A compilation-unit defines the overall structure of a source file. A
compilation unit consists of zero or more
using-directives followed by zero or more global-attributes followed by
zero or more namespace-memberdeclarations.
using-directivesopt global-attributesopt namespace-member-declarationsopt
A C# program consists of one or more compilation units, each contained in a
separate source file. When a
C# program is compiled, all of the compilation units are processed
together. Thus, compilation units can
depend on each other, possibly in a circular fashion.
The using-directives of a compilation unit affect the global-attributes and
of that compilation unit, but have no effect on other compilation units.
The global-attributes (§24) of a compilation unit permit the specification
of attributes for the target
assembly. Assemblies act as physical containers for types.
The namespace-member-declarations of each compilation unit of a program
contribute members to a single
declaration space called the global namespace. [Example: For example:
File A.cs:
class A {}
File B.cs:
class B {}
The two compilation units contribute to the single global namespace, in
this case declaring two classes with
the fully qualified names A and B. Because the two compilation units
contribute to the same declaration
space, it would have been an error if each contained a declaration of a
member with the same name. end
将 FileMon 、FileDisk 等功能集中在一起并虚拟出一个 Windows 的文件系统,该版本使用了MFC的框架! 很早时候自己做的东西,没太多技术含量,整合了一下几个东西,算是个入门例子吧!
### RealView Compilation Tools知识点概述 #### 一、RealView Compilation Tools简介 RealView Compilation Tools是ARM公司推出的一套用于ARM架构开发的专业工具集。该工具集主要包括编译器和库等核心组件,广泛...
Compilation in Query Execution 在数据库查询执行中,两种优化策略逐渐引起了人们的关注:向量化(Vectorization)和编译(Compilation)。这两种策略都旨在提高数据库查询的执行效率,但它们的实现机理和应用...
《新概念模拟电路》系列书籍是由著名放大器领域的专家所著,旨在深入浅出地讲解模拟电路的基础理论和实际应用。资源出自全球知名的半导体公司ADI(Analog Devices Inc.),这意味着书中涵盖的内容不仅有深厚的理论...
fatal error: zmq.hpp: No such file or directory compilation terminated. 找不到zmq.hpp的原因是, zmq.hpp只存在master中。 如果你使用release版本,那么是没有zmq.hpp这个文件的。去master中找到zmq.hpp。 将...
### 地震前兆系统性编纂 #### 摘要与引言 本文献综述旨在通过系统地整理已发表的科学文献来识别并记录地震前兆现象。研究选择了包括电磁场、气体排放、地下水位变化、温度变化、地表形变以及地震活动性在内的地震...
Compilation Error(解决方案).md
Compilation Failed(解决方案).md
compilation error(解决方案).md
Independent compilation units written in this language are called shaders. A program is a set of shaders that are compiled and linked together. The aim of this document is to thoroughly specify the ...
《新概念模拟电路》系列是ADI公司发布的一套专业教程,涵盖了广泛的模拟电路知识,旨在为电路设计者和学习者提供深入的理解与实践指导。这一系列共有五册,分别是《Analog Circuit I》、《Analog Circuit II》、...
Typescript compilation failed(解决方案).md
关于本书 本书介绍 RealView 编译工具 (RVCT) 2.0 版工具和文档的概述。 适合的读者 本书是为使用 RVCT 创作应用程序的所有开发者编写的。本手册假定您是有经验的软件开发人员。 使用本书 本书按下列各章组织: ...
Compilation in the HotSpot VM Compilation in the HotSpot VM 是一篇关于 Java 虚拟机(Java Virtual Machine,JVM)的技术文档, 由 Oracle 公司的 HotSpot 编译器团队的 Zoltán Majó 撰写。该文档详细介绍了...
SystemVerilog verification是一个复杂的领域,涉及到测试台结构、用户自定义类型、SV Scheduler、Package和Compilation Units、任务和函数、类和接口、随机化和约束、Functional Coverage、SVA断言、Verification ...