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Ownership Systems against Data Races 10

September 22, 2009

Posted by Bartosz Milewski under C++, Concurrency, Programming, Type System
[6] Comments

Here’s the video from my recent talk to the Northwest C++ Users Group (NWCPP) about how to translate the data-race free type system into a system of user-defined annotations in C++. I start with the definition of a data race and discuss various ways to eliminate them. Then I describe the ownership system and give a few examples of annotated programs.

Here are the slides from the presentation. They include extensive notes.

By the way, we are looking for speakers at the NWCPP, not necessarily related to C++. We are thinking of changing the charter to include all programming languages. If you are near Seattle on Oct 21 09 (or any third Wednesday of the month), and you are ready to give a 60 min presentation, please contact me.



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