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Unix command

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ps  --display all process status

kill -9 processid

tar cvf usr.tar /home   --- Put the /home directory and subdir to user.tar
tar tvf aaron.tar | more  --- show the files in tar

gzip aaron.tar   --- zip file
gzip -dv aaron.tar.gz  --- the unzip details of compress
gzip -l

ln -s source_file target_file   ---set up a link from source_file for target_file

ls -a     ---Display hide file and other files
ls -F

mkdir -m 777 aaron  --- -m for the right assign.
rmdir   ---delete the directory

grep "xxx" filename   ---grep some chars from filename

find . -name ec051024.hkd   --find file
find . -type f -print | sort | uniq    ---Find the current directory files by recrusive:

mv test.txt aaron.conf  --- Rename for the test.txt file


diff file1 file2       --- diff
cmp  file1 file2       --- compare the difference

man ls | col -b >ls.txt  --- make ls manual to ls.txt

vi   --- Shift+q quit the edit mode   i:input mode  esc  then i edit mode



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    Unix Command

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