One of the new types of inputs in HTML5 is search.
It does absolutely nothing in most browsers. It just behaves like a text input. This isn't a problem. The spec doesn't require it to do anything special. WebKit browsers do treat it a bit differently though, primarily with styling.

A search input in WebKit by default has an inset border, rounded corners, and strict typographic control.
The Styling Limitations
WebKit has big time restrictions on what you can change on a search input. I would guess the idea is consistency. In Safari particularly, search fields look just like the search box in the upper right of the browser. The following CSS will be ignored in WebKit "no matter what", as in, you can't even fight against it with !important rules.
input[type=search] {
padding: 30px; /* Overridden by padding: 1px; */
font-family: Georgia; /* Overridden by font: -webkit-small-control; */
border: 5px solid black; /* Overridden by border: 2px inset; */
background: red; /* Overridden by background-color: white; */
line-height: 3; /* Irrelevant, I guess */
In other words, be extremely cautious about using any of those CSS properties on a search input unless you are OK with the search input looking very different in other browsers.
Allowed styling
The following CSS works as expected. The last three, in my opinion, should probably locked in like the properties above as styling those properties almost always looks worse than if you didn't.
input[type=search] {
color: red;
text-align: right;
cursor: pointer;
display: block;
width: 100%;
letter-spacing: 4px;
text-shadow: 0 0 2px black;
word-spacing: 20px;
Busted styling
Be careful not to use text-indent on search inputs. The results are quite weird and inconsistent. Here is one example:

Sometimes the text is below like this. Sometimes it's not visible at all. It appears to be related to elements around it as well as how much indent it has (low values sometimes work fine).
Show Previous Searches
This isn't documented anywhere that I know of nor is it in the spec, but you if you add a results parameter on the input, WebKit will apply a little magnifying glass with a dropdown arrow showing previous results. (Thanks to Mike Taylor)

The integer value you give the results attribute is how many recent searches will appear in this dropdown, if there are that many.
Size Restrictions
There are only three different "sizes" that WebKit search inputs can be, and it is determined by the font-size you declare on them.
Resulting Size CSS font-size
Small = 16px

Small, Medium, and Large. That's all you get!
This small, medium, and large business can be extremely frustrating, as even setting identical font values, at the minimum for a "bump", you'll see font size difference across browsers.

- 大小: 6.9 KB

- 大小: 8.8 KB

- 大小: 17.4 KB

- 大小: 11.2 KB

- 大小: 14.2 KB
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HTML5和CSS3的结合为开发者提供了一种优雅的方式来创建带有提示文字的输入框,而无需依赖JavaScript。这种技术在创建登录界面、搜索框等场景中尤其适用,它能够为用户提供直观的指导,同时保持页面的简洁和高效。 ...
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值得注意的是,Bootstrap默认并不支持将搜索图标放置在输入框的内部,但可以通过自定义CSS或使用Font Awesome等图标库来实现。例如,如果你想要改变搜索图标的显示位置,可能需要调整输入框和图标元素的相对位置,并...
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在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用 HTML5 实现简单的语音搜索功能。 核心代码就是 `x-webkit-speech` 属性,这是一个实验性的特性,仅在基于 WebKit 的浏览器(如 Safari 和早期版本的 Chrome)中得到支持。将这个属性...
实现 HTML5 语音搜索的核心在于 `x-webkit-speech` 属性。这个非标准的属性可以添加到 `<input>` 元素上,使输入框具备语音识别功能。例如: ```html <input type="text" x-webkit-speech /> ``` 当这个属性被添加...
例如,`<form>`标签用于创建搜索表单,`<input>`定义输入框,而`<a>`则用于创建链接。此外,`<head>`部分可能包含了对CSS文件的引用,以实现页面的样式控制。 CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)用于控制网页的布局和...
实现语音搜索的关键在于`<input>`标签的一个特殊属性——`x-webkit-speech`。在`<input>`标签中添加这个属性,就能激活语音输入的功能。例如: ```html <input type="text" x-webkit-speech /> ``` 当用户点击带有...
尽管如此,由于浏览器兼容性的限制,`appearance`在Internet Explorer和其他非Webkit/Firefox浏览器中的支持并不理想,因此在实际使用时需要考虑这些因素,可能需要配合JavaScript或者更兼容的解决方案来实现跨...
HTML5 和 CSS3 是现代网页设计的核心技术,它们引入了许多高级功能,极大地提升了网页的交互性和视觉效果。以下是对这些功能的详细解释: 1. **可编辑元素** HTML5 中的 `contenteditable` 属性允许用户直接在网页...