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[转贴]System.getProperty()参数大全 -
这个不能算是bug吧,weblogic用的jdk版本一直都很老 ...
项目积累:Weblogic -
请问楼主 has_readed作为计数器,是如何防止网络阻塞的 ...
Socket、Thread的使用记录 -
higkoo 写道请教一个问题,我在编译Jmeter的时候,发 ...
[转贴]System.getProperty()参数大全 -
加油。。。啊。。。加油。。。 谢谢啦。。
http://www.v2ex.com/topic/view/13988.html Emacs23 安装
http://www.cnblogs.com/sirsunny/archive/2004/09/21/45114.html Emacs Lisp学习
http://debs.peadrop.com/ emacs-snapshot
1.移动:C-F C-B C-P C-N M-F M-B C-a C-e M-> M-<
2.Buffer:C-x b , C-x C-b buffer list buffer switch, C-x n Split windows,C-x k kill current buffer
3.save:C-x C-s, C-x C-w
4.C-x o ,C-M-v ,C-X 0 C-x 1
5.C-x 1 one window, C-x 2 horizontal windows , C-x 3 vertical windows, C-x 5 new frame
6.M-x shell,M-x eshell, M-p, M-n
7.C-x d, s,v,Enter f,e
8.search:C-s,C-r,C-M-s,C-M-r incremental find & regexp find
9.M-x calendar,g d,
10.C-j,C-u or M-n C-x tab,C-M-o,M-s
Emacs快捷键整理 (以下信息来自:Learning GNU Emacs 3rd Edition)
C-f |
forward-char |
Move forward one character (right). |
C-b |
backward-char |
Move backward one character (left). |
C-p |
previous-line |
Move to previous line (up). |
C-n |
next-line |
Move to next line (down). |
M-f |
forward-word |
Move one word forward. |
M-b |
backward-word |
Move one word backward. |
C-a |
beginning-of-line |
Move to beginning of line. |
C-e |
end-of-line |
Move to end of line. |
M-e |
forward-sentence |
Move forward one sentence. |
M-a |
backward-sentence |
Move backward one sentence. |
M-} |
forward-paragraph |
Move forward one paragraph. |
M-{ |
backward-paragraph |
Move backward one paragraph. |
C-v |
scroll-up |
Move forward one screen. |
M-v |
scroll-down |
Move backward one screen. |
C-x ] |
forward-page |
Move forward one page. |
C-x [ |
backward-page |
Move backward one page. |
M-< |
beginning-of-buffer |
Move to beginning of file. |
M-> |
end-of-buffer |
Move to end of file. |
(none) |
goto-line |
Go to line n of file. |
(none) |
goto-char |
Go to character n of file. |
C-l |
recenter |
Redraw screen with current line in the center. |
M-n |
digit-argument |
Repeat the next command n times. |
C-u n |
universal-argument |
Repeat the next command n times (four times if you omit n). |
C-d |
delete-char |
Delete character under cursor. |
Del |
delete-backward-char |
Delete previous character. |
M-d |
kill-word |
Delete next word. |
M-Del |
backward-kill-word |
Delete previous word. |
C-k |
kill-line |
Delete from cursor to end of line. |
M-k |
kill-sentence |
Delete next sentence. |
C-x Del |
backward-kill-sentence |
Delete previous sentence. |
C-y |
yank |
Restore what you've deleted. |
C-wEdit |
kill-region |
Delete a marked region (see next section). |
(none) |
kill-paragraph |
Delete next paragraph. |
(none) |
backward-kill-paragraph |
Delete previous paragraph. |
三、Selecting and Pasting
C-@ or C- Space |
set-mark-command |
Mark the beginning (or end) of a region. |
C-x C-x |
exchange-point-and-mark |
Exchange location of cursor and mark. |
C-w |
kill-region |
Delete the region. |
C-y |
yank |
Paste most recently killed or copied text. |
M-w |
kill-ring-save |
Copy the region (so it can be pasted with C-y). |
M-h |
mark-paragraph |
Mark paragraph. |
C-x C-p |
mark-page |
Mark page. |
C-x h |
mark-whole-buffer |
Mark buffer. |
M-y |
yank-pop |
After C-y, pastes earlier deletion. |
四、Search and replace
C-sEdit -> Search-> Incremental Search-> Forward String |
isearch-forward |
Start incremental search forward; follow by search string. Also, find next occurrence (forward) of search string. |
C-rEdit -> Search -> Incremental Search -> Backward String |
isearch-backward |
Start incremental search backward; follow by search string. Also, find next occurrence (backward) of search string. |
Enter |
isearch-exit |
In an incremental search , exit the search. |
C-g |
keyboard-quit |
In an incremental search , cancel the search. |
Del |
isearch-delete-char |
In an incremental search, delete character from search string. |
C-s C-w |
isearch-yank-word |
Start an incremental search with the word the cursor is on as the search string. |
C-s C-y |
isearch-yank-line |
Start an incremental search with the text from the cursor position to the end of the line as the search string. |
C-s M-y |
isearch-yank-kill |
Start an incremental search with text from the kill ring as the search string. |
C-s C-s |
isearch-repeat-forward |
Repeat previous search. |
C-r C-r |
isearch-repeat-backward |
Repeat previous search backward. |
C-s Enter searchstring EnterEdit -> Search -> String Forward |
Start nonincremental search forward. |
C-s |
Repeat search forward. |
C-r Enter searchstring EnterEdit -> Search -> String Backwards |
Start nonincremental search backward. |
C-r |
Repeat search backward. |
Query Replace : M-%
Responses during query-replace
Space or y |
Replace searchstring with newstring and go to the next instance of the string. |
Del or n |
Don't replace; move to next instance. |
. |
Replace the current instance and quit. |
, |
Replace and let me see the result before moving on. (Press Space or y to move on.) |
! |
Replace all the rest and don't ask. |
^ |
Back up to the previous instance. |
Enter or q |
Exit query-replace. |
E |
Modify the replacement string. |
C-r |
Enter a recursive edit (discussed in detail later). |
C-w |
Delete this instance and enter a recursive edit (so you can make a custom replacement). |
C-M-c |
Exit recursive edit and resume query-replace. |
C-] |
Exit recursive edit and exit query-replace. |
五、Regular Expression
^ |
Matches the beginning of a line. |
$ |
Matches the end of a line. |
. |
Matches any single character (like ? in filenames). |
.* |
Matches any group of zero or more characters (. matches any character and * matches zero or more of the previous character). |
\< |
Matches the beginning of a word. |
\> |
Matches the end of a word. |
[ ] |
Matches any character specified within the brackets; for example, [a-z] matches any alphabetic character. |
\s, \S |
Matches any whitespace character: space, a newline, a tab, a carriage return, a formfeed, or a backspace; \S matches any character except whitespace. |
\d, \D |
Matches any single digit, 0-9; \D matches any character but a digit. |
\w, \W |
Matches any "word" character (upper- and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore character); \W matches any character but these. |
C-M-s EnterEdit -> Search -> Regexp Forward |
re-search-forward |
Search for a regular expression forward. |
C-M-r EnterEdit -> Search ->Regexp Backwards |
re-search-backward |
Search for a regular expression backward. |
C-M-sEdit -> Search -> Incremental Search -> Forward Regexp |
isearch-forward-regexp |
Search incrementally forward for a regular expression. |
C-M-rEdit -> Search -> Incremental Search -> Backward Regexp |
isearch-backward-regexp |
Search incrementally backward for a regular expression. |
C-M-%Edit -> Replace -> Replace Regexp |
query-replace-regexp |
Query-replace a regular expression. |
(none) |
replace-regexp |
Globally replace a regular expression unconditionally (use with caution). |
六、Indent text
C-j |
newline-and-indent |
Move to the next line and indent to the current level. |
(none) |
paragraph-indent-text-mode |
A major mode for writing paragraphs with indented first lines and no blank lines between paragraphs. |
(none) |
paragraph-indent-minor-mode |
The minor mode equivalent of paragraph-indent-text mode. |
(none) |
fill-individual-paragraphs |
Reformat indented paragraphs, preserving indentation. |
C-x Tab |
indent-rigidly |
Indent one column; preface with C-u or M-n to specify multiple columns. |
C-M-\ |
indent-region |
Indent a region to match the first line in the region. |
M-m |
back-to-indentation |
Move the cursor to the first non-whitespace character on a line. |
C-M-o |
split-line |
Split the line at the cursor position and indent it to the column of the cursor position. |
(none)Edit -> Text Properties -> Indentation-> Indent More |
increase-left-margin |
Increase the left indentation level for the buffer by four characters by default. |
(none)Edit-> Text Properties-> Indentation-> Indent Less |
decrease-left-margin |
Decrease the left indentation level for the buffer by four characters by default. |
(none)Edit-> Text Properties-> ndentation-> Indent Right More |
decrease-right-margin |
Decrease the right indentation level for the buffer by four characters by default. |
(none)Edit-> Text Properties-> Indentation-> Indent Left More |
increase-right-margin |
Increase the right indentation level for the buffer by four characters by default. |
C-x . |
set-fill-prefix |
Use the information up to the cursor column as a prefix to each line of the paragraph; typing this command in column 1 cancels the fill prefix. |
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### Ubuntu 7.04 学习笔记知识点详解 #### 一、Ubuntu 7.04简介 Ubuntu 7.04(代号Feisty Fawn)是Ubuntu Linux发行版的一个早期版本,发布于2007年4月19日。作为一款面向桌面用户的Linux发行版,Ubuntu 7.04提供...
### Ubuntu 7.04 图解安装教程精要 #### 一、Ubuntu 7.04 简介与特点 Ubuntu 7.04,代号“Feisty Fawn”,是2007年发布的一款由全球社区共同开发的开源操作系统,基于Linux内核。该版本以其用户友好的界面和广泛的...
Linux Ubuntu 7.04,代号为“Feisty Fawn”,是Ubuntu Linux发行版的一个重要版本,于2007年4月发布。Ubuntu是一个基于Debian的开源操作系统,致力于提供用户友好的桌面环境和强大的服务器功能。在这个安装教程中,...
在Ubuntu 7.04(Feisty Fawn)这个版本中,网络配置主要通过命令行来完成,这对于熟悉Linux操作的用户来说是非常实用的。...学习和熟练掌握这些命令行操作,将有助于你在没有图形界面的情况下高效管理Ubuntu系统。
《Ubuntu 7.04 安装图解与配置指南》是针对初学者和Linux爱好者的一份详尽教程,旨在帮助用户无痛地在个人计算机上安装和配置Ubuntu 7.04操作系统。Ubuntu 7.04,代号Feisty Fawn,是Ubuntu Linux发行版的一个重要...
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对于初学者而言,从Windows系统过渡到Ubuntu 7.04 是一次很好的学习机会,不仅可以掌握Linux的基本操作,还能深入了解开源软件的使用和管理。此外,通过红联Linux论坛和其他在线资源的支持,用户可以解决安装过程中...
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