$selectsql = "select categories_id from categories_description where language_id = 1";
$select_count_products_off = "select count(*) from products where products_status = 0";
$count_products_off = $db->Execute($select_count_products_off);
$cateid = $db->Execute($selectsql);
$i = 0;
$cateidone = $cateid->fields[categories_id];
$updatesql = "update products set products_status = 1 where products_status = 0 and master_categories_id = ".$cateidone." limit 1";
$select_categories_name = "select categories_name from categories_description where categories_id = " .$cateidone." and language_id = 1";
$select_products_count_off = "select count(*) as cd from products where products_status = 0 and master_categories_id = ".$cateidone;
$caterst = $db->Execute($select_categories_name);
$prorst = $db->Execute($select_products_count_off);
if($prorst) continue;
$categrid[$i]['name'] = $caterst->fields[categories_name];
$categrid[$i]['count'] = $prorst->fields[cd];
$i = $i+1;
echo 'It is ok !!!<br />';
$select_products = "select count(*) as c from products where products_status = 0";
$res = $db->Execute($select_products);
echo 'left : '.$res->fields[c].'<br />';
foreach ($categrid as $value)
echo $value['name'] . " : [".$value['count'].']<br />';
Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning。Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g. mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model ...
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This guide accompanies the release of version 6 of the Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation (OpenFOAM) C++ ...OpenFOAM cover a wide range of problems in fluid dynamics, as described in chapter 3.
The Cisco WebEx products and services may include certain third party and/or free/open source software ("Open Source Software"). The license terms for such Open Source Software are as follows on this ...
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The second is OpenFOAM®, an open source framework used in the development of a range of CFD programs for the simulation of industrial scale flow problems. With over 220 figures, numerous examples ...
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- **Open Inventor**:一个由 Silicon Graphics, Inc. 开发的 3D 图形工具包,用于创建复杂的 3D 场景。 - **C++ 类**:一种面向对象编程语言中的基本构建块,用于封装数据和操作这些数据的方法。 - **成员函数**:...