It was a so busy month that I didn"t do anything except working <wbr></wbr>,and some of my friends asked me why I didn"t add blog.The answer was no life no thinking,this month was so boring,working and working,it made me so depressed.<wbr></wbr>
However,there was one thing which was more important for me:my oral english class in L-E-C education was over.To be honest,the class is really expensive,it took me 2480 RMB with 48 hours talked with a foreign teacher,and it had not much more effect to me!<wbr></wbr>
But,I"ve got lot"s of useful things in the end,"the teacher lead you into the room,and every is up to you" as the teacher told us an old Chinese motto.I am agree with him very well,his job is talking with us in the class and tell me some points to improve our oral English,and what"s result?It"s up to you.That"s all,I have to do lots of things to improve myself,the man gives you hacks,and it"s your turn.
During the class,my teacher gave some piece of advice to speaking English,and I"ll list all of them here,day day up!
1.Thinking in English
It may be the biggest problem to learn English for the second language learner,it"s hard to switch our mind when we are hearing and speaking Enlish,but try to thinking in English will help you.But how to do this?It is hard to say,just think that what"s the response in the English speaker"s mind when they heard sth.
2.More listening to practice your ears.
My teacher gave me a website,the<wbr></wbr> website supply lots of free media to download,my teacher asked me to download some media and listen it everyday,"it can make your ear can understand English",the teacher said,there is no easy way to do it.When you listen some media,you won"t get any other imply like picture or gesture,so the only thing is listening,it"s a painful process,but necessary.
3.Do not try to translate.
It"s another way of thinking in English,translate prevent you from understanding others,although some professional translator can do this way well, but they must spend lots of time.
4.Try to make an English environment
We live in China,a English environment is hard to make,but my teacher said that he had an English Environment in China,he watches TV on CCTV-9, listens to English songs by mp3,visits English website to get information and so on.If you wish, you can.
5.Don"t worry about making mistake
Every foreign English teacher will tell you this point cause for difference culture,"everyone is human,and human will make mistake!" as they say.However Chinese are shame about making mistake,so every foreign teacher will tell you mistake is your teacher.By the way,it"s one of the most important thing I learned in this class,I talked a lot even my English was poor.<wbr></wbr>
6.Remember some useful affix
English is compsite by lots of small words,so keep some useful suffix and perfix in mind will help you to recognize more words.
7.Everybody has accent,that"s all right.
There is no standard English,and nobody"s accent is the right one,even the England English,because English comes from Franch.It"s a good point that don"t be shame with your accent,speak clear in your accent to make others understand you.So reduce expression mistake is more important than thinking about your accent.
8.Read some English information written by foreigner.
Read more information written by foreigner but not views comes from Chinese,you can find lots of different views and culture.My teacher introduced a magzine named News,Views and Reviews,a lot of information come from aboard,more information at<wbr></wbr>
Oral English Class PPT:
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