ruby 代码
- class Upfile < ActiveRecord::Base
- has_attachment :content_type=>:image,:max_size=>2.megabyte,:thumbnails=>{:small=>'200x200>', :middle=>'400x400>'},:storage=>:db_file
- validates_as_attachment
- end
This method accepts the options in a hash:
:content_type # Allowed content types.
# Allows all by default. Use :image to allow all standard image types.
:min_size # Minimum size allowed.
# 1 byte is the default.
:max_size # Maximum size allowed.
# 1.megabyte is the default.
:size # Range of sizes allowed.
# (1..1.megabyte) is the default. This overrides the :min_size and :max_size options.
:resize_to # Used by RMagick to resize images.
# Pass either an array of width/height, or a geometry string.
:thumbnails # Specifies a set of thumbnails to generate.
# This accepts a hash of filename suffixes and RMagick resizing options.
# This option need only be included if you want thumbnailing.
:thumbnail_class # Set which model class to use for thumbnails.
# This current attachment class is used by default.
:path_prefix # path to store the uploaded files.
# Uses public/#{table_name} by default for the filesystem, and just #{table_name} for the S3 backend.
# Setting this sets the :storage to :file_system.
:storage # Specifies the storage system to use..
# Defaults to :db_file. Options are :file_system, :db_file, and :s3.
:processor # Sets the image processor to use for resizing of the attached image.
# Options include ImageScience, Rmagick, and MiniMagick. Default is whatever is installed.
has_attachment :max_size => 1.kilobyte
has_attachment :size => 1.megabyte..2.megabytes
has_attachment :content_type => 'application/pdf'
has_attachment :content_type => ['application/pdf', 'application/msword', 'text/plain']
has_attachment :content_type => :image, :resize_to => [50,50]
has_attachment :content_type => ['application/pdf', :image], :resize_to => 'x50'
has_attachment :thumbnails => { :thumb => [50, 50], :geometry => 'x50' }
has_attachment :storage => :file_system, :path_prefix => 'public/files'
has_attachment :storage => :file_system, :path_prefix => 'public/files',
:content_type => :image, :resize_to => [50,50]
has_attachment :storage => :file_system, :path_prefix => 'public/files',
:thumbnails => { :thumb => [50, 50], :geometry => 'x50' }
has_attachment :storage => :s3
ruby 代码
- class CreateUpfiles < ActiveRecord::Migration
- def self.up
- create_table :upfiles do |t|
- t.column :size,:integer,:null=>false
- t.column :content_type,:string,:null=>false
- t.column :filename,:string,:null=>false
- t.column :height,:integer
- t.column :width,:integer
- t.column :parent_id,:integer
- t.column :thumbnail,:string
- t.column :db_file_id,:integer
- end
- end
- def self.down
- drop_table :upfiles
- end
- end
ruby 代码
- class CreateDbFiles < ActiveRecord::Migration
- def self.up
- create_table :db_files do |t|
- t.column :data, :binary
- end
- end
- def self.down
- drop_table :db_files
- end
- end
Fields for attachment_fu metadata tables...
in general:
size, :integer # file size in bytes
content_type, :string # mime type, ex: application/mp3
filename, :string # sanitized filename
that reference images:
height, :integer # in pixels
width, :integer # in pixels
that reference images that will be thumbnailed:
parent_id, :integer # id of parent image (on the same table, a self-referencing foreign-key).
# Only populated if the current object is a thumbnail.
thumbnail, :string # the 'type' of thumbnail this attachment record describes.
# Only populated if the current object is a thumbnail.
# Usage:
# [ In Model 'Avatar' ]
# has_attachment :content_type => :image,
# :storage => :file_system,
# :max_size => 500.kilobytes,
# :resize_to => '320x200>',
# :thumbnails => { :small => '10x10>',
# :thumb => '100x100>' }
# [ Elsewhere ]
# @user.avatar.thumbnails.first.thumbnail #=> 'small'
that reference files stored in the database (:db_file):
db_file_id, :integer # id of the file in the database (foreign key)
Field for attachment_fu db_files table:
data, :binary # binary file data, for use in database file storage
ruby 代码
- class UpfileController < ApplicationController
- def upload
- if request.post?
- @attachable_file = Upfile.new(params[:attachment_metadata])
- if @attachable_file.save
- flash[:notice] = 'Attachment was successfully created.'
- redirect_to :action=>:showimage,:id=>@attachable_file.attributes["id"]
- end
- end
- end
- def showimage
- @image = Upfile.find(:first,:conditions=>{:id=>params[:id],:parent_id=>nil})
- end
- def image
- @image = Upfile.find(:first,:conditions=>{:id => params[:id]})
- send_data(@image.db_file.data,:filename=>@image.attributes["filename"],:type=>@image.attributes["content_type"],:disposition=>"inline")
- end
- end
ruby 代码
- <h1>Upfile
- <% form_for(:attachment_metadata, :url => {:action=>"upload"}, :html => {:multipart=>true}) do |form| -%>
- select image to upload: <%= form.file_field :uploaded_data %><p>
- <%= submit_tag "upload now" %>
- <% end -%>
ruby 代码
- <% if @image -%>
- <% if @image.image? -%>
- <img src="<%= url_for(:action=>:image,:id=>@image.attributes["id"]) %>" />
- <% end -%>
- <% end -%>
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