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First daughter, then goals! Wagner's Sweet Secret.


And suddenly this man be great hope in a relegation battle ...

Nine months gurkte Sandro Wagner (23) around at Werder, shot in 20 professional games, no goals. The striker has been pushed to the U23 and stamped as a failure even shopping. In the winter he would have even allowed to leave.
More on Werder
Later compensation Werder's asleep, Gladbach says "Dante"
After second knee OPBoenisch: "I have no, global agenda powerleveling , time to cry"
CAREER OFF Drama Boenisch

And now the wrong gate Explosion!

3-1 in Freiburg Wagner scored the 1-0 with his first goal for Werder, also against Gladbach, he scored with a header remarkable the opening goal. Why is Wagner

sudden upsurge

His sweet Tor secret first daughter, then four weeks ago, came gates

, wow powerleveling , daughter Luca-Marie to the world. As the wife Denise had to give birth to the hospital, Wagner was brought in islets from the training ground. So he could be at the birth. "That was the best day of my life," says Wagner.

For Luca-Marie put the ex-Duisburg (came in early 2010 to be hurt) after his goal against Gladbach thumb in his mouth, celebrated with, wow power leveling , the "dummy- cheers. Papa Wagner: "Needless to say, the birth of my daughter without more forces."

First daughter, Goals! Werder pleased with Wagner's Goal explosion. Klaus Allofs: "Sandro has changed a few things. He relates other players with one, holding the ball, is also working on the dnsive. . He has been put under pressure, was determined to make a fool "The

has finally worked out - even twice! Thanks Luca-Marie Papa Wagner suddenly becomes Ballermann

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