If only you could see the tears In the world you left behind If only you could hear my heart Just one more time
Even when I close my eyes There's an image of your face And once again I come to realise You're a loss I can't replace
Shane (All): Soledad It's a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone Why did you leave me soledad? In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on Why did you leave me? Bryan: Soledad
Shane: Walking down the streets of Nothingville Where our love was young and free Can't believe just what an empty place it has come to be
Shane: I would give my life away If it could only be the same Cos I can't still the voice inside of me (ooh) That is calling out your name (Calling out your name)
All (Mark): Soledad (soledad) It's a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) Why did you leave me soledad? In my heart you were the only And your memory lives
(on) Why did you leave me Shane: Soledad
Mark: Time will never change the things you've told me yeah And after all we're meant to be Love will bring us back to you and me Bryan: If only you could see
All (Bryan): Soledad (soledad) It's a keeping for the lonely All (Mark): Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) Why did you leave me soledad? (oh no) In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on (oh no) Why did you leave me (soledad) All: Soledad (soledad) It'a keeping for the lonely (keeping for the lonely) Since the day that you were gone Why did you leave me soledad? (ooh why did you leave me) Soledad (soledad) In my heart you were the only (heart you were the only) (Mark: ooh) And your memory lives on (lives on) Why did you leave me Soledad (soledad)
Why did you leave me soledad?
多希望你可以知道 你离开之后 我的悲伤 多希望你可以再次为我疗伤 每当我闭上双眼 总无法忘却你的身影 再一次 我深深了解 你永远无人可以取代 孤独 自从你走的那一天 我的悲伤没有止尽 为何离我而去 你是我心中的唯一 你我的记忆永远无法抹去 为何离开我 孤独 走在大街上 那时我们的爱苗 才渐渐滋长 不敢相信一切竟变得如此空虚 我愿意抛弃生命 只要一切回到从前 我无法抹去记忆中你的声音 这是我对你爱的呼唤 (合唱) 时间不会改变你我的誓约 因为我们真心相属 爱会让一切再回到从前 只希望你能看见
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Soledad 是一个多用途的 WordPress 主题,广泛应用于博客、杂志、新闻和内容丰富的网站。它提供了丰富的功能和灵活性,适合各种类型的内容创作者。以下是 Soledad 的主要特点: 多种布局选项:提供超过 1000 种预建...
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Argentina”由Telefe电视台于2012年开始播出,其中包含多位著名音乐家如Axel和Soledad Pastorutti等作为导师。 3. **比利时**的“Voice van Vlaanderen”(佛兰德斯之声)在荷兰语区的vtm电视台播出,有Glenn ...
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锻炼伙伴描述锻炼伙伴是一个简单的全栈Web应用程序,健身爱好者可以相互...积分/合作者如有任何疑问,请与我们联系: 丹尼尔·索莱达(Daniel Soledad) 特里斯坦·邦德 Francine Babauta- 斯坦尼斯拉瓦·梅迪戈维克-
团队成员说明: Soledad:30岁,居住在CABA。 犯罪学学位,目前在布宜诺斯艾利斯市警察局科学警察局局长中从事专业工作。 她正在完成卫生技术和工作安全技术员的职业。 对体育和旅行充满热情! 阿克西:现年29岁,...
:laptop: 这是我正在研究的一些最新的回购协议: :high_voltage: 有趣的事实: :books: 当前阅读: 加西亚·马克斯(Carcia Marquez)-塞恩·阿诺斯·德·索莱达(CienAñosDe Soledad) 马丁·海德格尔-存在与时间...
在 Three.js 中渲染天气 Thomas Kearney 为计算机科学 336 所做的研究项目和正在进行的工作 一探究竟! 参考资料和代码取自: 史蒂夫考茨 Aerotwist Soledad Penadés
OpenGL-周四Soledad89,清华大学电气工程系。 清华大学研究生OpenGL班。 讲座代表课堂上的powerpoint。 家庭作业 每周报告家庭作业。 例如:week2 表示 03-09-2015 的作业。
组织者熟悉 Proyecto集成商最终Curso Programador Multiplataforma con Java del Silicon ... Soledad Repezza。 达米安·阿尔加纳拉斯(DamianArgañaras)。 卢卡斯·曼努埃尔·鲁伊斯(Lucas Manuel Ruiz)。
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