

class X<T extends Callable<Long> & Runnable> { 
  private T task1, task2; 
  public void do() {  
    Long result = task2.call(); 

class X { 
  private Callable task1, task2; 
  public void do() {  
    ( (Runnable) task1).run();  
    Long result = (Long) task2.call(); 

T task1 => Callable task1,形参的类型擦除,取了最左边类型,leftmost bound,泛型转换为上限类型。
class X<T extends Callable<Long> & Runnable> =>class X,实参的类型擦除,在创建X的实例的时候,是没有泛型信息的。

How does the compiler translate Java generics?

By creating one unique byte code representation of each generic type (or method) and mapping all instantiations of the generic type (or method) to this unique representation.
The Java compiler is responsible for translating Java source code that contains definitions and usages of generic types and methods into Java byte code that the virtual machine can interpret. How does that translation work?
A compiler that must translate a generic type or method (in any language, not just Java) has in principle two choices:

Code specialization. The compiler generates a new representation for every instantiation of a generic type or method. For instance, the compiler would generate code for a list of integers and additional, different code for a list of strings, a list of dates, a list of buffers, and so on.

Code sharing. The compiler generates code for only one representation of a generic type or method and maps all the instantiations of the generic type or method to the unique representation, performing type checks and type conversions where needed.
Code specialization is the approach that C++ takes for its templates:
The C++ compiler generates executable code for every instantiation of a template. The downside of code specialization of generic types is its potential for code bloat.  A list of integers and a list of strings would be represented in the executable code as two different types. Note that code bloat is not inevitable in C++ and can generally be avoided by an experienced programmer.

Code specialization is particularly wasteful in cases where the elements in a collection are references (or pointers), because all references (or pointers) are of the same size and internally have the same representation. There is no need for generation of mostly identical code for a list of references to integers and a list of references to strings.  Both lists could internally be represented by a list of references to any type of object. The compiler just has to add a couple of casts whenever these references are passed in and out of the generic type or method. Since in Java most types are reference types, it deems natural that Java chooses code sharing as its technique for translation of generic types and methods.

The Java compiler applies the code sharing technique and creates one unique byte code representation of each generic type (or method).  The various instantiations of the generic type (or method) are mapped onto this unique representation by a technique that is called type erasure .

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What is type erasure?

A process that maps a parameterized type (or method) to its unique byte code representation by eliding type parameters and arguments.
The compiler generates only one byte code representation of a generic type or method and maps all the instantiations of the generic type or method to the unique representation. This mapping is performed by type erasure.  The essence of type erasure is the removal of all information that is related to type parameters and type arguments. In addition, the compiler adds type checks and type conversions where needed and inserts synthetic bridge methods if necessary. It is important to understand type erasure because certain effects related to Java generics are difficult to understand without a proper understanding of the translation process.
The type erasure process can be imagined as a translation from generic Java source code back into regular Java code.  In reality the compiler is more efficient and translates directly to Java byte code.  But the byte code created is equivalent to the non-generic Java code you will be seeing in the subsequent examples.

The steps performed during type erasure include:

Eliding type parameters.
When the compiler finds the definition of a generic type or method, it removes all occurrences of the type parameters and replaces them by their leftmost bound, or type Object if no bound had been specified.

Eliding type arguments.
When the compiler finds a paramterized type, i.e. an instantiation of a generic type, then it removes the type arguments. For instance, the types List<String> , Set<Long> , and Map<String,?> are translated to List , Set and Map respectively.

Example (before type erasure):

interface Comparable <A> {
  public int compareTo( A that);
final class NumericValue implements Comparable <NumericValue> {
  priva te byte value; 
  public  NumericValue (byte value) { this.value = value; } 
  public  byte getValue() { return value; } 
  public  int compareTo( NumericValue t hat) { return this.value - that.value; }
class Collections { 
  public static <A extends Comparable<A>>A max(Collection <A> xs) {
    Iterator <A> xi = xs.iterator();
    A w = xi.next();
    while (xi.hasNext()) {
      A x = xi.next();
      if (w.compareTo(x) < 0) w = x;
    return w;
final class Test {
  public static void main (String[ ] args) {
    LinkedList <NumericValue> numberList = new LinkedList <NumericValue> ();
    numberList .add(new NumericValue((byte)0)); 
    numberList .add(new NumericValue((byte)1)); 
    NumericValue y = Collections.max( numberList ); 
Type parameters are green and type arguments are blue .  During type erasure the type arguments are discarded and the type paramters are replaced by their leftmost bound.
Example (after type erasure):

interface Comparable {
  public int compareTo( Object that);
final class NumericValue implements Comparable {
  priva te byte value; 
  public  NumericValue (byte value) { this.value = value; } 
  public  byte getValue() { return value; } 
  public  int compareTo( NumericValue t hat)   { return this.value - that.value; }
  public  int compareTo(Object that) { return this.compareTo((NumericValue)that);  }
class Collections { 
  public static Comparable max(Collection xs) {
    Iterator xi = xs.iterator();
    Comparable w = (Comparable) xi.next();
    while (xi.hasNext()) {
      Comparable x = (Comparable) xi.next();
      if (w.compareTo(x) < 0) w = x;
    return w;
final class Test {
  public static void main (String[ ] args) {
    LinkedList numberList = new LinkedList();
    numberList .add(new NumericValue((byte)0)); 
    numberList .add(new NumericValue((byte)1)); 
    NumericValue y = (NumericValue) Collections.max( numberList ); 
The generic Comparable interface is translated to a non-generic interface and the unbounded type parameter A is replaced by type Object .
The NumericValue class implements the non-generic Comparable interface after type erasure, and the compiler adds a so-called bridge method . The bridge method is needed so that class NumericValue remains a class that implements the Comparable interface after type erasure.

The generic method max is translated to a non-generic method and the bounded type parameter A is replaced by its leftmost bound, namely Comparable .  The parameterized interface Iterator<A> is translated to the raw type Iterator and the compiler adds a cast whenever an element is retrieved from the raw type Iterator .

The uses of the parameterized type LinkedList<NumericValue> and the generic max method in the main method are translated to uses of the non-generic type and method and, again, the compiler must add a cast. 



    在 Java 语言中,泛型类型擦除的机制使得开发者难以理解和使用泛型,例如,在 Java 中,我们可以定义一个泛型类 `ArrayList&lt;T&gt;`,其中 `T` 是类型参数,但是,在编译后的字节码文件中,泛型类型信息已经被擦除,所有...


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