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HBase如何迁移数据?这里有个方案:http://blog.mozilla.com/data/2011/02/04/migrating-hbase-in-the-trenches/ ,我还未验证,因为我碰到了更加棘手的问题,我的两个集群在两个局域网,没法通信。(不过可以有一台机双网卡连接两个集群)。
先了解下 /app/cloud/hadoop/bin/hadoop distcp src desc
We recently had a situation where we needed to copy a lot of HBase data while migrating from our old datacenter to our new one. The old cluster was running Cloudera’s CDH2 with HBase 0.20.6 and the new one is running CDH3b3. Usually I would use Hadoop’s distcp utility for such a job. As it turned out we were unable to use distcp while HBase was still running on the source cluster. Part of the reason for this is that the HFTP will throw XML errors due to HBase modifying files (particularly the case if HBase removes a directory). And to transfer our entire dataset at the time was going to take well over a day. This presented a serious problem because we couldn’t accept that kind of downtime. We were also about 75% full in the source cluster so doing HBase export was out as well. Thus I created a utility called
. Backup is designed to essentially do the same work as distcp with a few differences. The first being that Backup would be designed move beyond failures. Since we’re still running HBase on the source cluster we can actually expect quite a few failures as a matter of fact. So inside Backup’s MapReduce job will by design catch generic exceptions. This is probably a bit over-zealous, but I really needed it not to fail no matter what. Especially after a few hours in. One of the other differences is that I designed Backup to always use relative paths. It does this by generating a common path between the source and destination via regular expression. Distcp on the other hand will do some really interesting things depending on what options you’ve enabled. If you use the
flag for providing a file list, it will take all the files and write them directly to the target directory, rather than putting them in their respective sub-directories based on the source path. If you run with the
flag it seems to put the source directory inside the destination rather than realizing that I want these two directories to look the same. The last major difference is that Backup is designed to run in update mode always. This was found because our network connection could only push about 200 MB/s between datacenters. We later found that a firewall was the bottleneck, but we didn’t want to drop our pants to the world either. Distcp would take hours just to stat and compare the files. For context we had something on the order of 300K-400K files we were looking to transfer. This is because distcp currently does this in a single-thread before it runs its MapReduce job. This actually makes sense when considering that distcp is only a single MapReduce job and it wants to distribute the copy evenly. Since we needed to minimize downtime, the first thing I did was distribute the file stat comparisons. In exchange we currently take a hit on not being able to evenly distribute the copy work. Backup uses a hack to attempt to get better distribution, but it’s nowhere near ideal. Currently it looks at the top-level directories just under the main source directory. It then splits that list of directories into mapred.map.tasks number of files. Since the data is small (remember this is paths and not the actual data) you’re pretty much guaranteed MapReduce will take your suggestion for once. This splits up the copy pretty well especially for the first run. On subsequent runs however you’ll get bottlenecked by a few nodes doing all the work. You can always up the mapred.map.tasks even higher, but really I need to split it out into two MapReduce jobs. I also added a
flag so that we could specify file lists. I’ll explain later on why this was really useful for us. So back to our situation. I ran the first Backup job while HBase was running. This copied the bulk of our 28 TB dataset obviously with a bunch of a failures because HBase had deleted some directories. Now that we had most of the data we could do subsequent Backup’s within a smaller time window. We ingest about 300 GB/day so our skinny pipe between datacenters was able to make subsequent transfers in hours and not days. During scheduled downtime we would shutdown the source HBase. Then we copied the data to a secondary cluster in the new datacenter. As soon as the transfer was finished we would verify the source and destination matched. If so then we were all good to start up the source cluster again and resume normal production operation. Meanwhile we would copy the data from the secondary cluster to the new production cluster. The reason for doing this was because HBase 0.89+ would change the region directories, and we also needed to allow Socorro web developers to do their testing. So having the two separate clusters was a real blessing. It allowed us to keep a pristine backup at all times on secondary while testing against the new production cluster. So we did this a number of times the week before launch. Always trying to keep everything as up to date as we could before we threw the switch to cut over. It was during this last week I added the
flag which allowed giving Backup a source file list. We would run “hadoop fs -lsr /hbase
” on both the source and the destination cluster. I wrote a simple python utility (lsr_diff
) to compare these two files and figure out what needed to be copied and what needed to be deleted. The files to copy could be given to the Backup job while the deletes could be handled with a short shell script (Backup doesn’t have delete functionality). The process looked something like this: The number of map tasks I refined over time, but I started the initial run with (# of hosts * # of map task slots). On subsequent runs I ended up doubling that number. After the backup job completed each time we would run “hadoop fs -lsr” and diff again to make sure that everything copied over. I saw a lot of times that wasn’t the case when the source was HFTP from one datacenter to another. However when copying files from an HDFS source within our new datacenter I never saw an issue with copying. Due to other issues (there always are right?) we had a pretty tight timeline and this system was pretty hacked together, but it worked for us. In the future I would love to see some modifications made to distcp. Here’s my wishlist based on our experiences: 1.) Distribute the file stat comparisons and then run a second MapReduce job to do the actual copying. To be honest though I found the existing distcp code a bit overly complex otherwise I might have made the modifications myself. Perhaps the best thing is that someone take a crack at a fresh rewrite of distcp altogether. I would love to hear people’s feedback. 声明:谁有高招麻烦告知在下,上面说的这个解决方案不适合我的情况。
hadoop fs -lsr /hbase > source_hbase.txt
hadoop fs -lsr /hbase > target_hbase.txt
scp source_host:./source_hbase.txt .
python lsr_diff.py source_hbase.txt target_hbase.txt
sort copy-paths.txt -o copy-paths.sorted
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -put copy-paths.sorted copy-paths.sorted
nohup sudo -u hdfs hadoop jar akela-job.jar com.mozilla.hadoop.Backup -Dmapred.map.tasks=112 -f hdfs://target_host:8020/user/hdfs/copy-paths.sorted hftp://source_host:50070/hbase hdfs://target_host:8020/hbase
2.) Do proper relative path copies.
3.) Distribute deletes too.
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### HBase基于快照的数据迁移 #### 前言 HBase是一款开源的、分布式的、面向列的数据库系统,其设计目标是为了处理大规模数据集(TB甚至PB级别)。随着业务的发展,数据量逐渐增大,可能需要将数据从一个集群迁移...
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在HBase这样的分布式数据库系统中,数据迁移是一个常见的任务,特别是在集群扩展、故障恢复或版本升级等场景下。本文档详细介绍了如何在HBase 0.94.1版本上手动进行数据迁移,主要涉及以下几个关键步骤: 1. **数据...
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使用场景及目标:在需要将HBase数据迁移到其他系统(如关系型数据库、大数据平台、云存储、消息队列等)时,本文档为实现高效、安全、完整的数据迁移提供了全面指导和支持。 阅读建议:读者应该先熟悉Hadoop、HBase...
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5. **运行作业**:设置作业参数,运行作业将数据从MySQL迁移到HBase。 #### 四、总结 通过本文的介绍,我们了解了Kettle集群的基本概念、搭建步骤以及如何使用Kettle将MySQL数据转换为HBase数据的过程。Kettle作为...
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Java在大数据生态中扮演着连接不同组件的重要角色,它提供了丰富的API和库,使得开发者能够轻松地实现Hive和HBase之间的数据迁移。 要实现在Java中从Hive到HBase的快速导数据,我们需要遵循以下步骤: 1. **配置...
通过使用 DataFrame API 和 Spark SQL,可以方便地在不同的数据源之间进行数据迁移和处理。在实际应用中,根据具体需求,你可能还需要处理数据类型转换、错误处理等问题,以确保数据的一致性和完整性。
这个过程通常涉及到多个步骤,包括HBase与Hive的交互,以及数据的迁移和转换。 描述中提到的方法是首先通过HBase的条件查询功能筛选出所需的数据,然后将这些数据导出到Hive中。Hive提供了更灵活的数据处理能力,...
文中介绍了通过 Sqoop 在 MySQL 和 HDFS 之间、MySQL 和 Hive 之间以及 MySQL 和 HBase 之间的数据互导过程,包括如何处理常见的错误。同时,也详细记录了 MySQL 用户创建、授权、数据插入和 Sqoop 配置的相关细节。...
文档还提供了详细的实战步骤指导,覆盖了从准备工作、HBase 表创建,到数据导入验证的具体执行细节,同时对潜在的问题进行了预判和给出解决方案建议。 适合人群:本指南面向希望深入掌握数据迁移技术的技术人员,...