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struts1的测试(MockStrutsTestCase类) -
邮件和邮件服务器 -
发邮件还是找专业的邮件edm平台吧。比如 amazon ses ...
邮件和邮件服务器 -
生产电脑不应该修改原来的接口,修改的成本太大,这同样不符合开闭 ...
工厂模式 -
"var tilelayer=new BMap.Ti ...
Establishing a solid foundation of digital design principles An authoritative introduction to basic digital design, Digital Design: Principles and Practices helps readers build a foundational ...
Chapter 9: Best Practices for Function-Based Views Chapter 10: Best Practices for Class-Based Views Chapter 11: Form Fundamentals Chapter 12: Common Patterns for Forms Chapter 13: Templates: Best ...
Java 9 Modularity: Patterns and Practices for Developing Maintainable Applications 1st Edition by Sander Mak (Author), Paul Bakker (Author) Paperback: 300 pages Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition ...
性能是任何一个网站成功的关键,然而,如今日益丰富的内容和大量使用Ajax的Web应用程序已迫使浏览器达到其处理能力的极限。Steve Souders是Google Web性能布道者和前Yahoo!首席性能工程师,他在本书中提供了宝贵的...
2. 建立在 Building Block Principle 之上:SAP Best Practices 的灵活的Building Block技术使用户能够灵活执行并适应其解决方案环境。 3. 详尽的预配置:SAP Best Practices 提供了详尽的预配置,包括完整的系统...
The papers cover a wide range of topics related to free, libre, and open source software (FLOSS), including: licensing, strategies, and practices; case studies; projects, communication, and ...
Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure by Lee Brotherston English | 3 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B06Y18XC5Y | 268 Pages | AZW3 | 3.88 MB Despite the increase of high-profile ...
单元测试的原理,实践与范例,作者Vladimir Khorikov
Secure Coding: Principles & Practices looks at the problem of bad code in a new way. Packed with advice based on the authors' decades of experience in the computer security field, this concise and ...
### VMware vSphere:Design Best Practices - 最佳设计与规划 #### 设计的流程及考虑的事项 在设计VMware vSphere环境时,首先要遵循一套明确的设计流程,这有助于确保最终解决方案能够满足业务需求并实现最佳...
7. **信息传递与记录**:强调了向接收方清晰传递电池系统信息的重要性,包括技术规格、操作和维护指南,以及完整的运输记录。 8. **持续改进**:鼓励企业根据实际经验反馈,不断更新和完善电池系统的运输和处理程序...
在IT领域,Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)技术自问世以来,就因其能够实现网页的异步更新,提升用户体验而受到广泛关注。《Ajax Patterns and Best Practices》一书由Christian Gross编写,深入探讨了Ajax...
Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns teaches you to use DI to reduce hard-coded dependencies between application components. You'll start by learning what DI is and what types of ...
High Performance Spark: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark by Holden Karau English | 25 May 2017 | ASIN: B0725YT69J | 358 Pages | AZW3 | 3.09 MB Apache Spark is amazing when ...
本书提供了使用HTML5,CSS3和JavaScript构建移动网络体验的指南。 这是一种模式和实践指南。
This document is intended to help those with a basic knowledge of machine learning get the benefit of best practices in machine learning from around Google. It presents a style for machine learning,...
1. **异步通信**:Ajax允许在不重新加载整个页面的情况下与服务器进行通信。 2. **提升用户体验**:局部更新提高了网页响应速度,提升了用户体验。 3. **XML数据交换**:虽然最初是XML,但现在更常见的是JSON格式,...