松上手并快速完成车辆管理工作。系统还具备强大的数据处理能力和安全性,通过数据备份和系统升级优化等功能,确保数据的完整性和系统的稳定运行。 总体而言,VB SQL车辆管理系统是一款功能全面、易于操作且安全可靠的车辆管理工具,适用于企业和个人进行日常车辆运营和管理。无论是车辆信息的录入、查询还是报告生成,该系统都能够提供高效、便捷的服务,是车辆管理工作的理想选择。
环境说明:开发语言:Java 框架:springboot JDK版本:JDK1.8 服务器:tomcat7 数据库:mysql 5.7 数据库工具:Navicat 开发软件:eclipse/myeclipse/idea Maven包:Maven 浏览器:谷歌浏览器。 项目经过测试均可完美运行
内容概要:本文档详细介绍了QST公司生产的QMI8A01型号的6轴惯性测量单元的数据表及性能参数。主要内容包括设备特性、操作模式、接口标准(SPI、I2C与I3C),以及各种运动检测原理和技术规格。文中还提到了设备的工作温度范围宽广,内置的大容量FIFO可用于缓冲传感器数据,减少系统功耗。此外,对于器件的安装焊接指导亦有详细介绍。 适合人群:电子工程技术人员、嵌入式开发人员、硬件设计师等。 使用场景及目标:适用于需要精准测量物体空间位置变化的应用场合,如消费电子产品、智能穿戴设备、工业自动化等领域。帮助工程师快速掌握该款IMU的技术要点和应用场景。 其他说明:文档提供了详细的电气连接图表、封装尺寸图解等资料,方便用户进行电路板的设计制作。同时针对特定应用提出了一些优化建议。