You will need to download 2 files to use the plugin.
sqlitegen_eclipse_site_xxx.jar is a file containing an Eclipse plugin installation site in jar form. Download this file and configure it as a feature download site in the Eclipse software update panel; then you can install the plugin from it. is a library jar with the dependencies required by the code generated by the plugin. Add this file as a library to the build path of any Eclipse project that will use the plugin.
Using the Plugin
The plugin will only work with Android projects. Enable it on a project by right-clicking on the project and setting the checkbox on the SQLiteGen... option in the project menu.
The plugin will look for interfaces in the project that have the annotation Accessor methods within the interface annotated with will define columns in the table. You can specify names and column types through fields in the annotation; refer to the (sadly incomplete) Javadoc for details. When the plugin sees the annotated interface, it will create an (optionally abstract) class implementing the interface that includes implementations of the accessor methods, static fields for field names and the table name, and methods for reading from, inserting and updating records in the table.
This code:
* Copyright (C) 2009 Michael A. MacDonald
package android.androidVNC;
interface IConnectionBean {
long get_Id();
String getNickname();
String getAddress();
int getPort();
String getPassword();
String getColorModel();
boolean getForceFull();
String getRepeaterId();
generates this file:
// This class was generated from android.androidVNC.IConnectionBean by a tool
// Do not edit this file directly
package android.androidVNC;
public abstract class AbstractConnectionBean extends implements IConnectionBean {
public static final String GEN_TABLE_NAME = "CONNECTION_BEAN";
public static final int GEN_COUNT = 8;
// Field constants
public static final String GEN_FIELD__ID = "_ID";
public static final int GEN_ID__ID = 0;
public static final String GEN_FIELD_NICKNAME = "NICKNAME";
public static final int GEN_ID_NICKNAME = 1;
public static final String GEN_FIELD_ADDRESS = "ADDRESS";
public static final int GEN_ID_ADDRESS = 2;
public static final String GEN_FIELD_PORT = "PORT";
public static final int GEN_ID_PORT = 3;
public static final String GEN_FIELD_PASSWORD = "PASSWORD";
public static final int GEN_ID_PASSWORD = 4;
public static final String GEN_FIELD_COLORMODEL = "COLORMODEL";
public static final int GEN_ID_COLORMODEL = 5;
public static final String GEN_FIELD_FORCEFULL = "FORCEFULL";
public static final int GEN_ID_FORCEFULL = 6;
public static final String GEN_FIELD_REPEATERID = "REPEATERID";
public static final int GEN_ID_REPEATERID = 7;
// SQL Command for creating the table
// Members corresponding to defined fields
private long gen__Id;
private java.lang.String gen_nickname;
private java.lang.String gen_address;
private int gen_port;
private java.lang.String gen_password;
private java.lang.String gen_colorModel;
private boolean gen_forceFull;
private java.lang.String gen_repeaterId;
public String Gen_tableName() { return GEN_TABLE_NAME; }
// Field accessors
public long get_Id() { return gen__Id; }
public void set_Id(long arg__Id) { gen__Id = arg__Id; }
public java.lang.String getNickname() { return gen_nickname; }
public void setNickname(java.lang.String arg_nickname) { gen_nickname = arg_nickname; }
public java.lang.String getAddress() { return gen_address; }
public void setAddress(java.lang.String arg_address) { gen_address = arg_address; }
public int getPort() { return gen_port; }
public void setPort(int arg_port) { gen_port = arg_port; }
public java.lang.String getPassword() { return gen_password; }
public void setPassword(java.lang.String arg_password) { gen_password = arg_password; }
public java.lang.String getColorModel() { return gen_colorModel; }
public void setColorModel(java.lang.String arg_colorModel) { gen_colorModel = arg_colorModel; }
public boolean getForceFull() { return gen_forceFull; }
public void setForceFull(boolean arg_forceFull) { gen_forceFull = arg_forceFull; }
public java.lang.String getRepeaterId() { return gen_repeaterId; }
public void setRepeaterId(java.lang.String arg_repeaterId) { gen_repeaterId = arg_repeaterId; }
public android.content.ContentValues Gen_getValues() {
android.content.ContentValues values=new android.content.ContentValues();
values.put(GEN_FIELD_FORCEFULL,(this.gen_forceFull ? "1" : "0"));
return values;
* Return an array that gives the column index in the cursor for each field defined
* @param cursor Database cursor over some columns, possibly including this table
* @return array of column indices; -1 if the column with that id is not in cursor
public int[] Gen_columnIndices(android.database.Cursor cursor) {
int[] result=new int[GEN_COUNT];
result[0] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD__ID);
result[1] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_NICKNAME);
result[2] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_ADDRESS);
result[3] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_PORT);
result[4] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_PASSWORD);
result[5] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_COLORMODEL);
result[6] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_FORCEFULL);
result[7] = cursor.getColumnIndex(GEN_FIELD_REPEATERID);
return result;
* Populate one instance from a cursor
public void Gen_populate(android.database.Cursor cursor,int[] columnIndices) {
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID__ID] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID__ID])) {
gen__Id = cursor.getLong(columnIndices[GEN_ID__ID]);
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_NICKNAME] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_NICKNAME])) {
gen_nickname = cursor.getString(columnIndices[GEN_ID_NICKNAME]);
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_ADDRESS] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_ADDRESS])) {
gen_address = cursor.getString(columnIndices[GEN_ID_ADDRESS]);
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_PORT] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_PORT])) {
gen_port = (int)cursor.getInt(columnIndices[GEN_ID_PORT]);
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_PASSWORD] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_PASSWORD])) {
gen_password = cursor.getString(columnIndices[GEN_ID_PASSWORD]);
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_COLORMODEL] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_COLORMODEL])) {
gen_colorModel = cursor.getString(columnIndices[GEN_ID_COLORMODEL]);
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_FORCEFULL] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_FORCEFULL])) {
gen_forceFull = (cursor.getInt(columnIndices[GEN_ID_FORCEFULL]) != 0);
if ( columnIndices[GEN_ID_REPEATERID] >= 0 && ! cursor.isNull(columnIndices[GEN_ID_REPEATERID])) {
gen_repeaterId = cursor.getString(columnIndices[GEN_ID_REPEATERID]);
* Populate one instance from a ContentValues
public void Gen_populate(android.content.ContentValues values) {
gen__Id = values.getAsLong(GEN_FIELD__ID);
gen_nickname = values.getAsString(GEN_FIELD_NICKNAME);
gen_address = values.getAsString(GEN_FIELD_ADDRESS);
gen_port = (int)values.getAsInteger(GEN_FIELD_PORT);
gen_password = values.getAsString(GEN_FIELD_PASSWORD);
gen_colorModel = values.getAsString(GEN_FIELD_COLORMODEL);
gen_forceFull = (values.getAsInteger(GEN_FIELD_FORCEFULL) != 0);
gen_repeaterId = values.getAsString(GEN_FIELD_REPEATERID);
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