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Arch Linux vs. Ubuntu vs. Gentoo vs. Slackware vs. Debian

@see http://en.wikinoticia.com/Technology/linux/33724-arch-linux-vs-ubuntu-vs-gentoo-vs-slackware-vs-debian

This is an excellent summary published by PCTux, which we summarize more:

    * Arch vs. Ubuntu
      Arch is a much more personalized. If you like to learn more about Linux and have a lighter and molded according to your needs, Arch is right for you. If you want to use immediately after installation Linux Ubuntu is the best option.
    * Arch vs. Gentoo
      Because Arch distribute binaries, it takes much less time than a Gentoo installation from source. Gentoo's packages are more portable because they are compiled for your specific architecture, while Arch is only for i686 and x86_64. Arch's design focuses more on simplicity.
    * Arch vs. Slackware
      Slackware and Arch are both lists of "simple". Both use BSD-style initialization scripts, but Arch offers better a more robust package manager (pacman). Arch is a good distribution for those Slackware users who want a more robust package manager with automatic resolution of packages and / or more updated packages only.
    * Arch vs. Debian
      Arch is easier to use than Debian. Arch is more tolerant about non-free packages, which also are more current than Debian Stable / Testing. Arch is optimized for i686 optimized and is faster than Debian.

Recall also that Arch Linux is aimed at using the console and that is why perhaps one of the best if you really want to learn to use Linux.



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