# oracle 11g
# 1.
# download the install file from oracle official site.
# two large files.
# 2.
# make sure the JDK already installed.
# unzip the two large files into the same folder
# click the setup.exe
# e.g. D:\software\oracle\win32_11gR2_database_1of2\database\setup.exe
# 3.
# during the setup, some alerts "war or ear files" not found, just ignore it.
# 4.
# after setup, the client has been total installed,
# modify the tnsnames.ora, then can use toad or sql*plus
# to connect other database instance.
# e.g. D:\app\hubin\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora
# 5.
# there are three service at this time, no instance was created.
# =OracleMTSRecoveryService
# =OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent
# =OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
# these 2 service must start if u want to [create an instance] or [enable the client].
# =OracleMTSRecoveryService
# =OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
# 6.
# u can create a instance from
# 'start' --> 'programs' --> 'oracle-OraDb11g_home1'
# --> 'configuration and Migration Tools'
# --> 'Database Configuration Assistant'
# Just follow the instruction.
# remember the password u setted.
# 7.
# if your password contains low case letter,
# toad 9.5 cannot connect to the database because
# toad always sent upcase letter to database.
# 8.
# 11g also contain 'Oracle SQL Developer',
# You can use this:
# run this script:
# then you can connect with toad successfully!
# 9.
# there are 5 service at this time, instance was created.
# =OracleJobSchedulerHUBIN__________(no need to start, can disable it)
# =OracleMTSRecoveryService_________(can start)
# =OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent_____(no need to start, manual)
# =OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener__(must start)
# =OracleServiceHUBIN_______________(must start)
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62 Install Oracle 9i 10g 11g 操作系统兼容列表及配置要求 63 Install Oracle BIEE-12c-Linux安装配置手册 64 Install Oracle Database (RDBMS) on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Solaris and MS Windows Operating ...
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11)..Fixed: Wrong button caption in "Steps to Reproduce" dialog 12)..Fixed: Crash when taking snapshot of some proccesses by Threads Snapshot tool 13)..Fixed: Minor improvements in leak detection ...
Install Steps 在这一部分中,我们将详细介绍在Solaris平台上安装Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 (10.2) 的步骤: 1. **准备集群**:包括创建必要的用户组、配置内核参数、满足硬件和软件需求等。 2. **准备共享存储**...
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- **Software required for install**:为了安装Oracle RAC 10g R2,你需要具备一系列特定的软件组件。 - **Processor Model**:文档中提到了处理器型号的要求,这通常是为了确保系统具有足够的处理能力来支持RAC...
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