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Report Items


Report Items (Elements)

BIRT provides a variety of report items or Elements for use when creating your report. Report items appear in the Palette view. Report items include:

  • Label - Displays a simple piece of text such as "Customer Name".
  • Text - Text that can include HTML formatting and computed values. Used to create headings, form letters, "mail-merge" effects, etc.
  • Dynamic Text - Displays a database column that can contain HTML formatted (CLOB) data. Allows for advanced CLOB data manipulation through expressions.
  • Data - Displays a database column or a computed value. Provides formatting.
  • Image - Any kind of image supported by a web browser. Images can be embedded in the report, referenced through a URI, read from the resource folder or retrieved from a BLOB field in a data set.
  • Grid - Provides a tabular arrangement of report items, much like an HTML table. This element doesnt iterate over data sets like a List or a Table.
  • List - Presents data from a data set in any kind of format. Used when the layout for each row is more sophisticated than a simple table row. This Element will iterate over a bound Data Set.
  • Table - Presents data from a data set in the form of a table. Can contain grouping levels. Like an HTML table that has a table row for each data set row. This Element, like a list will iterate over a bound Data Set.
  • Chart - Displays a business chart such as a pie chart, line chart, etc.

This tutorial will use all the elements except for List, Chart and Dynamic Text.




    - 报表项( ReportItems )是放置在节上的元素,可以是数据字段、表达式或自定义控件。 3. **数据绑定** - 使用数据源向导( DataSource Wizard )将报表与数据库或其他数据提供者连接。 - 支持多种数据绑定方式...

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    3. **报表项(Report Items)**:报表的视觉元素,如表格、图表、文本框等,用于展示数据。 4. **表达式(Expressions)**:使用.NET语言(如C#或VB.NET)编写的代码片段,用于计算值或动态生成内容。 5. **分组...


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    关于Rdlc 报表

    3. **报表项(Report Items)**:报表上的每一个可视元素,如文本框、表格、图表、图像等,都被称为报表项。它们用于展示数据和格式化输出。 4. **表达式(Expressions)**:报表中的数据通常可以通过表达式进行计算...


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    - **ReportItems**:设计报表中的各种元素,如文本、表格、图表等。 - **Themes**:定义报表的主题样式,如字体、颜色等。 - **Scripts**:编写JavaScript脚本来实现更复杂的逻辑处理。 3. **新建报表模板**:...

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