DissectingTheNutchCrawler 转载本文请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/pwlazy
Factory classes: '''URLFilterFactory'''
> Class net.nutch.net.URLFilterFactory
> used by:
> - net.nutch.db.WebDBInjector
> - net.nutch.tools.UpdateDatabaseTool
URLFilterFactory is not strictly part of the crawler, but it is a good extension point within Nutch. Here's how it works:
When the class is loaded, URLFILTER_CLASS is set to the value returned by NutchConf for the key "urlfilter.class"
When getFilter() is called, it checks to see if the filter class has already been loaded. If not, we load it using Class.forName(URLFILTER_CLASS), and the class is returned.
It loads one class, which is configurable via "urlfilter.class". By default, nutch-default.xml specifies this as follows:
<!-- urlfilter properties -->
<description>Name of the class used to filterURLs.</description>
<description>Name of file onCLASSPATH containing default regular
expressions used byRegexURLFilter.</description>
Now let's look at the crawler factories, which are a bit more complex.
类 net.nutch.net.URLFilterFactory 被net.nutch.db.WebDBInjector 和net.nutch.tools.UpdateDatabaseTool 使用
URLFilterFactory is not strictly part of the crawler, but it is a good extension point within Nutch. Here's how it works:
URLFilterFactory 严格意义上并不属于crawler,但它是一个好的扩展点。让我们看看它的工作机制:
- 当该类被加载时,属性URLFILTER_CLASS被赋值为NutchConf.get().get("urlfilter.class")
- 当getFilter()方法被调用,它检查是否该类被加载,如果没有,通过Class.forName(URLFILTER_CLASS)来加载,否则直接返回该类
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