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以OLAT 7.0举例。简单来说,标准安装分为4个步骤:

  1. 数据库安装和配置:OLAT默认使用MySQL数据库。安装好MySQL后,按照安装说明设置好用户和权限,导入初始数据库就OK了。
  2. 修改配置文件olat.local.properties :这个配置文件里面决定了OLAT数据库连接方式、部署路径等事项,要根据自己的使用环境进行修改,然后放在Tomcat的lib下即可。在OLAT的war包里,有此文件的模板olat.properties,注释都很清楚,照着改就可以了。
  3. 修改log4j.xml,也放在Tomcat的lib下。OLAT官方安装说明里有具体的配置方法,一般把输出路径改改就行了。这个东西很有用,可以输出log日志,查看出错信息。
  4. 从官网上下载OLAT安装包olat.war,部署在tomcat里面就行了。相信部署war包都应该会,不细说了。



标准安装(摘自OLAT安装帮助文档 ):

This chapter describes the installation of OLAT for those wishing to use OLAT in a test or production environment. If you are a developer then please skip this section and proceed to Section2.3, “Developer Installation” where the installation process for an Eclipse IDE environment is described (please see the specific notes regarding Eclipse and WTP found in developer installation instructions!) If you are a deployment manager then we suggest that you review the Operations chapter to consider additional installation and configuration details. This installation process has been tested on Linux, MacOSX and Windows systems. Our production systems run on Linux and use JDK 1.6.x, Tomcat 6.x, MySQL 5.x and the latest Openfire 3.4.x

The following are the necessary steps for installation:

  • The database user and the olat database needs to be created. Please refer to the scripts initDatabase.sql and setupDatabase.sql , which are located in the olat3\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\resources\database . For MySQL the steps are as follows:

    • Create the database and user manually. (use your user and password instead of olat and olatpwd)

      # mysql -u root -p On the console run the following SQL-statements:
      # use mysql;
      # mysql> create database olatdb;
      # mysql> create user 'olatdb'@'localhost' identified by 'olatpwd';
      # mysql> grant all on olatdb.* to 'olat'@'localhost' identified by 'olatpwd';
      # mysql> flush privileges;
    • On the console run the script:

      >> mysql -u olat -p olatdb < setupDatabase.sql

    The webapp/WEB-INF/src/serviceconfig/olat.properties file contains settings required to build and install OLAT most of which you will seldom, if ever, need to change. The olat.local.properties file contains those configuration settings you are most likely going to need to change for your environment. Begin by making an empty olat.local.properties save it to /yourTomcatDir/lib or an other place on your classpath. Review the olat.properties contents and amend them as appropriate for your local environment.

    Please note that OLAT application directories will be created for you during the build for which the build user account must have sufficient access rights. Pre-existing directories will not be removed though their contents may become overwritten.

    The follow remarks apply to the local properties (note that other parameters not cited here are chiefly of relevance to developers):

    Table2.1.Local configuration properties

    userdata.dir This should be set to an appropriate application data location. A typical choice on a Linux system would be /var/lib/olat .
    archive.dir A typical choice is ${userdata.dir}/archive .
    log.dir A typical choice is ${userdata.dir}/logs .
    upgrade.dir A typical choice is ${userdata.dir}/upgrades .
    folder.root A typical choice is ${userdata.dir}/bcroot .
    temp.dir A typical choice is ${userdata.dir}/tmp .
    smtp.* Mail settings for your local SMTP agent (typically an MTA such as Sendmail, Postfix or Exim) Without these settings your OLAT instance will be unable to issue emails. You must sent email addresses for admin and support emails.
    instance.id This is an internal instance identifier used by OLAT and should only be changed in the event that several instances are deployed within a single cluster.
    db.* The database settings are mostly self explanatory and refer to the database server that will host the OLAT database.

  • The following MySQL configuration parameters should be applied to your server configuration file (i.e., my.cnf )

    Table2.2.MySQL configuration file parameters.

    default-storage_engine This must be set to innodb and applies to all OLAT tables (unless the table definition states otherwise)
    transaction-isolation This must be set to READ-COMMITTED which denies opportunity for dirty reads and represents the optimal choice for an OLTP system. This is a required setting for OLAT.
    innodb_data_home_dir This establishes the tablespace for your OLAT database which you can place under your MySQL data directory. You must create this directory yourself before starting the MySQL instance. We recommend a dedicated tablespace for OLAT and hence a dedicated MySQL instance.
    innodb_log_group_home_dir This establishes the logfiles for your OLAT database which you can place under your MySQL data directory i.e., datadir in a directory called olatlogs We recommend dedicated logfiles for OLAT and hence a dedicated MySQL instance. For heavy loads you may consider locating these files on a separate partition or volume. You must create this directory yourself before starting the MySQL instance.
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit When set to 1 this flushes the log buffer to the log file with each commit and a a disk write is performed. This is a reasonable default value for OLAT which ensures ACID compliance though you may wish to review other possible values depending on your circumstances.
    innodb_buffer_pool_size Generally speaking we recommend a value of c. 1024M for production systems though a (considerably) smaller value is appropriate for trial instances
    innodb_additional_mem_pool_size This should be set to 20M and is required exclusively for the data dictionary and related matters.
    log-bin , expire_logs_days We strongly recommend that you make use of binary logging and that you retain binary logs for a reasonable period of time (e.g., 5-7 days) See MySQL documentation for further details.

  • Put your customized log4j.xml file to tomcat/lib directory. Example file :

  • Download olat.war File and deploy it into tomcat (copy to webapp directory). See 'Tomcat Web Application Depolyment' documentation.




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