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(转)svn中更新工程出现如下错误:Working copy not locked; this is probably a bug, please report

  • SVN
svn中更新工程出现如下错误:Working copy not locked; this is probably a bug, please report
update -r HEAD G:/workspace/topicOntologyBackup

Working copy not locked; this is probably a bug, please report
svn: Directory 'G:\workspace\topicOntologyBackup\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\.svn' containing working copy admin area is missing
Working copy not locked; this is probably a bug, please report svn:……,提示就是class目录下的.svn有毛病,到http://www.tigris.org查找解决方法,有一段描述:

This message is coming straight out of the Subversion library, so technically it is Subversion asking you to report the problem to them. This error message is kind of their general error message when something really unexpected happens. In the case of Eclipse, the problem is almost always one specific thing. The problem is that your Eclipse build folder was versioned and added to your repository. What happens is that when Eclipse does a full build it will delete everything in this folder, including the ".svn" metadata folder. When Subversion cannot find this folder it issues the above error.

The solution is to delete this folder from your repository, which you can do from the SVN Repositories view. Then try deleting the folder from your working copy and perforiming an update. You might need to checkout your project again. Once you have a valid project again, be sure to add the build folder to the svn:ignore property of its parent folder so that the problem does not happen again.

If this is not your problem, then as best as you can try to figure out what might have led up to having this problem and report it on th Subversion users@subversion.tigris.org mailing list

大意:重新部署工程时会将文件夹WEB-INF/classes下的内容全删了,包括".svn"这个文件夹,从面导致SVN找不到这个文件夹的信息,于是报错。 解决的方法是在SVN仓库内将classes下的内容清空,然后在确保本地工程已完全提交的情况下,将本地工程包括文件删除,再从SVN仓库中重新取出。


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