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By now, you should have heard about ambition if not read the latest post from the author.
Ambition has a simple goal: making you stop writing SQL in your queries and only stick to Ruby. (who cares if you use ActiveRecord, Sequel, DataMapper or another ORM)
I'm so used to the ActiveRecord way of querying the database that I was not fully convinced that Ambition would help me in my daily tasks. I still gave it a try:
Testing Ambition
$ sudo gem install ambition -y
Started my console
$ script/console
and required Ambition
require 'ambition'
I started by doing a query the AR way:
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Photo.find(:all, :conditions => "photos.title IS NULL AND photos.width > 250 AND photos.height > 200 AND users.name = 'test'", :include => :user) |
And I converted it into an Ambition call:
Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.width > 250 && p.height > 200 && p.user.name == 'test'}.entries |
145 vs 102 keystrokes. 30% less typing with Ambition! I don't know about you, but I REALLY prefer the Ruby only query, much cleaner and much "DRYer". However, that's not always true:
Photo.find_by_title(nil) |
Photo.detect{|p| p.title == nil} |
But what's going on behind the scene? Do we have the exact same SQL query sent to our DB?
Well, Ambition doesn't generate any SQL, it uses AR to do so. You want to make sure Ambition is not messing with you, try that:
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>> Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.width > 250 && p.height > 200 && p.user.name == 'test'}.to_hash => {:conditions=>"(photos.`title` IS NULL AND (photos.`width` > 250 AND (photos.`height` > 200 AND users.name = 'test')))", :include=>[:user]} |
That's pretty hot. Especially when you have to use eager loading!
Obviously you can still do stuff like that:
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Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.width > 250 && p.height > 200 && p.user.name == 'test'}.each do |photo| puts photo.filename end |
(note the query will only be made once)
Another cool thing, is to do simple sorting:
>> Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.user.name == 'test'}.sort_by { |p| [p.created_at, -p.size] } |
creates the following:
=> {:order=>"photos.created_at, photos.size DESC", :conditions=>"(photos.`title` IS NULL AND users.name = 'test')", :include=>[:user]} |
=> "SELECT * FROM photos JOIN user WHERE (photos.`title` IS NULL AND users.name = 'test') ORDER BY photos.created_at, photos.size DESC"
That's cool, and you can still sort on relationships:
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>> Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil }.sort_by { |p| p.user.name } => "SELECT * FROM photos JOIN user WHERE photos.`title` IS NULL ORDER BY users.name"</macro:code > Or directly on the model: <macro:code lang="ruby">>> Photo.sort_by(&:title) => "SELECT * FROM photos ORDER BY photos.title" |
To finish, another detail which makes Ambition a great library
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>> Photo.any? {|p| p.title =~ /ambition/ } => "SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM photos WHERE (photos.`title` REGEXP 'ambition')" => true |
And if you were worried that it wouldn't work with utf8, check this out:
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>> Photo.any? {|p| p.title == 'école'} => SET NAMES 'utf8' => SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 => SHOW FIELDS FROM photos => SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM photos WHERE (photos.`title` = 'école') => false |
The only limitation I found in Ambition is that Ruby code won't work in the block, for instance:
>> Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.created_at < 1.week.ago && p.user.name == 'test'}.entries |
won't work at the moment. To inspect what's going simply try:
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>> Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.created_at < 1.week.ago && p.user.name == 'test'}.to_sql => "SELECT * FROM photos JOIN user WHERE (photos.`title` IS NULL AND (photos.`created_at` < 1.`week`.`ago` AND users.name = 'test'))" |
You can see that photos.created_at
< 1.week
is the problem.
The recommended way to achieve the same result is to use variables:
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>> date = 1.week.ago >> Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.created_at < date && p.user.name == 'test'}.to_sql => "SELECT * FROM photos JOIN user WHERE (photos.`title` IS NULL AND (photos.`created_at` < '2007-09-08 19:38:48' AND users.name = 'test'))" |
However, note that method calls will work just fine:
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>> def time_now_please >> Time.now >> end >> Photo.select {|p| p.title == nil && p.created_at < time_now_please && p.user.name == 'test'}.to_sql => "SELECT * FROM photos JOIN user WHERE (photos.`title` IS NULL AND (photos.`created_at` < '2007-09-15 19:41:37' AND users.name = 'test'))" |
For now, Ambition is still just wrapping ActiveRecord::Base#find but the plan is to actually generate SQL. Hopefully we'll also be able to use Ruby code from within an Ambition block. Kickers methods are very interesting and could become a really nice way of speeding up your app and keep your code clean.
Ambition is a great query library, I think I'll start using it whenever I have "find" calls with multiple conditions especially if my conditions are related to another model. However I still didn't figure out how to use an inner join with Ambition.
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《PyPI官网下载:ambition-prn-0.1.29.macosx-10.7-x86_64.tar.gz详解》 在Python的开发和分发环境中,PyPI(Python Package Index)扮演着至关重要的角色。它是一个庞大的仓库,存储了无数的Python软件包,供...
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标题中的"PyPI 官网下载 | ambition_rando-0.1.40-py3-none-any.whl"指的是在Python的包索引服务(Python Package Index,简称PyPI)上发布的ambition_rando库的一个特定版本,0.1.40。这个库是为Python 3编写的,...
Americans ambition 英语课前演讲PPT课件PPT学习教案.pptx
【标题】:Ambition Clothing Co. 乔治亚州亚特兰大服装品牌网站设计与CSS技术解析 在当今数字化的世界中,网站是品牌形象的重要展示窗口。"Ambition Clothing Co.",这家位于美国乔治亚州亚特兰大的服装品牌,通过...
资源来自pypi官网。 资源全名:ambition_visit_schedule-0.1.18-py3-none-any.whl
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:ambition_rando-0.1.18-py3-none-any.whl 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059