It's unclear who said:
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers"
but it might have been Thomas Watson in 1943, president of IBM, but it might be a myth.
The thinking was that a number of large mainframey computers would be built and used by the world. That of course, didn't happen, as my watch has more memory than ENIAC did, and there's computers everywhere, but as the web continues to mature, I believe that things will conflate in the next 10-15 years and as more and more companies begin to
All this is building a collective trust with large entities like Amazon, and as prices fall with uptimes rising, more companies will say, "who am I to build a datacenter? I'll just host in one of The Five."
Here's a list of services (by no means exhaustive) from Wikipedia's Utility Computing article, as of today:
- Amazon S3 - Bulk storage and bandwidth for static content
- Amazon EC2 - Pay by the hour CPU
- NearlyFreeSpeech - Pay as you go web hosting for web pages, dynamic content, domains, DNS, etc
- Sun Microsystems Sun Grid - Pay by the CPU hour
- Strikeiron Web Services Marketplace - Pay per Web API call.
- USi an AT&T company - USiPinnacle - Pay-as-you-go enterprise applications
- Zimki - J avascript based utility computing system. Pay by bandwidth, storage, and javascript operations.
- ElasticLive Utility web hosting service based on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud
- InsynQ utility computing services
- CPAASP online accounting solutions for on-demand enterprises
- Distributed Potential Pay-Per-Use Grid Computing Capacity
- Dell Inc. have a specific Cloud Computing Solution through their Datacenter Solutions Division
I believe this list will likely turn into The Five Computers:
- Google (Apps)
- Amazon (EC2)
- Microsoft (Live)
- Sun (Grid)
- A network of installed bots on every small computer, possibly built into the OS, to use idle CPU cycles for the collective.
This "5th computer" will be the "remainder" after the first four, but might ultimately become the largest. Perhaps it's a larger number, but surely Amazon will buy Bay at some point, and Google will buy, so they don't count.
Computing will be moved into the Cloud. It's already happening, we're 20% there. The idea has been around since the beginning, and it will, in my opinion, continue come up until it actually happens and we build Skynet. One of these compute clouds will no doubt end up in orbit.
skynet-cloud--天网 项目介绍 .net core 基于spring cloud 微服务开发 .net core全新的ORM框架 .net core基于nacos服务注册和发现 基于 Spring Security oAuth 深度定制,支持社交登录等 完整的OAuth 2.0 流程,资源...
《Skynet-server: 前端监控接口服务详解》 Skynet-server,作为一个前端监控接口服务,其核心功能是为前端应用提供实时监控数据的获取和处理。在深入探讨之前,我们首先要理解这个项目的构建环境和运行流程。通过...
skynet_timer 一个为skynet框架写的定时器,全程只有一个skynet.timeout在运行 How to use 1.Require module require "timer" 2.Register a class Using: local t = timer:new() t:init() t:register(5, function() ...
pySkyNet 是 SkyNet 的 Python 包装器 文档: 什么是天网: SkyNet 是一种用于机器学习的高效且健壮的神经网络训练代码。 它能够训练大型和深度前馈神经网络,包括自动编码器,用于广泛的有监督和无监督学习应用...
在IT行业中,Skynet是一个广泛使用的分布式框架,主要用于游戏服务器的开发。为了高效地调试代码,开发者通常会利用集成开发环境(IDE)如Visual Studio Code(VSCode)的调试功能。本文将详细介绍如何在VSCode环境...
“./skynet skynet_web / web / web_test”则是启动 Skynet 服务的命令,其中“skynet_web”是服务名,后续的路径可能指向服务的配置文件或者测试入口。 Lua 是 Skynet 框架中用于编写服务逻辑的主要脚本语言,它的...
#Note for skynet 阅读skynet并做相关标注 ##TODO 继续分析代码 决定用英文注释,因此需要将前面部分中文注释改为英语 研究内部模块 Build For linux, install autoconf first for jemalloc git clone ...
skynet-server 用skynet搭建的服务端框架,架构使用棋牌大厅游戏的架构, 当然也可以用做全球同服的RPG游戏服务端 支持分布式布署, 网关和游戏服务可以是动态调整的 支持sproto协议, 兼容protobuf, 只需要做小小改动...
关于skynet-mingw 是的windows平台的实现。其主要特点是: skynet 以submodule链接,方便升级,确保不改。 仅扩展了700行代码,方便维护。 自动更新skynet,自动构建,自动化测试,确保质量。 编译 不想自行编译的...
skynet_ts skynet typescript/javascript 脚本支持 build 下载v8代码需配置代理 export https_proxy= export http_proxy= 下载v8 git submodule update --init --recursive ...
Skynet 是一个轻量级的为在线游戏服务器打造的框架,它也不仅仅使用在游戏服务器领域。 Skynet开源项目地址: 云风大神博客: Wiki文档: ...
skynet_example 基于天网的游戏服务器
天网天网是一个轻量级的在线游戏...测试在不同的控制台中运行以下命令: ./skynet examples/config# Launch first skynet node (Gate server) and a skynet-master (see config for standalone option)./3rd/lua/lua
还可以将RSS feed上载到skynet,并更新您的名称库域条目,以便您的自定义域可以指向最新的rss feed。 例如:<yourMediaFeedDomainName> : ...
SkyNet v2是一款AI,旨在自主播放流行的手机游戏“ Word Brain”。 它是在Python 3中构建的,其中使用PyOpenCV读取板状态,使用PyTesseract进行光学字符识别,使用PyAutoGUI进行向BlueStacks android仿真器的自主...
《Skynet Mingw-Master:构建与编译详解》 Skynet-mingw-master 是一个基于 Skynet 框架的 Mingw 编译环境项目,适用于 Windows 平台。Skynet 是一个轻量级、高并发的服务框架,广泛应用于网络游戏、实时通信等领域...
**Skynet基础入门例子详解(1)项目源码** Skynet是一个轻量级、高性能的分布式服务框架,常用于网络游戏服务器开发。它以其简洁的API、高效的事件驱动模型和强大的服务治理能力,受到了许多开发者的青睐。本篇将对...
压缩包"skynet-simulator-master"可能包含以下关键文件和目录: 1. `index.html` - 主页文件,定义了网页的基本结构和内容。 2. `css/` - CSS样式表文件夹,用于控制网页的布局和视觉样式。 3. `js/` - JavaScript...
天网后端 根据应用程序运行状况检查状态动态扩展应用程序。 ##用于测试天网堆栈的虚拟应用程序 虚拟应用程序公开: APP_PORT(在8080上本地运行):可以实现负载平衡的应用层 MANAGEMENT_PORT(在8081上本地运行)...