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Using Media Player Watching friends(II)

Using Media Player Watching friends(II)

Download the software:

I get the deb package

install it. But it does not work.

I try to play the movie with command
>mplayer began.mkv
I get the error message:
Opening video decoder: [realvid] RealVideo decoder
Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: drvc.dll, /usr/lib/codecs/drvc.dll
Error loading dll
ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec drvc.dll.
Read the RealVideo section of the DOCS!
VDecoder init failed
Opening video decoder: [realvid] RealVideo decoder
Called unk__beginthreadex
Selected video codec: [rv40win] vfm: realvid (Win32 RealPlayer 9 RV40)

>mencoder inputfile.mkv -ovc lavc  -oac lavc -o outputfile.avi
I get error message:
[mp2 @ 0x92bd9c0]bitrate 224 is not allowed in mp2

So I try the command like this:
>mencoder inputfile.mkv -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts abitrate=160 -o outputfile.avi

It can work, but it is not a good way.

During my apt-get install command, it always show this error message:
dpkg: error processing firmware-b43-installer (--configure):

I try to fix this problem:
>sudo apt-get install -f
>sudo dpkg --configure -a
>sudo apt-get purge firmware-b43-installer



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