今天帮同事格式化磁盘准备安装os,后发现格式化磁盘时说磁盘被占用,看下没有打开磁盘的记录,好吧,逼迫我使出绝招,使用Unlocker 右键然后解除锁定,ok(使用前没想到对磁盘也有用,其实磁盘也是file 哈哈)
一般使用Unlocker的场景是,在windows上经常会遇到说文件不能删除被占用,但是实际你又找不出谁占用了(没有lsof命令),这个时候就该Unlocker出场了,对着需要删除的文件,然后右键unlocker ,选择 删除 解除锁定,就ok了,99.999%顽固份子都可以解决,不能解决的一般请出更加牛逼的软件来,这个下面我在说。
If you've ever been unable to delete a file in Windows, and can't figure out what program's using it, Unlocker is the solution. Have you ever seen these Windows error messages?
* Cannot delete folder: It is being used by another person or program
* Cannot delete file: Access is denied
* There has been a sharing violation.
* The source or destination file may be in use.
* The file is in use by another program or user.软件
* Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
Unlocker can help! Simply right-click the folder or file and select Unlocker. If the folder or file is locked, a window listing of lockers will appear. Simply click Unlock All and you are done!
说了这么多 给出 链接 http://www.filehippo.com/download_unlocker/
好了开始说神秘的牛逼软件,这个软件名字叫iceword 是中国人开发的一款软件, 中文名字是冰刃,看名字就觉得很牛逼吧(其实现在也非常牛逼,那个时候有个牛逼的防火墙叫冰盾),现在搜索也许只是搜索到这个软件的使用了,至于作者的原blog可能搜不到了,记得以前本科时这个软件在全世界范围内测试过排名第一,说明作者对windows非常的了解,对于这个的更多的资料看雪论坛上可能会有,这里我给出一个文章大概说他的使用方式的,希望能帮到还在windows下的同学们解决部分病毒问题(强烈推荐各位还是换linux吧,mac也不错)
《解锁VMware以导入MAC OS虚拟机:Unlocker 3.0.3工具详解》 在虚拟化技术领域,VMware是一款广泛使用的虚拟机软件,它允许用户在单个计算机上运行多个操作系统。然而,对于某些特定的操作系统,如MAC OS,VMware...
《Unlocker 1.8.7:解锁文件删除工具详解》 在日常的电脑操作中,我们时常会遇到无法删除的文件,这可能是由于文件正在被其他程序占用,或者系统权限不足导致的。这时,Unlocker 1.8.7这款小巧而强大的工具就能派上...
unlocker+NTFSAccess+file-governor NTFS ACCSSS:NTES. Access是一款功能强大的工具,它可以管理NTFS权限和安全设置。用户可以使用NTFS Access来获取Tustedlnstaller权限,并对系统文件进行必要的修改。 NTFS ...
【VMware Unlocker】是一个工具,主要用于解决VMware虚拟机软件在特定版本上的一些限制问题。这个工具的主要目的是解锁VMware Workstation或ESXi,使用户能够使用未授权的硬件配置,比如支持更多CPU核心或者超过官方...
vmware macos解锁工具(unlocker3.1)离线版,防止卡在下载中不动,解决以下报错: Getting VMware Tools... Retrieving Darwin tools from: ...
刪除無法刪除的檔案 - Unlocker,有些檔案在刪除的時候,因為被檔案總管或其他應用程式給鎖定了,所以無法順利刪除,這個工具可以幫助你解除鎖定,甚至手動刪除病毒及木馬,若無法立即刪除,會自動在重新開機後刪除...
安装Unlocker后,右键占用的文件,选择Unlocker,Unlocker会告诉你什么进程占用这份文件,并提供解除占用Unlock操作。 Unlocker is the solution! It has many other flavors: Cannot delete file: Access is ...
软件介绍: Demons File Unlocker能够对ltb文件进行解密加密操作。中间是选择文件右边是加密左边是加密,Unlock File是解密按钮,Lock File是加密按钮,Select是选择要解密的文件。
Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware V2.0 ================================= Introduction --------------- ...http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/file/339-unlocker/ and you can send email to me.
unlocker208 是使用 VMware 安装 MacOS的必备补丁,亲测可用,详情参阅压缩包内有readme。 VMware 安装 MacOS的流程: =============================================== 1. 安装VMware Station Pro 12.0 2. 将...
File name: dc-unlocker2client_1.00.1439.zip Operating system: Microsoft Windows Release date: 2022-05-03 File size: 11.47 MB
Compressed archives combine multiple files into a single file to make them easier to transport or save on diskspace. Archiving software may also provide options for encryption, file spanning, check...
Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware V2.0 1. Introduction Unlocker 2 is designed for Workstation 11, Player 7, ESXi 6 and Fusion 7. If you are using an earlier product please continue using Unlocker 1 ...
Unlocker 2.1.1 vmware装最新OSX解锁程序 macOS Unlocker for VMware V2.1 ============================== +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | IMPORTANT: | | =...
Explorer right click on the command file and select "Run as administrator". install.cmd - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware uninstall.cmd - restores VMware and removes darwin...
macOS Unlocker for VMware V2.1 ============================== +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | IMPORTANT: | | ========== | | | | Always uninstall the ...
注:下载包中含keygen及unlocker 203 vmware workstation下载地址: 官方下载地址:https://download3.vmware.com/software/wkst/file/VMware-workstation-full-11.0.0-2305329.exe VMware Workstation 11.0.0 ...
Simply right click the file or folder and select Unlocker. If the file or folder is locked then a window will appear with a list of processes locking the file or folder. Select the locks and click ...