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JBoss Tools 3.2 Installation From Update Site

JBoss Tools 3.2 Installation From Update Site

1. First, download the correct version of Eclipse for your platform which is compatible with the version of JBoss Tools you plan to install. We recommend you start with the Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios SR1) IDE for Java EE Developers in order to install JBoss Tools 3.2 (less dependencies to download). If no bundle is available for your platform, or if you would prefer a smaller download, choose the Eclipse 3.6.1 Platform Runtime Binary - Eclipse will then download only the bare essentials needed for JBoss Tools. Fedora users can simply `yum install eclipse-platform`.

    * Eclipse 3.6.1 Helios Bundles (including Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios SR1) IDE for Java EE Developers)
    * Other Versions, Platforms, Options

2. Next, unpack Eclipse somewhere on your drive, eg., ~/eclipse or c:\eclipse

3. If you do not already have Java 6 installed and in your path, download and install that. Fedora users, `yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel`. Note that gcj/gij is not supported.

4. Double-click the Eclipse icon, or open a terminal and run `~/eclipse/eclipse -vm /path/to/bin/java`. See also more startup options.

5. When Eclipse starts, go to Help > Install New Software...

6. Paste in the URL of the update site you've chosen, such as http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/helios/. See the complete list here or here. On some platforms, you may also be able to drag and drop the link from your browser directly into Eclipse.
Help > Install New Software... > Add...

7. Alternatively, if you prefer to install from an offline update site zip, you can download one and use that instead of a remote http URL as in the screenshot above.

a) Download an Update Site Zip, but DO NOT UNZIP IT.

b) As in step 5 above, when Eclipse starts, go to Help > Install New Software... > Add... However, in this case you should press the Archive... button and browse for the update site zip you downloaded.
Help > Install New Software... > Add... > Archive... > Browse for zip

8. Select features to install, then click Next. Note that many features are be listed in multiple categories for convenience, though not all features are not included in the "All" category.

It is not recommended that you select the same feature more than once: doing so may cause the install process to crash Eclipse. If this happens just restart and try again. Launching Eclipse with a different JDK, or giving Eclipse more memory may also help.
Select features to install

9. If you encounter problems resolving dependencies, you can click 'Available Software Sites' and manually add or enable missing sites. You can also import the list of required sites from a bookmarks.xml.

10. After fetching all the features and plugins for installation, you will be prompted that your selection contains unsigned jars. This is normal, and should not be seen as an "unsafe" installation. Simply accept the warning and continue.

11. Install. Restart when prompted.

12. If the install gets stuck on a particular jar download (bandwidth saturation, slow mirror, etc.), you can shut down Eclipse and try again. Ignore any errors you get when starting the second time - a completed install should resolve them so that when you restart the third time you will be ready to go.

Installation From Update Site Zip (Scripted)

Should you want to install from an Update Site Zip via a script (eg., for easy deployment / testing) you can use the following scripts:

    * installJBossTools.sh - wrapper for Ant script w/ usage examples (Linux or Mac OSX)
    * installJBossTools.cmd - wrapper for Ant script w/ usage examples (Windows)
    * installJBossTools.xml - Ant script, runs p2 director to install specific plugins &/or features, or else everything in the zip




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